Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Behind Closed Doors ❯ 7: angel in the sky ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

7: angel in the sky

A shadow catches Heero's attention and he follows it over the ground. When it disappears over a fence he turns his gaze to the sky and sees the edge of a wing disappear behind a tree. A lonely feather drifts lazily down and lands on his shoulder. He touches it with care, running his fingertips over the fine threads, marvelling at the simple feel of it; the pleasant caress. He could almost imagine it was a human touch, feather-light and baby-soft. But it's just a feather.

Moving on, Heero let's the feather finish its journey to the ground, intent once more on his own. He flips a coin continuously as he goes. In the distance he can see Wufei, waiting patiently by a large oak. He seems small beside it, frail somehow and Heero knows its just life that does it. He never looked small beside a Gundam.

But Gundam's are not real; they don't breathe. They're mechanical demons created to wreak havoc on the world. A world that has rejected them. And all they know how to do is make that demon soar. Instead, they walk.

They walk together, but they do not speak. They march together but they do not share. They seek together, but they're not really there.

Another shadow catches Heero's eye and he follows it, wondering if this one is just another angel in the sky.