Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Behind Closed Doors ❯ 8: cat and mouse ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

8: cat and mouse

"There is a mouse."

Wufei looks at the corner, sees the mouse, nods, and turns back to the television. Heero doesn't even notice, still staring at the mouse. It's a rattish, fat, feral thing with thick, coarse white fur and a round pink nose that it sticks in the dirt before it, snuffling its way around in its search for food.

They're in an abandoned house, a small transmitter in the bin at the door. It's a ramshackle place that hasn't seen use in decades, but they don't mind. They're not interested in the décor. Neither is the mouse.

Through the hole in the wall creeps a cat, a mangy black thing with dark orange stripes across its back making a mockery of the tiger. It stalks in, all lean bones and yellow teeth and the mouse knows.

"There is a cat."

Wufei looks over again, looks at the cat, then turns back to the television. Heero still doesn't notice but that's alright because Wufei wasn't looking at him. He was looking at the cat.

Heero watches the cat creep up on the mouse, waiting for that moment when the mouse runs, but instead he gets to se the cat catch the mouse, sink its teeth and the red liquid spills over the yellow studded jaws. The mouse screams.

"The mouse is dead."

Wufei looks at Heero and shakes his head, turning back to the television a final time.

"It died a long time ago, Heero."

The television is not turned on.