Fan Fiction / Zoids Fan Fiction ❯ Lost Dream of Hope ❯ Chapter Eight: Appearance in Midst of the Morning ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


Heh I know I sound mean up in my disclaimer but I am just trying to make sure people know that I don't own Zoids. I don't know who does………oh well I don't really care. It's just a great anime series.

Okay I have two guest speakers, Raven (Zoids) and Chris (again) from school.

Chris: AHH!! You dragged me into this again!!!

Me: Of course.

Raven: You pathetic person ::sighs::

Me: Were you talking to me Raven? ::evil glare::

Raven: No-noo………

Me: Good. Now Chris, I think I will torture you about Cloud………


Me: Then, you must do something for me

Chris: ……….


Chris: NO!! ………FINE I'LL DO IT………


Me: You two Raven

Raven: NO!

Me: read and enjoy my story!

Raven: Read her other one too "the New Members"

Chris: ::sighs:: and review………

Me: YEP! NOW GET TO WORK! Everyone else, please enjoy!

Oh yeah and when you see four of these * like this: ****

that means it's her diary entry, and then I'll end it with these. I WOULD do it in italics, but I don't know how to. It won't show up if I posted it.


Chapter Eight **Appearance in Midst of the Morning**

"Mika, you will remember. And you will be mine. Come on Shadow, we have some work to do." The shadowy figure grinned as he looked up at the stars. "You will be mine………And you will remember everything about your past."

Mika, still sitting on top of her zoid, was thinking. --Why is this happening to me? I bet that was a coincidence when I heard him. Yeah that's it, a coincidence. But why did I see something on that cliff? Hmm………--

Soon they made it home. Mika said her goodnights and went upstairs to take a shower. After her shower, she changed into her PJs and took out a small, locked book from her nightstand drawer. The writing on the cover said *My Diary* in gold and silver writing. She opened the lock and took out a purple pen. Mika started to turn the page until she found her last entry. Then she started to write.


Dear Diary,

Today I had my first day at my new school. I'm REALLY starting to like it. Everyone is so nice, but it doesn't seem like too many of the girls were happy that I was talking to Camus and Travis most of the time. I mean I know Camus' father so that shouldn't be a reason to be jealous. I feel so weird, always being the odd one of the class. But, it's better here than all my other schools.

Oh I had fun in today's zoid battle! I never knew that this school would have a battlefield behind it………actually I've never seen a school with a battlefield behind it. Oh well. Travis was my partner in the battle against Katsu and his partner Suzu.

I went after Suzu, and when I came face-to-face with her, I decided not to attack. If I did, her zoid would be gone! Anyways, we decided to talk and try to convince the boys we're fighting. Suzu's zoid already had a broken leg so we did really well in pretending we had fought. Hehe the boys don't suspect a thing.

Irvine and Moonbay visited today! Travis was going to stay for dinner and he got to meet them. Irvine is still as cocky as ever. Oh well, no way to change him………

OH!! Guess what?? Irvine and Moonbay engaged!

Sad news of the day-Raven is out of his pod and out to get me. I don't understand why he would want me. And what did I see on the cliff tonight? I'm wicked worried………

Well I gotta go sleep now. Bye!



Mika closed her diary and locked it. Then she put it away in her nightstand drawer. She tucked herself into bed and fell asleep.

The next morning………

Mika had woken up early. She looked over at her alarm clock. "5:00 eh?"

Walking over to her window, she pulled back the curtains, revealing a still dark yet sun rising sky (I know, that made no sense, but you know when it's early in the morning and the sun still didn't rise but the sky is getting lighter?).

"Was it all a dream? Did he really contact me?" Mika wished it was all a dream. She even tried to believe it. Yet she knew that everything that happened last night was not a dream. Sighing, she got dressed.

"Maybe if I'm quiet enough, I could try to sneak out to my zoid………"

Too bad Fiona knew Mika would try to do something like that. She had heard Mika fumbling through her closet for her uniform. Carefully, Fiona snuck up on her.

"Good morning Mika," Fiona said in her cheerful, sing-song voice.

"Ah! Oh Mom!!! Why did you scare me like that?"

"Now where do you think YOU'RE going this early in the morning?"

"Oh please just let me take my zoid out for a spin!! You know how much I love to ride out on it in the morning!"

"Okay, but be careful, Van might just wake up."

"Yes!" Mika tiptoed out and got her zoid. "Come on Blast, we're going out."

Blast let out a low growl and followed.

Sitting on her zoid, she resumed the thinking she had left off with last night.

--What am I going to do? I've caused so much trouble. What should I do?-- She believed that she was the reason Raven has escaped.

She had gotten pretty far out when she saw a zoid flying a mile in front of her. It was actually coming towards her!

"Why is there a zoid out so early in the morning? Well, other than me, no one should be awake!"

As she peered closer to see what the zoid was, she noticed that it was red.

--Raven.-- Mika shivered at the thought of the zoid belonging to Raven. She looked closer. --It's a Geno Breaker! No………--

Mika tried turning back before the Geno Breaker had caught up, but she was too late. As she turned around, the zoid appeared in front of her. Mika just froze.

The cockpit window opened. A teenage boy with black hair jumped out.

"Mika, so nice to see you again. And you're so tall now." The boy grinned. He knew Mika recognized him.

"R-Raven……….What do you want with me??" Mika jumped down from her zoid as well.

"What are you talking about? Don't you remember? You're mine. You were always clinging onto me like crazy. You could say I was your boyfriend." Raven had grinned and walked toward Mika, suddenly grabbing her arm. She couldn't escape his grip.

He leaned in closer to her………


God, I'm so mean! A great cliffhanger I must say ^-^

Chris: Ughhhhh and why am I stuck here listening to you? I just got my LOTR DVD Special Edition!!!

Me: Because you wouldn't show me those convos on the CD that you brought.

Raven: Uhhhh will you two stop arguing!! There's something more important at stake, like what is going to happen to me and Mika!!

Me: Oh THAT………hehehehehehe I'm not saying now I gotta go Buh*bye!

Chris: As usual, review

Raven: Read her other fanfic and her poems…

Me: And don't worry! I'll update after my projects are out of the way!!

::runs away from computer::