Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ To Break the Cycle ❯ Once Again ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Finally chapter 1! *dance around strangely* Mid-Years are over
too! Hehe, no more cramming and more time to write. Thanz to all
the ppl who have reviewed!

To Break the Cycle
By Alecto and Aqua~Azn
Chapter 1
Rating: PG
Email: Alecto -
Aqua~Azn - XP Not telling ya, bother Alecto.
Website: Alecto -

"But it is under that circumstances that a supreme and most perfect
warrior is born. And they are those Gundam pilots!"
- Treize Khushrenada

Cosmos' mind was overwhelmed by the sudden surge of
information. Her fingers lingered on the surface of the keyboard.
She shook her head and focused once more on the text before her.

"The Gundam pilots, a group of terrorists that openly attack the
Federation and OZ military bases and continued to oppose OZ to this
day. They have caused a great misunderstanding between Earth and
the colonies. Now OZ and the colonies will work together to destroy
them." She stared at photo of the beaten and exhausted boy with his
face staring down, held by two OZ soldiers. He wore his hair in a
long chestnut braid and the clothes of a Catholic clergyman. He was
Pilot 02. It was hard to imagine this boy being a terrorist.

She chewed on her lower lip. There was almost no
information on this group. Authorities must be holding back some
kind of information. She just found it hard to believe the boy was
evil. Her guts told her differently, that there was more to the
story than was told. She always trusted her instincts.

She glanced around to make sure she was alone. She pulled
on a set of headphone and readjusted the microphone before her lips.
She twisted her hand expertly and emerged from her Sub-Space Pocket
with a blue disk with the symbol of Mercury imprinted on its
surface. She inserted the disk into the floppy drive and the laptop
screen went immediately ice blue before returning to its normal

"Password?" A computerized voice sounded in her ear.

"Princess Mercury." She whispered sadly.

"Password confirmed." The voice replied. "What may I do for
you Cosmos-sama?"

"Infiltrate OZ database, maximum Security Level."

"Processing request. Linking and uploading database,
connecting in five, four, three, two, one. Clearing Security Level
One, Two, Three, Four, and Five. Maximum Security Level reached.
Setting firewall and anti-detection software. Request fulfilled."

"Search inquiry, Gundam."

"Searching… Search finished. Retrieved three thousand and
forty matches."

"Organize by most recent and highest security clearance."
Cosmos watched as the list flickered and reorganize itself.

"Request fulfilled."

Cosmos scanned the long list. She better get started now if
she wanted to make any headway by tonight. She glanced at the first
match. "Second Gundam pilot captured." She entered the file, her
computer easily bypassing the necessary passwords. "A second Gundam
Pilot was captured today at approximately 15:00. During a
demonstration of the two new Mobile Suits, Pilot 01 was hiding in
the cockpit of NewType 02, Vayeate. He attempted sabotage of both
NewType 01 and 02 but was mainly ineffective. He surrendered
without struggle immediately afterwards. He is now in custody on
the Moon Base. Attempts to identify the Gundam pilot have thus far
been unsuccessful." Cosmos scrolled down and stopped dead. Cold
Prussian eyes glared back at her from the screen.


Hiiro sat uncaringly in his dark cell. He sat on the floor,
leaning against the bunk that was supposed to be his bed. He had
been in this same position for hours now and he had not moved a
muscle. He knew within time Lady Une would send for him and he
would see his comrade once more. He would have smirked had it been
within his abilities to. Trowa Barton was a smart man; he had
infiltrated into OZ and become Une's new pet.

There was a slight shimmer in the air. It was unlike
anything he had ever known. It was almost…magical… He finally
lifted her head and looked ahead, expecting to see nothing but

Before him, stood the brilliant apparition of an angel. Her
incredibly long silver white hair was held up in two heart-shaped
buns. She was dressed in what resembled a sailor suit or the
uniform of Japanese public school girls. On her forehead was an
eight-pointed star. Her eyes, he could have sworn he had seen them
before elsewhere. He blinked and she vanished. Had it been his
imagination? No. It couldn't be. He didn't have such an
imagination, if any at all. He was far from delusional and
certainly wasn't losing his mind. He had seen what he saw.
"Tenshi." He murmured to the shadows.


Quatre and Iria watched in horror as the resource satellite
their father was in exploded.

"Father! FATHER!!!" Quatre screamed as he leaned forward in
his seat. A sudden force rocked the shuttled and shook Quatre from
his seat.

"Quatre!" Iria exclaimed. She jumped from her seat and
placed herself between her brother and the wall. She did her best
to ignore the sharp pain that resulted from the impact.

Quatre struggled to get back up. "Father…"

"Quatre…Father was fighting." Quatre looked back toward his
sister. She leaned against the wall and stared up at the ceiling.

"He didn't run away. He fought courageously." She attempted to move
but winced in pain.

Quatre held his sister. "Iria, keep still. It'll affect
your wound."

Iria opened her eyes. "You're so kind, Quatre. Father was
kind too. But then, why must he be killed?" Tears formed in her
cerulean eyes.

Quatre closed his eyes, attempting to fight back tears of
his own. "No one understands the tears of a gentle person. So the
colony is satisfied. So you're all satisfied!" Quatre screamed in
the direction of the colony. He bowed his head and closed his eyes
once more. "I'll never forget this. And I'll never let you forget
this day!" He opened his eyes once more but they were completely
different from mere seconds before. There was a hard and malicious
glint. A sadistic chuckle shook his small body but it grew and
gained strength.


Cosmos gazed steady at the Time Gate. The ancient structure
had been there long before the beginning of her existence. It would
probably be there long after she was gone. She raised her staff in
the air and it changed shape. In her hand was now the Time Staff
that Sailor Pluto had wielded millenniums ago.

"Show me the Gundam pilots." She ordered softly, tapping the
butt of the staff against the floor hidden beneath the mist. The
sound reverberated through the silent recesses of the Fourth
Dimension. The Time Gate swung open with a slight creak to reveal a
mirage of jumping rainbow colors. Cosmos waited as the colors began
to settle into her reflection. She touched a glass-like barrier and
leaned her forehead against it. Her body shuddered as she was drawn
into a barrage of visions.

Hiiro Yui. He was an orphan raised by an assassin, Odin
Lowe. Hiiro Yui was just a codename. Odin Lowe Jr. was what he was
known as then. It was the closest thing to a real name.

The pair lounged about in their hotel room. Odin had his
back to the young boy, unpacking a violin from its case. Hiiro
reached into his jacket and pulled out a gun. He aimed it at his
'father.' "So…who are you going to kill this time?" Hiiro asked.

Odin continued to unpack the contents of his suitcase,
seemingly undisturbed by the boy's action. He pulled out a rifle
from the secret compartment. "Septem of the Cosmos Arms. This is
the last job. Afterwards you can go to school and live a normal

Hiiro stared steady ahead. He did not lower his weapon. "I
will decide about my own business." Odin smirked.

There was a shift in the scene. Odin dressed himself in the
uniform of the fallen officers. Hiiro rested a rocket launcher on
his shoulder. "Don't die." Odin had said as he walked away.

Hiiro began walking away from the Federation base. He
stopped for a second and turned back.

Shift. "Odin!" Hiiro exclaimed as he ran toward the wounded
man. He knelt down by his adoptive father.

"Ugh…I should have listened to you.... I am getting old."
Odin groaned.

"Wait, I'll secure an escape route." Hiiro got up and turned
to his new self-appointed task.

"…It's already too late…" Hiiro turned to face Odin once
more. Odin raised a shaking hand and pointed to Hiiro. "You got
it?... Never forget what I said....when we parted... the
last thing...this big fool...will tell you..." Hiiro remained
silent. "A-All...these years...with you...weren't so bad…" Odin
closed his eyes for the last time and the detonator slipped from his

"Is this…what you had left to do?" Hiiro picked up the
discarded detonator. He pressed down on it. The base exploded.

Shift. Hiiro wandered the streets and desolate city.

"Hey…" Hiiro turned to face the speaker.

Dr. J. was seated in the shade of the alley. "I like the
look in your eyes. Wanna pilot a Gundam?"

"……Fine." Hiiro answered.

"Live according to your emotions... That's the proper way
for a person to live." Odin had always told him that. Ironically
Hiiro would grow up to discard the closest thing he had to a real
name, only to take on the alias of the man his adoptive father had
assassinated years ago.
Duo Maxwell. Like many of his generation, he was an orphan
of war with no real past or name. His name was one he had chosen
for himself. Duo was in memory of his best friend who had died of
illness before his time and Maxwell in memory of the church that
took him in.

A boy of no more than eight stood up against discontent
rebel soldiers whom had taken over the Maxwell Church. "I'll get a
Mobile Suit and bring it to you!" Duo proclaimed and ran off.

"Duo!" Sister Helen screamed after him.

Shift. Duo hopped into the truck with a Mobile Suit
strapped to it. "Hey! Who the hell are you?!" A confused soldier
exclaimed. "Don't let him get away! Shoot! Shoot!"

"It's just by chance that I'm still alive. I might as well
be the one to do the dirty jobs..." The truck vanished into the

Duo stood among the ruins of his former home. "It

"Du…Duo…" Duo turned around upon hearing his name. He found
Sister Helen fatally injured among the rubble. A trail of blood ran
from the corner of her mouth. "I'm so glad... You're alright,
aren't you?"

"Sister!" Duo rushed to the nun's side.

"Don't worry us like that. The Father was thinking of you
until his very last moment..."

"I-I'll call a doctor right away!" Duo said frantically.

"The Federation Army has come. We can't... leave here..."

"Is- is it my fault? Because I stole a Mobile Suit from the

"The Father was…a wonderful example... He preached peace
to...everyone...till the end..."

"What do you mean, wonderful?! He was just stupid, wasn't
he?! What did he accomplish by getting himself killed?"

"Duo..." She reached up and cupped Duo's cheek with her
hand. There was a finality of death in her voice as her eyes began
to glaze over. "May God... bless you and... keep... you..." Her
hand fell away.

The Federation had crushed the rebellion with extreme
prejudice. It came to be known as the 'Maxwell Church Tragedy,' 245
killed and only one survivor.

"I may run and I may hide, but I never tell a lie." That was
Duo's motto. Funny how a boy who lived in under the Catholic Church
believed in no God but himself, Shinigami, the God of Death.
Trowa Barton. That had not always been his name. He was
once Nanashi, No-Name. Similar to his fellow pilots, he too was a
war orphan. Since the time he was old enough to be aware of his
surroundings, he was part of a mercenary unit.

"It's to thank you for helping me. Wear this, and God will
protect you." Midii Une handed Trowa a cross on a chain.

Shift. The leader of the mercenary lay dead on the ground.
Trowa knelt by the body. Midii approached him. He looked up at
her. "How much did you get?"

"Enough so that my three little brothers and my sick father
will be able to eat for a while." Her eyes were hard, showing no

"That device around your neck is a transmitter, isn't
it...? The Federation could hear every move we made."

"That's right... But you're still alive. You're the only

Trowa yanked off the cross necklace and threw it onto the
ground. "Because of this?"

"Let me tell you. That cross is also a transmitter." Trowa
pulled a gun out on her. "Even you can get angry, hm? Nanashi...
You once said that I was you. But really I'm completely different.
I'm not happy like you."

"You're saying I'm happy?"

Midii took the device off. "You have freedom. You're much
happier than me." Unshed tears gathered at the corner of her eyes.
"You have nothing that can be taken away from you. No name, no past,
right now, not even companions. I have the name Midii Une. I have
a sick father and three little brothers. Because of that, I had to
become a spy and cause the deaths of lots of people. I can't even
tell the person I like that I like him! Do you understand why?!"
Trowa said nothing. "Because I'm not empty like you! I have too
much! Family! A home! The knowledge of what bad things I've done!
That's why I hate empty people like you!"

"That's not me. I have a name. I am......a traveler who's
looking for a home to return to." He looked up at the clear night
Quatre Raberba Winner. He was the only boy and sole heir to
the wealth of the Winner family. He was a spoiled and pampered
child with little sense of his own self-worth. He thought himself
to be a test-tube baby like the rest of his siblings. He was not.
Even if he was, what difference did it make?

"They appear to have captured four of the Winner family's
ships. Right now they're taking us and heading to the resource
satellite MO-III!" There was a frantic note in the pilot's tone.

"What should we do, Quatre-sama?" The man seated besides
Quatre asked.

"...It has nothing to do with me." Quatre continued to stare
out the window.

The man sweatdropped. "Huh?"

Quatre leaned back in his seat and closed his eyes. "I'm
going to take a nap. Wake me up when we get there."

Shift. "What are you doing there?" Quatre's father asked
sternly from the video screen.

Quatre was almost smirking as he stared back at his father.
"You're surprised that one of your tools did something on its own,
aren't you?"

"You... You're still talking like that?!"

Quatre held a hand over his chest and exclaimed. "Of
course! You just created me and my sisters to suit the needs of the
Winner family! Because you wanted people who would do exactly as
you told them to!"

"Quatre! That's not true!" His father protested.

Quatre clenched his fist. "I'll prove it to you! I'll
prove that even people like us can think for ourselves and do things
ourselves and talk for ourselves!"

"Is that why you're running away to Earth?"

"What's wrong with that?!" A hand grabbed Quatre by the
shoulder and turned him around. Rashid slapped him hard across the

Shift. "You've done more than enough. So come with us to
Earth..." Rashid offered.

"Earth..." Quatre breathed.

"The sky, the sea, the mountains, and the desert... They
are all places that cause lives to shine."

Quatre closed his eyes. "That sounds nice. I'd like to
go." Quatre pulled back the control lever of the Mobile Suit. "I
don't know how many years it will take, but I promise I'll join you
there. Until then, I have to make myself stronger!"

"No one understands the tears of a gentle person." Quatre's
grip on his emotion and sanity were both slowly slipping. Even now,
he sought revenge against those that killed his father in cold
Wufei Chang. He was a descendent of ancient Chinese
lineage, a clan known for its pride and fierce warriors. But he had
not been a warrior at first, he was a scholar.

"Justice?" Wufei raised an eyebrow. "Do you really think
there is such a thing?"

His wife, Meiran, clenched her fists. She challenged her
miss-matched husband. "Do you want to show me?" She moved into a
fighting position.

"…Fine." Wufei pulled off his glasses.

It began raining all of a sudden. Wufei kicked Meiran and
she attempted to block to no avail. She hit the ground hard. Wufei
towered over her.

She attempted to get up, her body protesting in pain.
" could it be? I am the strongest of our clan..."

"You think you're Nataku? You have a lot of nerve, calling
yourself by that name." Wufei settled his glasses on his nose.
"There is no justice, except in individual circumstances. A fight
based on such a thing is meaningless."

Shift. "Stop! You don't have the strength to pilot that!
Come back!" Wufei shouted up at Tallgeese.

"Don't give me orders! This is a fight for justice!" Sweat
ran down Meiran's face.

Shift. Wufei settled Meiran on the ground. She stared at
the field of flowers around her. "Wufei..."

"…What?" Wufei asked.

"I...was strong, wasn't I? You weren't ashamed of me as your
wife, were you?"

"Yeah... You're strong. ...Stronger than anyone."

"No... You are...stronger..." Meiran leaned against her
husband's shoulder.

"Hey, get off of me." Wufei glanced over at Meiran. She
still didn't move. "Hey...?" he grabbed her and shook her. "Hey!?
Open your eyes!! I haven't yet shown myself worthy of being your
husband!! NATAKU!"

"My wife protected this machine. So her spirit lives on in
it. I…I'm going to change these insane times!" A will unlike any
other and determination to make changes. She had a feeling he would
live up to these words.

Cosmos jerked back and the Time Gate closed. Her body
quivered with rage. She now saw OZ's true intentions and the harm
they did to all, the pain they brought, especially to these five
boys. How dare OZ act and take the actions that they did? Were the
colonies so blind that they couldn't see their real enemy? She
could no allow this kind of injustice.

These five were rare indeed. There was one in each
generation but this generation had five. They had the power to
change the world, rewrite history. They remained her of her senshi
and the ideals she fought for and still fought for. Yet they would
still need guidance, no one could make it alone like each of them
were attempting to.

She sighed. But what could she do though? She could not
intervene with her senshi powers in mortal affairs. She doubted any
one of the pilots would trust her at such a pivotal point in these
events. Everything they had fought and fought for had changed.

Chibi-Usa wrapped her arms around Serenity in a tight hug.
"I guess humanity will have to fight for peace. Peace is not
something easily attained nor is it something given to you on a
silver platter. You may find that the most dangerous enemy is the
human heart." Her eyes were glazed over in a trance. Serenity had
the feeling her daughter had somehow parted the veils of Time and
was observing a possible future. "I can understand Chaos having
such harmful intents, but humans, who are capable of so much good,
should wage war against each other? Mama, never think you are
powerless in such situations. Just because you are a Sailor Senshi
meant to fight evil doesn't mean you can't fight human evil in your
own way. Humanity had already turned from us."

They had not given up, not yet. Neither would she. She
would find a way to help them. She would fight human evil in her
own way. Until then though, she could only wait and watch as the
drama unfolded.


Over the period of the next few days, she continued to watch
over the five boys in whatever forms possible. She could shake off
the feeling that a defining moment in all their lives was closing

She pulled down at the OZ uniform. She hated it but had to
stay close to where three of the pilots were. Leave it to Duo to
get captured a second time in a matter of days. She entered the
command deck of the Barge. "Commander." Cosmos saluted Lady Une and
handed the woman the files she requested.

From the time she had first met Une, she couldn't shake off
the feeling she knew the older woman. Une reminded Cosmos of
someone she once knew. Perhaps not physically or personality wise
but spiritually.

Out of the corner of her eyes, she could see Trowa. Trowa
was never far from Une's side. She had the vague feeling that he
was suspicious of her. She had been right. It would be hard to
gain their trust at this point.

"You're dismissed." Une barked.

Cosmos saluted her superior officer once more and stepped
out of the command deck. She let out a breath of relief. She
couldn't stand the formality and rigidity of the military. It was
so stiff and tiring.

Suddenly she felt the cold metal of a gun pressed against
her temple. She froze. Her disguised green eyes darted to the
side, hopping to get a glimpse of her assailant before she was
forced to hurt him or her.

Trowa studied the girl through narrowed eyes. Her blond
hair was cut short in a boyish haircut and her cat-like green eyes
darted cautiously from side to side. "Who are you?" He asked
blandly. The oddest thing was her body relaxed at the sound of his

"A friend, perhaps the only friend you can afford in this
war." She answered simply and would not say more.

Trowa pressed the weapon harder against her. She still
showed no sign of fear. She turned to face him despite the fact he
switched off the safety at that. He found himself staring into a
completely different face from seconds before. The wheat blond hair
had lengthen and changed to a silver blond. Kind sky blue eyes
gazed up at him. She reached up to lower both his gun and hand.
Her eyes widened in shock as her hand made contact with his skin.
She stared sorrowfully at him, large unshed tears building in the
corner of her eyes. "Haruka…" he blinked and she vanished.


Cosmos clutched the area of her heart. Haruka… It was
impossible. Or was it? She had released their Star Seeds. Were
all her senshi reborn in this time era? Her heart gave a leap of
joy. She needed to go seek them out! She had to restrain herself.
No, she no longer had any business with them. Their destinies were
no longer intertwined. They had their own lives to live. Yet she
couldn't stop hoping she would meet more of them along the way.


Ririna Peacecraft sighed. "Miss Noin, you've done a
wonderful job but I need someone who has the time to do more
clerical work."

Lucrezia Noin hated to admit it but Ririna was right. Noin
used most of her time trying to keep peace within and without Sank.
She was reluctant to accept another person working so close with
Ririna. Ririna was the monarch of a neutral and pacifist country.
It made her more the target in the society they lived within today.
Noin would keep her promise to Milliardo and protect his little
sister with her life. "Very well Miss Ririna, but allow me to run
thorough background checks before you offer anyone the job."

Ririna sighed again. "Of course." She didn't expect
anything from Noin. "If I may have my office back, the first of the
applicants is waiting outside.

Noin nodded and exited the office. She closed the door
gently and looked for the applicant. She spotted a young woman,
probably no older than Ririna. Noin stared at the girl hard.

She had long wavy black hair that fell to her knees and
ocean blue eyes. She was dressed in a modest yellow sundress.
Sunlight bounced off the large polished crescent moon pendant she
wore around her neck. The girl looked up and smiled warmly at Noin.
This did not reassure Noin at all, in fact, she felt her insides go

"Miss Ririna will see you now." Noin's voice was cold and
dangerous as it had never been before. The girl rose to her feet
and approached the office door. Noin grabbed the girl's arm and
whispered in a deadly tone. "Don't do anything foolish. I will
make you regret it threefold." The girl gave Noin a startle look and
entered the office in a shaken manner. Noin narrowed her eyes. She
wasn't fooled by the girl's act.

"Please, have a seat." Ririna gestured toward the chair in
front of her desk. The girl took the seat and nervously handed the
Sank Princess her resume. Ririna analyzed the paper for a few
moments. She looked up and addressed the girl before her. "This is
quite a resume Miss Tsukino."

The girl smiled warmly but if you looked hard enough you
could see a strange red glint in her eyes. "Please Miss Ririna,
call me Luna..."
*To Be Continued*

Don't you love cliffhangers? ^-^ Well, what do you think? Can't
kill me or Aqua for tha last scene, we can't finish the fic if you
do. Hehe. The flashbacks on each pilot is based on the manga
Episode 00. I got the translations from The GW Archives at Remember R/R ppl.