Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Behind Closed Doors ❯ 11: mime ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

11: mime

The crash of fine china as the waiter drops the plate. The girl apologises profusely while her boyfriend blushes ceruse. Wufei lets it wash over him and lifts the knife and fork, methodically cutting the meal into equal portions, stabbing it with the fork, gathering it in with the knife, lifting, chewing, swallowing. And again. His eyes are fixed on Heero and he doesn't realise he's mimicking his actions.

The clatter of saucers as a waiter dodges an outflung arm, but the animated story continues and the waiter recovers, continuing on his way. It's what he's paid for and the customer likes telling stories. Wufei takes another mouthful.

The scrape of a chair as it's pushed back, the outstretched hand that she takes as he asks her to dance. The people around turn to see, to remember their own younger days and the ways they misspent their youths. Wufei takes another bite.

The bang of a bag as it thumps to the floor s the old ladies in the corner struggle to stand, full and filled with memories of laughter. They hobble their way through the crowded restaurant with the clickety-clack of walking sticks and false teeth. Wufei swallows another morsel.

The girl in the corner who thinks he's cute gushes to her friend and they giggle together at the two cute boys in the corner, pointing and whispering in hushed tones that go unheard by anyone but the waiter leaning over and trying to escape their questions. He blushes and wonders why they haven't noticed him and he's jealous of the boys, who don't notice the girls at all.

And Wufei takes a sip of water. Goes through the motions, but never says a word.