Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Behind Closed Doors ❯ 20: devoured by time ( Chapter 20 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

20: devoured by time

There is a room, on a colony, where no one goes. It's nothing special. It's just a room, with two broken beds of rotten wood, a desk that has long since crumbled to dust. There is a window, but it has no glass and the elements roam free in the air you breath there, tearing it apart faster, devouring it quickly to be lost in time.

The sun rises in that empty space as the door opens, strains on rotted hinges and falls into the inch thick dust laden across the hard floor. The sunlight touches the toes of Heero's feet as he stands in the doorway, obscured by shadow. He scans the room with weary eyes, looking for something. Anything. Nothing. It doesn't matter. He no longer cares.

On the bed by the window, farthest from the door, is a blanket, and on the blanket rests a laptop. It's still beeping, sending out its messages for eternity, plugged into a small solar panel on the windowsill…

He walks through the dust, leaving dark prints in his wake. A hand reaches out, and shuts down the program. The feet leave the way they came.

There is a room, on a colony, where no one goes. It's just a room, devoured by time.