Fushigi Yuugi Fan Fiction ❯ Kitsune-chan..... An Eighth Seishi? ❯ Sorry guys! ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

    ;      Ummm.... Ok, where to start? I've lost all ideas on what to do with this story so i'm jsut going to run through everything really really quick.
         The reason she hated those guys was becaus she lived with them before she knew Tama was still alive. They raped her a bunch of times and all that yucky nasty stuff. Easy to see why she wouldn't talk, just kill, right? Anyways, they go back, eat lunch with everyone and during lunch, a bunch of people in Nakago's army, plus Nakago himself, come in and kidnap Kitsune so she can be used for their side. Needless to say, just for a plot turn, Kit's powers stop working for a while and she's at the mecy of the creepy blond shogun.
         Well, eventually, the Suzaku Seishi finally figure out where the hells Nakago is keeping Kit and go to rescue her. They do, which is obvious, and Chichiri proposes o her! Yay! They get married and Hoto has a son named Boushin. (except I screwed up the story and accidentally had Miaka marry him... so forgive me for that). Seventeen years later, he gets an invititation that asks him and the others to come to the sixteenth birthday of the child to an old friend of his. Who is this friend? Which other story of mine will the next fic also be a sequel to? Only a select few know, but all will find out soon!