Fushigi Yuugi Fan Fiction ❯ Kitsune-chan..... An Eighth Seishi? ❯ Getting Used To New Skills ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Me: Anyways, this is the 5th chappie! Sorry it took me so long to start it, but I was at my dad's, and... well.... their computer is crap. It's even worse than mine.... K, this chappie will begin some of the more serious part of the story.
Yujinn: You're writing a serious story? ::raises an eyebrow::
Me: --_--;; Shocking, ne?
Darres: You? A serious fic?
Hiei: *giggling from the still-high feeling from the catnip* I didn't know you were capable of seriousiness.
Me: I swear to Ra, Hiei, if you do this again I'll banish you to the land of Tea! DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!
Hiei: *whimpers* I'll be good....
Kurama: That may be best, koi. She's already a bit irritated.
Me: Yes, and I apologize in advance for anything bitchy I say to my bishies. ::hugs Hiei:: Sorry, Hiei-chan. Would you like to do the summary thing and the very littlest disclaimer to keep the peanut gallery happy?
Hiei: This chapter will be Kitsune trying to get a grasp of her powers. Tia doesn't own any of the characters in here except Kitsune.
Me: ^.^ Thank you, Hiei-chan! Just as a reminder: my spell check is being stupid still so if I spelled anything wrong in here, just ignore it because I really can't do much about it. LET THE FANFIC CONMENCE!

(A few weeks later)

Kitsune drops her head to the desk she's sitting at. She's been trying to at least figure out what her powers are for the past few weeks. So far, all she's been able to find in the books in Hotohori's library are her telekenetic abilities like moving things with her mind. She's no closer to actually controling it than before she even knew about it.
"Damn it all to hell!" she growls under her breath. "How the fuck am I supposed to figure out how to control it when there's nowhere that tells me how I can even start?!"
"Kitsune-chan, no da?" comes Chichiri's soft voice from the door to the study. "I brought some lunch for us so you can take a break from being frustrated for a little while, na no da."
This statement bring a small smile to her face as she shifts some of the scrolls she had been reading through to the side. Standing up to help set up the small lunch, she pecks him on the lips and replies, "Thanks, love. I needed a break. It's getting really annoying to know something, but not being able to unlock it without being pissed beyond all reasoning. Any suggestions?"
"Try meditating, no da. It helps you to focus. That's all I can really think of for advice, no da. That, and even if I did have more, it wouldn't do you much good because you have to do this on your own, remember?"
Sighing, she takes a bit out of her sandwhich and answers, "Yes, I do. I'm just having a hard time is all. It'll come to me in time, I'll just have to be patient. Unfortunately, patience may be a virtue, but it's one I don't have. I'll try meditating and hopefully it'll help at least a little."
"I hope so too, no da. I miss being able to spend the day with you."
She sighs again, "So do I, Chiri, but I need to do this if I'm ever going to be able to control these damned powers."
At least it won't kill her to not know how to control them. Chichiri thinks to himself.
"You can say that again, koi...."
"Say what again, no da?"
"Didn't you just say something about my powers not killing me for not knowing how to use them?" she asks confusedly.
"No, no da. I thought it...."
"HOLY SHIT!" she yells before jumping up and pacing around the study, deep in thought. I'm telekenetic AND telepathic? What next, psychic abilities?! This is too fucking much to deal with! I can't just have people's thoughts randomly enter my mind! That's completely violating their privacy. All the more reason to figure out how in the name of Suzaku I'm supposed to control them.......
She was brought out of her musings by Chichiri saying, "I'll leave you to your studying, no da. I'll stop by later this evening to check up on your progress."
He hugs her to him and kisses her briefly. She lays her head on his shoulder and replies, "Thank you, Chiri. I love you and I'll see you later."
"I love you too, no da," he whispers back and smiles softly.
She watches him leave before pulling out a cusion and getting ready to try meditation. Clearing her mind of everything except the task of focusing her energy. First she imagines a ball of white light gathering in front of her, waiting to be used, and then she gives it a small comand.
For the first hour or so, the ball merely fizzles and retreats back into her, but finally, after an hour and a half, she manages to get it to bring small things over to sit by her. Opening her eyes, she smiles widely as her glass of water floates in front of her face. So she had that down well enough. She'd get better with practice.
"I'll need an actual person to practice controling the telepathy, however," she mutters to herself. "Perhaps Chiri will help me with this part another day."
Her thoughts are interrupted by a knock on the door. Motioning with her hand, she uses her newly trained powers to open it and reveal a bewildered looking Tama.
"Hello Tama-chan!" She exclaims with a smile while summoning another cusion. "Pull up a chair, or cusion. Whatever."
"I see you've gotten them down quite nicely," He replies with a small smile of his own.
Her smile widening, she nods and replies, "I didn't have any idea on what I should do before Chiri suggested focusing with meditation while we ate earlier. I've spent the last three or four hours getting a better grip on it. It's worked marvolously!"
"I see that. So what else do you need to work on?"
"The only thing I need to get a hold on is something I need a living person for," She answers lighly before looking at Tama with a pleading look. "Tama-chan.... You wouldn't happen to want to help me, would you?"
Looking at his elder sisters puppy dog eyes, he can't say no, "Alright..... What exactly do you need to do?"
"I need to test my control on my telepathic powers and I need another person so I can make sure I don't break into someone's mind without meaning to. Just think of something and I'll see if I can hear it, k?"
Sighing, he says, "Alright, but what do I think about?"
"Just something simple. Something that won't really matter if I hear it."
"Alright, done."
Closing her eyes, she concentrates on breaking through Tama's natural mental defenses. You can hear me, right? I mean, it's not like I can think of anything else to say.
She laughs and cuts off her connection, "Yes, Tama-chan, I heard you. I'm surprised you couldn't come up with something better to think about." Another knock on the door announces Chichiri coming back to check on her.
"How is it coming, no da?" He asks with a small kiss.
"See for yourself!" She replies with a smile as she summons her water glass from the table effortlessly.
Smiling, he inquires, "So my idea of meditation worked, no da?"
Nodding, she hugs Tama and says, "And thanks for your help as well, Tama-chan!"
"I didn't do much, Kit-chan. Anyway, I'd better get going. It'll be dinner time soon, will you be there for once? You've got a pretty good hold on your powers, so why not?"
"Sure! I'll be there. At least now, I don't have to worry about my powers going haywire on me."
With a slight smile, Chichiri replies, "No matter how amusing that would be, I'm glad it won't happen, no da." The three laugh and walk towards the dinning room and are greeted by Miaka and the other Seishi.
"So you have better control now?" Hotohori asks with a concerned look.
"I do, Hoto-chan. Chichiri gave me an idea over lunch earlier today and it helped a lot," She answers with a smile towards Chichiri.
"Wonderful!" Miaka exclaims before hugging the older girl.
They begin eating and chatting about Kit's newly aquired powers. Hotohori and Miaka wonder when she'll figure out the rest like the glowing light and the high speeds she went that one day last month.

Woo hoo! That was longer than I usually do, I think. I'm sorry it took so long, writer's block sucks so much ass. Anyway, I'll try and get the next chapter done, and I'll try to make it a long one, k?
Oh! And some stories you gotta read are from Neerp. If you haven't read any of her's yet, you have to, they're great. Especially when her and another friend of mine work together. Let's just say it's amusing.
Hiei: When you combine the three of them, you get the apocalypse.....
Now, Hiei-chan! That's no way to talk to someone who's being nice and writing a lovely fic for you and Kurama-chan, now is it?
Hiei: ........
That's better.