InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Cold Feet ❯ Warped Perspecitves ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
A/N: New drabble series (200 words each chapter). Hope you read and enjoy!

Cold Feet

Chapter 1: Warped Perspectives

The impatient young woman sat unaccompanied in her cafe chair periodically checking the time with a frown. Glancing to and fro from the door and the grandfather clock's swinging pendulum went against her idea of orthodox feminine behavior.

He could be here any second now...and these compromising actions won't promote a positive reaction out of my maybe-beau.

Tired of her friend's solitary life, Sango set a blind date for the aforementioned woman, Kagome. Apparently 22 was an age where not having a boyfriend was a need-to-fix-now priority.

"You'll like this guy...but he's so hard to please. So make sure to set a good first impression. After all, if you don't, he may skip out on any latter planned dates that he doesn't have the guts to decline..."
Looks like the reluctance skipped over the "first meeting" step.

After many bouts of impatient foot tapping, Kagome stormed out of the shop in what she considered a graceful manner, however elegant stomping may be.

The nerve of that guy standing me up like that-and he doesn't even know me! Sango's people interpretations are more than slightly distorted.