Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Musouka ~ Dare to Dream ❯ A Rat’s Predicament Part I ( Chapter 46 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Forty-six
There was something I wanted, something I envisioned, loving parents, a happy home, with everyone smiling at me. A home no one would ever want to leave, a warm place, a warm person. It exists…I know it does.
Yuki Sohma
A Rat's Predicament Part I
“Oh Kami! Oh Kami!” Kakeru cried out dramatically, with the first real expression of sheer terror on his face. That could not have happened! It could not have just happened! “Everybody! It's Yuki!” Hatsuharu leaped to his feet along with Momiji, Ritsu went into mayhem.
“OH DEAR THY LORD (yadda yadda yadda)” Ritsu cried out.
“Huhhhh…” Ritsu collapsed, Haru held up a gun-postured hand.
“What about Yuki?” Haru asked, his eyes revealing slight anger, if not murderous.
“It's difficult to explain! It happened so fast! I woke up at exactly four this morning, I get up at four every morning if you haven't noticed but anyway I made my way to the bathroom and showered and bathed than showered again just to be sure my skin was free of any thing the water before with the special cleansing oil probably didn't wash away and then I got dressed and bow-dried my hair as usual and of course I walked back out and there I saw Yuki, now five thirty in the morning which is now five thirty eight in the morning and he just stood there, I don't know what the hell was wrong with him but he just stared at me like he was mad or something and I just thought it was nothing as he was bouncing everywhere and finally the bathroom and so I decided to go and see if anyone else was a wake when all of a sudden I heard something in the bathroom so I hurried into the bathroom and found Yuki! Passed-out-over-the-tub-with-a-knot-forming-on HIS HEAD! Than I came running in here and found you guys and shouted `Oh Kami! Oh Kami! Everybody! It's Yuki!' and you all sprang awake and here I am telling you!”
No one dared guess how that came out of a single pair of lungs.
“So…” Haru muttered.
“He passed out! Is he all right?” Momiji cried frantically, rushing past Kakeru with Haru in tow.
“Yuki!” Haru cried as he leaned over and laid Yuki down on the floor. “I don't know what happened, but Kakeru's telling the truth, his head hit something hard pretty fast.” Haru said, his eyes narrowing.
“What should we do?” Momiji asked, nearly in tears.
“We have to tell Yuri-san,” Haru answered.
“What! Are you ravin' mad! We can't just go and tell Yuri! She'll have us stay here all day and what's worse! Yuki could end up in the hospital!” Kakeru exclaimed.
“Hospitals are where hurt people go!” Haru retorted.
“He's just got a bump on his head!”
“So you wouldn't want to be taken to the hospital either!”
“Of course not!” Kakeru cried “Especially when all you have to do is place ice on it!”
“What do you know about medical remedies!?”
“How would you know if I was right!?”
“How would I know if you were being right about being right!?” Haru cried back.
Knock! Knock!
“G'morning boys, I heard some rustling and I came over to investigate, am I allowed in?” It was Yuri. The three boys went into a frantic rush.
“Stay in here and pretend to be Ritsu! We'll pretend that Yuki is sleeping under the same sheets as Momiji that is actually Ritsu! Get in bed Momiji! Get Ritsu next to you under the covers first though!” Haru said quickly as he and the Rabbit dove out of the door, Kakeru, speechless went to close the bathroom door but Yuki's feet were in the way.
“Are you guys awake? I could've sworn I heard you all talking.” Yuri continued to speak. Haru hurried to the door and grasped the knob. He turned around to see Momiji pulling the covers over the unconscious Monkey and Kakeru had yanked Yuki back slightly and managed to close the door behind him. With a defining slam of the door and a thumbs up from Momiji, calmly Haru opened the door.
“Hello Yuri-san, up early? Again?” Haru had plastered a perfectly normal Haru face on. Momiji on the other hand, was fidgety as he pretended to wake up from the greetings.
“Hiya Yuri-chan!” Momiji greeted with fake happiness as he clasped his bed sheets tighter.
“Good morning to you both, is Yuki and the others still sleeping?” Yuri asked.
“Um…yeah! They're still asleep!” Momiji cried, Yuri eyed the other bed, unmade and most definitely, empty. Event he pullout bed was empty.
“Normally when one sleeps they would be either in the bed or on the couch,” Yuri said, still confused by the younger boy's words.
“Kakeru and Ritsu needed to go the bathroom,” Haru stated. “Yuki's asleep beside Momiji,”
“Really? So Kakeru and Ritsu are using the bathroom - together?” Yuri asked.
“That's not what we meant, actually Kakeru got restless because Ritsu went in first and took so long that he decided to go next door into Kyo's room and he had yet to come back.” Haru lied.
“Then Ritsu shouldn't take much longer, I have a great announcement to make!” Yuri cried.
“Wow really? What about?” Momiji asked, his ears flopping about. His sheets almost revealing Ritsu, but the Rabbit gained knowledge of this and sat back down with the sheets back over Ritsu completely.
“You'll see when Ritsu comes out, how much longer should he take?” Yuri asked innocently.
“Well, he went in just before you knocked so it could take a while.” Haru stated plainly.
“Why? Is he sick?”
“Than why should it take him so long?” Yuri asked, that was when Kakeru's voice rang out in a strange way.
I'll be fine! I can hear you go ahead!” Kakeru was doing a horrible imitation of Ritsu.
“Are you all right Ritsu? You don't sound…like yourself,” Yuri responded.
Oh no I'm fine-ack! No! I used up the rest of the toilet paper! May Kami forgive me on using so much at one time and force others not to-
Well, at least he had the acting down.
“That was a little more than I needed to know,” Yuri said, sweat-dropping.
Did I say too much! Noooooooooooooo!” Kakeru cried.
“He must not be feeling very well! You go ahead and greet everyone else and we'll catch up with you when Ritsu feels better,” Haru suggested, dragging Yuri to the door.
“Then I must get a nurse or someone! I can't have someone sick on vacation!”
Oh do not worry about me dear!
“See? He's fine we'll be with you when we can.” Haru stated.
Take your time Yuri-san!
“If you need anything I'll have everyone gathered downstairs in the lobby for breakfast.” Yuri said.
Oh yes excellent!
“We'll see you later.”
“All right, come down soon and if you're still not feeling better Ritsu then tell me and I'll get you some medication!”
Your kindness is beyond any kind of generosity ever bestowed upon me!
With that, Haru closed the door behind the Elephant. Haru walked over to the bathroom door and opened it. Kakeru was forced against the wall with Yuki on him, currently not a comfortable posture, nor a good situation from Haru's perspective.
“I can hardly breathe he's heavier than he looks! Seriously!” Kakeru squeaked, dramatically rasping on air more than enough to satisfy his needs.
“You just stay there till we get help.” Haru warned.
“And just how long should that take?”
“Till we find someone to help!”
“Why didn't you tell Yuri?”
“It was your idea not to tell her!”
“I didn't know you were going to go through it!”
“You guessed wrong!”
“I know!”
“You didn't tell her for one thing!”
Haru turned back to Momiji, whom currently was staring at Haru as he closed the door on a still yapping Kakeru.
“You still continue to pretend that's Yuki all right, if anyone comes in tell them Kakeru is in Kyo's room using the bathroom and Ritsu is using the bathroom all right, do not move from that spot `kay I'm going to get yo! Kyo,” Haru gained back his calm posture as he found the Cat glowering at him.
“Did Yuri take a visit?” Kyo asked roughly.
“Well, then explain to us how Kakeru came into our room and used our bathroom because I can tell you for one thing that there was no way in hell that little-wait a minute, why did you tell her that in the first place?” Kyo asked curiously, but still angrily. Haru suddenly pulled him in and locked the door. “HEY! DON'T PUSH ME AROUND YOU STUPID OX!”
“Open the door,”
“Excuse me?”
“Open the door,”
“To what?”
“The bathroom,”
“It'll give you an answer,”
“Fine, whatever - HOLY!” Kyo jumped back onto the bed when he opened the bathroom door to only see Yuki in Kakeru's arms! “You mean! Oh Kami that-that bastard Kakeru and that damn Rat were doing something!”
“Something? Wha?” Haru replied.
“You know what I mean! Did you see them?!” Kyo shouted as he pressed himself into the wall.
“Well in that kind of thing you wouldn't be exactly invited you know?”
HARU!” Kakeru and Kyo cried at the same time in equal agitation and embarrassment.
“What do you mean what? Oh never mind! What the hell are - what the hell happened?” Haru explained. “You mean! Why the hell didn't you tell Yuri or someone!”
“We told you!”
“Stop playing dumb!”
“What do you mean Kyo?”
“Don't make me strangle you!”
“I hear someone coming!” Kakeru shouted, indeed, there were footsteps. Haru grabbed Kyo's forearm and yanked down onto the bed and threw a random magazine at Kyo and ran for the door.
“All right, Kyo you came over here to read and Momiji stick to the plan and Kyo remember that you saw Kakeru go to your bathroom and leave and you think he mumbled something about going downstairs for something `kay? Got it just a minute!” Someone knocked on the door.
“Haru?” Komaki.
“Oh, s'up?” Haru greeted as he opened the door, the girl looked up at the ox with slight confusion.
“Yuri-san said you were all still in here but she wasn't sure where Kakeru-kun went and we're going to get breakfast soon so I came here to see if Kakeru came back yet?” Kyo had officially listened to Haru for once, as he didn't want to get someone squashed between them as the door opened, but the magazine nearly made him faint. Momiji merely smiled at Komaki, still under the sheets.
“Hello Komaki-chan!” Momiji greeted.
“Hello Momiji-kun, so? Did Kakeru come back? Apparently, none of you are ready. Yuri even said she had an important announcement to make as well.” Komaki stated.
“Really, never heard.” Haru lied. Komaki frowned and walked over to Kyo, her eyes lay on the cover that he was hurriedly trying to hide.
“What…the hell…is this?” Komaki asked a little too slowly. She gently lifted the magazine and flipped it to its table of contents. “I wonder if Yuri knows anything about this hotel giving out porn magazines?”
“Oh no, they don't. I bought it yesterday from the man at the cashier,” Haru stated.
“So, it's yours?” Komaki asked.
“You could say that,” Haru replied.
What's going on? Is it because of my long visit to the bathroom?” Of all the times, Kakeru just had to interrupt this one.
“What in the world, that sounds an awful lot like-like-like-like-like…” Komaki opened the unlocked bathroom door, only seeing the first thing a girlfriend could see her boyfriend doing.
“Hey Komaki-chan! Nice to see you this morning!” Kakeru greeted cheerfully. Komaki fainted.
Once again silence, finally Momiji gained the use of his tongue first.
“You killed her,”
“I did not!”
“We're going to have to tell her as well,” Haru said.
“OH YEAH LET'S SEE - `You boyfriend has been secretly going out with the Kaibara Prince!' Yeah that'll work just fine! My ass!” Kyo cried, throwing the wretched magazine across the room, nearly hitting Momiji. Unfortunately, Ritsu who had awakened sat up but the magazine hit directly. Knocking him back out again.
“You know, that would be a good story.” Haru replied.
“Because the only way someone will discover us is if you continue shouting like that.” Haru stated dully as he moved Komaki onto the same bed as the Kyo, the Cat reared up and landed on the floor.
“I don't see why you don't just tell Yuri for cryin' out loud! It was probably just an accident!” Kyo growled.
“But I saw him rip some kind of paper up and flush it down the toilet before I got the chance to grab it!” Kakeru stated wide-eyed.
“It could have said anything! What would it matter?” Kyo shouted back.
“Could it have been a suicide confession?” Haru asked, a little too straight-forward.
“Kyo! Stop!” Momiji cried, nearly in tears.
“Yes, do stop Kyo even as likely as those are-”
“What in the world are you guys shouting about?” Komaki had regained consciousness.
“G'mornin'.” Haru greeted, Kakeru gave a lop-sided smile as Komaki was trying to sit up all the way. She was right in front of the open bathroom door, and he had yet been able to move.
“You won't believe it, but for a moment I thought I saw Kakeru and Yuki-“ She stared at the two again, Kakeru looking extremely nervous and Yuki still passed out. “Oh…” this time she did not faint, but she failed to show any other sign of breathing.
“Yes, it was an accident that we discovered them as well. Would you believe they have been secretly going out since sophomore year-” Haru began.
“SHUT THE HELL UP!” Kyo roared, jumping on the bed and staring down at the Ox.
“We need to get help,”
“A little help here,” Kakeru moaned as he tried to move Yuki off of him. Haru and Kyo jumped and ran into the bathroom, Haru who had taken upon himself the liberty of carrying Yuki over to the bathroom tub made Kyo glower down at Kakeru as he tried to stand.
“Damnit can't you get up we still need you to imitate Ritsu-”
“Hello?” Again, someone was at the door.
“Oh shoot!” Kyo growled as he knocked Kakeru back onto the toilet and Haru right behind him as he placed Yuki down and hurriedly closed the door behind him. Kyo didn't notice that Haru had managed to get out of the bathroom as he jerked the door open. This time it was Tohru.
“Is there something wrong Kyo-kun?” she asked, concerned.
“No! Where did you get the idea that something was wrong?” Kyo retaliated; this would not get any better if Tohru got involved.
“Well, you were shouting and we heard from down the hall.” Tohru stated.
“Hey, why don't you catch up with everyone and get our meals and everything ready! Heck! Momiji join her!” Kyo wanted to get the boy out. Unfortunately, Ritsu woke up as well.
“Oh! You're not dressed!” Tohru cried.
“How about they get dressed and meet you down at the breakfast bar huh?” Kyo suggested, Tohru smiled.
“As well as Kakeru-kun, Haru-san, Yuki-kun, and you?” Tohru asked, then she jumped. “Komaki said she came over here and I haven't seen her, is she still with you?”
“Actually yeah I did, here I'll go down with you and everyone and I'll leave the boys to settle some things.” Komaki said, sending a spine-chilling glare at Kyo, he twitched.
“I insist! And Kyo?” Komaki said.
“I'll be back,”
“Right…” And with that, they were gone. As soon as Kyo shut the door and jumped into action.
“They're gone! Momiji! Ritsu! Get dressed!” Kyo ordered both the Monkey and Rabbit jumped out of bed, though Ritsu was a little wobbly as he was knocked out twice.
“What are you going to do?” Momiji asked as Ritsu fumbled out tan slacks and a white-collared shirt.
“What do you mean? I makin' this up as I go along!” Kyo shouted as Ritsu finished getting dressed and Momiji bounded over to dress himself. “Now hurry and go down the stairs and just tell everyone that we're getting finished up!” Kyo said as he later urged Momiji and Ritsu out the door as soon as Momiji finished. Opening the door he shoved them out.
“We'll be back up afterwards if you don't come down before breakfast is over all right?” Momiji said.
“All right!” He shut the door in his face. He jumped over to the bathroom door and jerked it open. Kakeru was still sitting on the seat of the toilet and Haru found himself comfortable on the sink. Yuki was still unconscious in the tub.
“This-” Knock! Knock! “For the love of Kami!” He slammed the door of the bathroom again. And whisked over to the door.
“Hi you must be Kyo-kun-” it was a girl but Kyo didn't bring in the details as madness took over him.
“If you're looking for everyone else there down at the breakfast bar so if you would be so kind as to-”
“Wait, sure can, I'll stay right here. By the way my name is-”
“Yeah whatever! Haru! Are you done yet?” Kyo shouted, desperate for help. He heard the flushing of a toilet, than Haru stepped out of the bathroom. The girl looked at the bathroom as her eyes traveled to the white-haired boy. “Thank Kami! Is Kakeru ready yet?” Another flushing of the toilet came to their ears, and Kakeru was the next to step out. The stranger raised an eyebrow.
“Not to pry, but were you two using the bathroom - together?” she asked.
“We're guys aren't we?” The girl sweat-dropped as Haru spoke up it as if it were an everyday thing.
“Well, I didn't want any unwanted images going through my head…but if it's all right, I haven't been to the bathroom since I arrived so can I use the bathroom real quick-” Kakeru jumped back into the bathroom.
“Sorry! Gotta go first! I'm dyin'!” Kakeru exclaimed.
“But you just came out!”
“I didn't go enough!”
The door shut.
“Strange isn't he?” Haru asked.
“Not as strange as peeing twice in a row,” the girl said.
“Uh huh…”
Knock! Knock!
“Who the hell is it NOW!” Kyo roared as he opened the door, he growled.
“Yo, what the hell is taking you so long? They were serving the food ten minutes ago.” It was Yasashiku with Benjiro.
“I only came up here to ask!”
“Well you did so scram!”
“You can't tell me what to do!”
“I just did!”
“All right!” The girl shouted, “Do you mind what's going on? I've only been here for…two minutes and I've only come to know that you all are seemly impersonating `Dumb and Dumber'!”
“Who are you?” Yasashiku asked.
“I would say but no one will be quiet enough to hear-”
“I don't know but-” Kyo shouted, but Kakeru burst out of the bathroom again.
“Yuki's awake!”
“In the bathroom?” The girl, Yasashiku, and Benjiro said in unison.
“So you were using the same bathroom at the same time with both Haru and Yuki?” The girl asked.
“No! I mean ye-no! But Yuki's awake guys! Though he can't really speak anything that makes sense,” Kakeru said, Haru raced into the bathroom and pulled Yuki out, sure enough, Yuki was half-awake, but speaking irregular sentences.
“What the hell happened to him?” Benjiro asked.
They explained as Haru placed Yuki down in Momiji's bed, quickly pulling the covers up over him.
“Will he be all right? Let me have a look at him-” the girl managed out before Yuki shouted.
“Pink doom bunnies!” The room went quiet, as Yuki seemed to find nothing out of the ordinary.
“He needs help,” Yasashiku said.
“No really! I've been telling them since I got here but they refuse to let me get Yuri!” Kyo growled. Eyes looked at Haru and Kakeru.
“We think he attempted to kill himself?” Haru stated.
“With a toothbrush perhaps?” The girl asked sarcastically, “by the looks of it he probably-”
“This is serious!” Kakeru cried. “So take it seriously!”
“Honestly I know that!” the girl snapped.
“We need a distraction, we're bound to gain more attention so this is how it happened!”
Ring! Ring! The intercom. Kyo ran to the phone.
“Hello?” he asked. “Yeah, no, why? Whatever…no, we're fine. Right, bye.” Kyo hung up.
“It was Yuri! She's coming back up!” Kyo exclaimed.
“Oh perfect!” Yasashiku shouted as he took as seat on the pull-out bed.
“Whatever you do! Do not tell her what happened to Yuki!” Kakeru ordered.
“Twisted fairy sprinkles!” Yuki cried out again.
“How are you going to explain that one?” the girl asked, it was then that anybody actually gave her heed. She was a tall girl around five and a half with blond hair tied back in a ponytail as well as bright blue eyes. She wore a pair of Jean shorts and a pink tank top with a white jacket over it.
“Think up something I suppose,” Haru said.
“Guys?” Knock! Knock! Yuri had arrived.
“All right! Stay calm and don't tell her anything!” Kyo shouted as he opened the door. The elephant gave them all a quizzical glance.
“Is Yuki up? Momiji and Ritsu said that he was sleeping in so I came up to see if you all are ready go yet?” Yuri asked.
“Actually, he's up and about walking to the laundry area.” Kakeru said quickly, they all looked at him, was that the best he could come up with?
“Really, then whose sleeping in Momiji's bed?” Yuri asked, spotting the lump under the sheets.
“Oh, these are just pillows!” Kakeru replied.
“Pillows breathe?”
“Of course they don't!”
“Then why-”
“Pony feathers!” Yuki cried, they all sighed.