Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ VIVA ❯ Admissions, no capo ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: VIVA 14/?

Author: Lethanon

Archive: and

Warnings: weird food substances, extreme use of musical jargon, general nonsense and finally some pairings. In no particular order: HxSo, 1+2, 3+4, 5+T, D+R,

14: Admissions, no capo

Trowa wasn't sure what to make of the pages lain out before him. The only reassuring thing about that thought was that if he couldn't figure it out there was a good chance no one else would either. `It' was a garbled choral piece they were supposed to rewrite for at least four part harmony, in the traditional Baroque form. Normally Trowa would not have worried; he would have done half-assed version and handed it in, got his distinction and moved on. But there was a problem.

This was for Une, which translated into brownie points. He liked brownie points. They tended to get him rewards he was rather proud, and extremely fond of. He hadn't had any in a while, mainly because the Electric Orchestra had him distracted, but if he could get a few racked up he might just have something to bargain against Wufei with. Not that he thought he would need it, but one never knew when Chang Wufei would turn into a stubborn headed mule and force one into drastic measures.

So Trowa worked…or tried to. The problem was he could not see how the notes they were given fitted any mode common in the Baroque period, or how they could possibly harmonized without the use of accidentals or compound chords. It made no sense, and the longer he looked at it the less the notes themselves seemed to make sense. The piece was, to put it mildly, hideous, and the very thought of it being sung in a court or church sent shivers down in his spine in a totally un-pleasant way.

Trowa was in fact so immersed in the complete disgustingness of it all that he failed to see one particular student enter the otherwise empty auditorium and begin setting up his instrument, which really isn't that surprising. Michael Standish, after all, had likewise failed to notice Trowa's presence.

Trowa's head snapped up as the trumpet, a loud and often harsh instrument at the best of times, slammed into the open brick walls of the small performance space and began ricocheting off the walls, ceiling, roof…Trowa hit his head on the chairs he was wedged between as he stood abruptly and glared down the aisle at Standish, standing on the stage, lips pressed tight to the tiny brass hole…

And he blinked, wondering why the sudden act of playing the trumpet suddenly seemed sensual to him. Despite the fact it was still Standish up there!

Standish, however, was not so shocked by his own simple thought of `shit!' to merely stand there. Standish was as familiar with the members of the EO as he cared to be, and was very much aware that hating his guts didn't even come into the equation when they met…rather they simply didn't care. All that mattered to them was that his presence so often disturbed them. Like…now.

"So..Sorr…sorry Trowa! I didn't see you in here!" He licked his lips and felt like running as a completely stumped expression flittered across Trowa's face. "Honestly, just give me a minute and I'll get out of your way!"

Trowa continued to just stand there, staring at…well, Standish didn't think Trowa was actually looking at him, but that gaze did seem intent on his person. Standish didn't hang around to find out. He quickly packed up his trumpet and headed for the door. No fear, however, even the fear of what Heero Yuy might do to his trumpet, could keep him from blowing a raspberry on his way out, but the look that appeared on Trowa's face after that little retort was enough to send Standish back to his room, where he promptly locked himself inside and refused to come out for a whole day.

Trowa, however, blinked, quietly packed up his things and went to find Heero, who was acting strangely like Standish, locked in his own room with Hilde, the two of them scribbling madly all over the chart he had given them for the EO's latest piece. Neither looked up as he came in, which was probably a good thing because Trowa was still too shocked to really react to anything. Instead, he piled the several flutes he had been carrying on Heero's empty upper bookshelf, put his bag down beside Hilde's on the floor and took out the sheaf of papers he had been working on for Une. They made even less sense now than they had before.

Heero was still plucking absently on the guitar strings while Hilde scratched out their latest rendition and replaced it with a harmonic 9th chord when Trowa's silence finally broke.

"Mouthpieces are sexy…"

Hilde was already laughing before Heero had time to let the words process. When he did, he only frowned and turned to look at Trowa with a pole axed expression. Hilde put her bass back in its case and sat on Heero's bed, where she had a clear view of both boys.

"Excuse me?" Heero wasn't really sure what he was expected to say. Trowa often came to him with odd, often out of this world questions, but they were, as a general rule, concerned with music and the art of performing. Never had they had anything to do with the instruments themselves and the way their human counterparts interacted with them…

"Personally, I think it's the mouth," Hilde butted in before either boy could comment further. There was a strange light in her eyes that said she knew exactly what they were talking about despite the fact nothing had really been said.

"Excuse me?" Heero repeated his previous response, but there was a breathlessness to it the second time that made his throat hitch as he shifted, suddenly uncomfortable.

"Are you talking a specific mouth there, wench, and do I need to go tell everyone in the garage?" All three looked up in silent horror as Dorothy entered the room, none other than Sally Po on her arm. What that pair could possibly be doing, together, and not killing each other, was beyond comprehension. They just grinned, wiggled their eyebrows and fingers respectively, then took up residence on either side of Hilde. The bed was, after all, much more comfortable than the floor.

"Only one person works in the garage…" Heero pointed out reasonably.

"Yes, and only one matters, I believe," Sally replied quickly, laughing at the heavy blush that spread over Hilde's cheeks.

"But you don't need your mouth to play the drums…" Dorothy noted quietly, a wicked light in her eyes. "You aren't having an affair with Trowa, are you Hilde?"

"NO!" Hilde as so red Trowa didn't even think to blush. Rather, he was quickly returning to his `shocked' stage, and was beginning to find himself rather comfortable there. "Solo is…well, he's…you know what I mean!" Hilde snapped. "What do you care anyway?"

"I don't," Dorothy sniffed dramatically, but that light had not yet left her eyes as she turned to look at Trowa. "But Blondie might!"

Trowa felt warmth in his face and knew that while `shocked' had not yet left his system, he was not as immune to the outside as he had thought. Rather `shocked' and embarrassed' seemed to go hand in hand, at least when Dorothy was in the room.

"So, if it wasn't Solo's mouth…and it wasn't Trowa's…" Sally waved her hand, as if expecting someone else to fill in the gaps. No one in the room answered her, but there was a loud trumpet blast out the downstairs window that made them all pause and turn to look at Trowa, who had suddenly turned the most interesting shade of red and was backing up toward the door.

"NO WAY!" Hilde squeaked, slapping her hands over her mouth as soon as the words were out.

"Blondie will be so disappointed…" Dorothy noted morosely and Sally nodded her head in agreement. All three women were looking down at Trowa with that funny light in their eyes. Even Hilde's blush seemed to be fading. At that moment, Trowa would rather have been anywhere than in that room.

"Hn." Heero's grunt had the desired effect; all the attention in the room went that way. "Mouthpieces are sexy."

Everyone gaped. Heero merely sat, face completely blank, staring straight ahead.

"E…excuse me?" Hilde could not believe she was having this conversation. Ten minutes ago it had been just Heero and her mucking around with a guitar chart. Now…now she was not even sure what was happening, but Dorothy was enjoying herself far too much and for all she knew Heero was having them all on.

Heero Yuy making a joke was a very scary thing. Almost as scary as Heero being completely serious.

"Mouthpieces are sexy…but so are fret boards."

Dorothy held out her hands then and spread her fingers slightly, examining them.

"Would you like me to play for you then Heero? You can't have gotten any lately since you haven't managed to stop telling them off long enough to actually try anything…I could help you out, I suppose." She sighed heavily.

"Dorothy, that's disgusting…" Trowa pointed out quietly, eyes nonetheless fixed on her fingers, which curved slightly as if to beckon them all closer.

"Yes…" Sally agreed, "but who are `they'?" And the attention was once again on Heero, only now it was his turn to feel that odd warmth in his face as he stared through them all at the blank door.

"I think hands are sexy…" Hilde nodded suddenly in agreement and both Sally and Dorothy sighed at her in exasperation as their moment with Heero was lost.

"Was there a purpose to this conversation?" Trowa suddenly asked, grabbing his bag and getting ready to run.

"Well, I don't know sweetie," Hilde said pointedly. "You tell us!"

And they were all once again staring at him, waiting for a response and it took Trowa a full minute to realize he had started the conversation and another full minute to think of an answer. Though, it was far from the answer he had been thinking of. In fact, it was the last thing he had been thinking of, full stop.

"I think I'm gay."

"No shit Sherlock!" All three women chorused in unison. Trowa was still trying to process that completely unexpected response when Heero threw in one of his own.

"Join the club."

They might have continued that line of conversation, had something not slammed into the window with practiced force. They all turned to look in time to see a second rock collide with the thick, very chipped glass before rebounding back into thin air and falling back down into the throwers hand. Then it was there again, slamming itself against the glass…

With a practiced flick of his wrist Heero tossed the window open and before anyone could think of what to say or do, Heero grabbed the little potted plant off his windowsill and tossed it out.

"VITTU SINA, Heero Yuy!" The voice that came up from below was certainly not happy to find a potted plant flying at its face. It also obviously belonged to one Chang Wufei. Not that they had had any doubts about that.

"Mr. Yuy, if you don't mind? Those plants are to assist in your health, to ensure you do not suffer the effects of absent sun disease any time soon!"

All occupants in the room were perfectly still as Heero leaned out a little and caught sight of Wufei, the broken plant pot at his feet, and Treize at his side, looking up at his window in amusement. Trieze waved. Heero cringed, inwardly of course.

"What did he say?" Sally suddenly asked Dorothy.

"Sun disease. You know, we don't see the sun so we need a certain level of fresh air at all times to ensure we don't go mad…"

"NO, no, not that!" She interrupted Trowa's spiel, waving her hand to dismiss it. "I mean Wufei. What did he say?"

"I believe he said `fuck you, Heero Yuy," Dorothy grinned. "Although, my Finnish could be a little rusty these days."

"Yes, that…" Sally continued quietly. "Why on earth would Chang Wufei be swearing in Finnish do you think?"

All three women shared a knowing look. Heero simply leaned further out the window. He could have sworn Wufei was wearing Kushrenada's gloves…

"Heero, get down here already!"

"What for?" Heero called down and everyone in the room was quiet as he waited for a reply, wondering, for the first time just why Treize and Wufei were conspiring to draw Heero from his room.

"Noin was just summoned to Dermail's office!"

"Noin? What for?" Sally looked completely perplexed, but Trowa was already moving, lunging for the door and Heero was on his heels, leaving the three women alone on the bed. Dorothy just sighed.

"Ah, young love."


Heero came to an abrupt halt before them, but Wufei merely held out his hands and waited for Heero to do the same before depositing the small green tree in his hands. Heero grunted, but didn't dare to do anything to the small plant with Treize watching. Instead, he tucked the small tree into his pocket for later disposing.

"Any reason why?" Trowa asked quietly, looking at Treize for an explanation, rather than Wufei, knowing the older man would know more and be more accurate.

"He wishes to discuss the use of one of the dancers for `special' roles in the end of Semester program. Extra tutoring will of course be provided for the participant, to be provided by Dermail himself."

"And he wants Duo," Wufei added quickly, and there was fury in his voice. "Which would mean Duo could no longer perform with the Electric Orchestra."

Trowa and Heero were the only ones who suspected it might mean something a little more personal to Duo, but they said nothing, merely sharing a glance before they ran for the main building. Wufei and Treize followed them at a more sedate pace, waving to Dorothy as she stuck her head out the window and blew them a kiss.

"Have fun, Uncle Treize!"

Treize rolled his eyes and didn't bother to reply as Wufei chuckled quietly.

To everyone's surprise, Heero did not head to Dermail's office. Instead, he headed to the garden outside the main building and found himself the `perfect rock'. Or rather, he looked and when he couldn't find it, Trowa handed it to him in silence.

It was not an easy shot, but the rock slammed into the office window, rebounded and fell straight back down into Heero's waiting palm. Then it went up again…and returned. Over and over until the window finally opened and a furious Dermail stuck his head out.

"YUY! Mika sina teet!"

"I'm sorry Mr. Dermail, but there are three women in my room and I cannot get them to leave!"

Wufei and Treize snorted from their place several yards away, turning away to hide their mirth in the thick neck of their jackets. Trowa just stood perfectly still and hoped it looked like he had expected exactly what had taken place to occur. Inside he was wondering just when Heero Yuy had last his mind.

"Mr. Yuy! Which women are in or not in your room is no business of mi…wait…which women?"

"Miss Po, Miss Catalonia and Miss…"

"DOROTHY!" Dermail bellowed and then his face disappeared from the window. He passed them several minutes later, face livid. He didn't make them follow and they didn't do so of their own accord. Rather, they waited, Trowa and Heero sharing an extremely pleased look, until Noin and Duo slunk out the main doors, looking rather relieved.

"Impressive, Mr. Yuy," Noin grinned, shaking her head. "I believe the EO wanted to borrow some dancers. They're yours. Send someone along to the next third year dance Tutorial and we'll organize a schedule for practices." And she walked away, waving to Treize as she went, still shaking her head.

"Duo?" Heero thought he looked pale and tired, the shadows under his eyes darker than usual, his shoulders lumped deeply under his jacket. It was quietly shocking to him that he actually…cared.

"I'm hungry."

Trowa and Heero shared one of those looks, then turned and started walking toward the music block and the cafeteria. Trowa didn't miss the way Heero put his hand out, nor the way Duo hesitated a moment when he caught sight of the action. He certainly didn't miss the way Duo took that offer, nor the way Heero pulled Duo in closer to his body and ran a hand possessively down the long braid.

Trowa knew he wanted that, and he finally knew everyone else knew he did except the person he wanted it from. He decided he really didn't have much to lose, especially if Dorothy was right, and spent the entire walk back to the music block contemplating a plan of attack.

"Mouthpieces are sexy…" He mumbled under his breath as he slipped through the doors behind Duo and Heero.

"Very," a very deep voice replied and Trowa turned the same colour as Wufei as he turned to see Treize still standing behind him. All thoughts fled his head and he went straight for the cook's latest sloppy concoction rather than the ordinary food, needing something to clear his head.

Unfortunately, spinach and egg stew has never done much to clear heads.