Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Behind Closed Doors ❯ 6: Treasures ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

6: Treasures

Wufei leans over and picks up a rock. It's red, with dark gold veins running through it. It looks old, but it's still bright. He feels for a moment as if he has found treasure, but then he blinks and it's just a rock again. He feels old. He is not young anymore.

Walking further down the old dirt driveway he catches his first glimpse of the small house. It's familiar. He realises he has stayed here before. With Duo, a long time ago, in a different world, they hid together here and found refuge. He does not need to go inside to know the place is abandoned. No one had lived there for centuries. But he went inside anyway.

The curtains were rotted, filled with holes and were a dark browned yellow. They were once white. The floorboards were in a similar state of disrepair, the furniture was turning to dust. He just looked at it all and shrugged. There was nothing to be seen here. Nothing to be seen anywhere. The world they knew was gone. They were what lingered.

His gaze settled on the table; a rickety monstrosity with one leg missing and a hole in the middle as big as a badger. There sat the small transmitter. Wufei turned and left. There were no treasures here; no gems of wisdom to be found.

But the rock remains in his pocket.