Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Behind Closed Doors ❯ 10: familiar faces ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

10: familiar faces

Heero walks up to the door and knocks, not really sure he is in the right place. There are sounds behind it and then it opens and he cannot help but stare. It's a woman, with a baby on one hip and her free hand over the extended, pregnant belly. There's a kid hanging off one leg, looking up at him with dark brown, chocolate eyes like a sad puppy. He looks scared, but he's brave enough hiding behind his mum.

The lady squints, grins, laughs, then hauls him into a hug, mindful of the belly. She pats him on the cheek, says its been a long time. Heero thinks it has been too long. He should not have come.

"Heero, gods, look at you! All grown up." Haven't we all. "Come in, come in!"

"No, I'm in a hurry. I just need to know if Duo left anything here?"

"Duo? Gods no, haven't seen him since the war!" Where are you now?

"Okay, thanks." It doesn't matter. The little kid is holding a little Gundam figurine against his chest, only it's got antenna's… The kid is holding the transmitter and it looks like his favourite toy.

"You sure you don't want to stay?" That's the last thing I want to do. "Alright then…Take care Heero Yuy, and good luck tracking down Duo! Let me know when you get there!"

The door shuts, but he's already gone. Wufei is waiting in the car, the laptop on the seat beside him.

"Who lived there?"

"No one." Just familiar faces, and not so familiar.