InuYasha Fan Fiction / Naruto Fan Fiction / Gensomaden Saiyuki Fan Fiction ❯ The Shikon Effect : The World of Dreams ❯ The Shikon Effect ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The Shikon Effect: The World of Dreams
Chapter 1: The Shikon Effect
A young girl looked behind her, checking to see if the enemy was still chasing. Her green sailor uniform was nearly hanging off her fragile body. On one side of the skirt, it was ripped all the way up to her lower thigh… Thus exposing her delicate tanned skin. The usually white shirt was stained with dirt and blood. Her shoes were scuffed and the heels were practically falling off from all the running. Her blue-gray eyes filled in relief as she saw nothing was behind her except forest.
After coming to an abrupt stop, she fell to the ground from exhaustion. She coughed uncontrollably as dry air hit her stinging lungs. She panted for awhile in the vulnerable position on the ground. She mentally cursed her human body as her vision became blurry and her mind hazy. She felt herself being lifted off the ground by her red ribbon-like tie. A hard, callused hand dug in her shirt… searching.
She stared into crimson eyes as a malicious chuckle was heard. The hand removed itself and her sacred jewel shards as it found what it was looking for. “Thanks for the gift little priestess” a familiar voice that belonged the evil hanyou Naraku said in a teasing tone. And the way he let priestess roll off his tongue was as if he was implying that it was hard to be she was one. But she, Higurashi Kagome age 15, was in fact a priestess!
Naraku threw her to the ground and she winced as pain shot through her body. He raised a single tentacle; his intentions were to kill her with a single strike. The tentacle aimed for the young teen's heart… Her eyes widened as it shot at her. `Inuyasha' she thought as she shut her eyes, waiting for her death.
“Hiraikotsu” a voice yelled as a giant boomerang interrupted the event. It passed over Kagome and sliced through the tentacle before it could reach its destination. The owner of the weapon caught it with ease as they rode to the priestess' rescue on her neko youkai companion.
“Sango nice of you to join us… I wanted an audience to see how Kagome allowed me to wish upon the Shikon no Tama” the hanyou laughed. Sango glared at him and raised her boomerang for action.
“There's no way you'd do that while I'm standing right here, Hiraik-“ she was cut off when tentacles rose from the ground and wrapped themselves around Kagome's arms , legs, and neck… Completely immobilizing her.
“Would you stop… even if I held our dear Kagome's life in my hands?”
Sango halted and Kirara landed on the ground. On cue, Miroku and Inuyasha came to the scene. “Sango what's going on, did you save Kagome” Inuyasha questioned before looking scene before him. An unconscious Kagome was tied to the ground by Naraku's tentacles, Sango was frozen in place with her Hiraikotsu still in attacking position, and Naraku was standing over their fallen priestess with her bottle of jewel shards in hand.
Naraku smirked and crushed the glass container and allowed the glass shards to fall to the ground. Afterwards everything happened in slow motion… From the time he put Kagome's shards and the shards he had together to make the complete jewel… to the time he held it up in triumph. “I wish that Kagome, Inuyasha, Miroku, and Sango were & that I ruled the entire planet with Kikyo as my queen!!!”
A dark purple light emerged from the jewel and a white light replaced it. The light suddenly burst into an explosion. But the strange thing was… no one felt any pain.
Chapter one ends!!!
And that ladies and gentle men is what I call the Shikon Effect. Hope you enjoyed this chapter, if you did or didn't review please!!! Hope you are looking forward to the next chapter…