Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Behind Closed Doors ❯ 21: shadow angels ( Chapter 21 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

21: shadow angels

In a library a little boy sits at the computer terminal he has been allocated and opens the encyclopedia. He looks up an old war for a paper he has to do at school. He looks at old mechs known as Gundams, that don't exist anymore and he smiles. He clicks on one that looks cool and reads about its pilot, a boy his age with a long rope of hair and a wicked glint to his eyes. He make the war look like it must have been fun.

Grinning, he clicks on another one and stares at a pair of cold blue eyes. He has a mech any young boy would die for, so why does he look so sad? The boy can't stop looking at the picture as he skims through the information. This was the pilot that ended the war, twice! But he disappeared after the war and no one ever saw him again. Everyone thought he was going to marry Miss. Peacecraft, but she married some politician's son and her grandkids now went to his school. No wonder they had this assignment.

Tapping on the keys, the boy ran a search for one `Heero Yuy'. Thousands of pages came up, so he limited the search. He had no idea what possessed him to type in `for Heero Yuy'. One page came up. It was an image, of an angel on a dark wall. The boy snorted and closed the window and went back to researching his assignment, but in a dark corner of the library the shadows shifted where no light ever reached.