InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Facets of the Living Jewel ❯ Ex luna, scientia: primorus ( Chapter 56 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or the other characters. Ms. Takahashi does. I do, however, own this story's plot and I like the youkai side of Inuyasha!

Again, I apologize for updating already published chapters, but someone else’s story chapter was uploaded in this spot! This and chapter 55 are in the rewrite of the story that I’m currently working on which will be found at archiveofourown soon.

Inuyoukai [thoughts]
`Inuyasha or other thoughts'

Ex luna, scientia: primorus
By Licentia poetica

Inuyasha and Sango stood outside of Kaede’s hut in the fiery gold of a late summer sunset waiting for Kagome to put Rin and Shippo to bed after dinner. Her soft voice crooned ÒSleep, sleep little one sleep, you’re a good child, now go to sleep,Ó and Sango hid a smile as Inuyasha’s ears twitched backwards. She averted her eyes and pretended not to notice as a plaintive expression flitted across his face.

I wonder if his mother sang that song to him when he was little.’

She carefully removed the sling from her right arm and flexed her fingers, wincing as some of the stitches pulled in response. ‘Oh, well. Another set of scars to enhance my beauty.’ The thought brought sudden tears to her eyes and she blinked rapidly to prevent them from falling. ‘I must be more tired than I thought!’

Inuyasha looked at her and raised an eyebrow, so she turned away and began to stretch her shoulders and arms, preparing herself for a warm-up kata. He cleared his throat and she desperately sought a subject to divert his attention from her tears.

ÒI spoke to Kohaku today about how we would form the Living Jewel. HeÉ.Ó

She never finished the sentence. Inuyasha grabbed the back of Sango’s neck and shook her sharply while uttering a displeased growl. ÒDamnit, Sango! Why don’t you just go find Naraku and tell him! What the hell were you thinking?Ó

Sango’s reaction to his grasp was fierce and immediate. She twisted in toward his body and gave his chest a hard open handed strike with her left hand, trying to push him backwards. ÒWhat the hell do you think you’re doing, Inuyasha? Don’t grab me like that!Ó

He glared at her fiercely and shook her again. ÒI’m disciplining you, wench.Ó

(It’s probably not a smart thing to do. She won’t understand Pack discipline.)

Sango bared her teeth at him and twisted in his grip, turning her back to him and jamming her elbow into his solar plexus.

ÒOof! Damnit Sango!Ó He grabbed her right arm, careful to avoid the area that was still bandaged, and pulled her back into his chest so she couldn’t get momentum for her strikes.

ÒLet go of me, youÉyou stupid dog!Ó Sango stomped hard on his foot. He gave a sharp yelp but did not let go.

[At least she knows what we are. She requires discipline.]

‘I agree. We’ll take the consequences. You know what to do, but don’t lose control or tonight won’t happen.’

have betrayed your Pack.Ó Inuyasha effortlessly spun her around, holding her close and pinning her against his chest. His voice took on a deeper timbre and the markings in his cheeks became an intense purple, contrasting sharply against copper eyes and a face turned honey gold by the sunset. He grabbed her by the neck again. ÒEven if he isn’t false, he won’t be able to help himself and you know that Naraku would love the information. Submit and admit you were wrong, Sango.Ó

Sango gasped as her pulse sped up and her body responded to his hold. ‘I’mÉaroused? Has lying with Miroku made me wanton?’ Terrified by her body’s response, she fought harder. Fisting both hands she gave him three rapid punches in the stomach before he could react. He growled fiercely and pulled her even closer, trapping her right arm against his chest with his left arm and grabbing her other wrist with his right hand. He placed his left hand on the back of her neck again and shook her.

ÒStop it, bitch. Submit. Admit you were wrong about Kohaku.Ó

Sango hissed in frustration. ÒHe’s my brother, Inuyasha! My family!Ó

ÒAnd we’re your family, too, bitch. Or didn’t you know that?Ó He held her even closer as she tried to free her right arm.

Sango’s pulse sped up and she began to breathe in shallow pants. ‘His behavior is exactly like any Inuyoukai. Why am I attracted? I’ll be damned if I submit!’ She tried to twist out of his grip and spoke through clenched teeth. ÒLet GO of me! Kohaku already knew about the Living Jewel, Inuyasha! Midoriko told him before they joined us!Ó

ÒI don’t give a shit what she tells him! And did you ever think that maybe that’s why Kanna came sniffing around us? He’s your brother, but it’s our Pack and we won’t be able to move when we form the Jewel the first time.Ó He snarled at her as she twisted in his grip and tried to hit him again. ÒSubmit! I will not allow you to be around him when we are at our weakest. Don’t be a damn fool, Sango!Ó

Cursing, Sango planted her feet and brought her left knee up and in, trying to kick him in the groin.

Snarling, he blocked her with his thigh, ruthlessly twisting her left arm around her back and using both hands to lift her up on her toes. ‘You will submit to me, Sango.’

She could get no leverage against the ground and glared at him as he held her with their noses almost touching. She bared her teeth and took a deep breath to scream obscenities at him.

Suddenly he stopped growling and pulled his head away to search her face, a confused expression on his own. As her eyes widened in response, he placed his nose near the pulse point of her neck, snuffling hard.

Oh gods, my body is betraying me! He knows I’m aroused!’

At that moment Miroku, who had been discussing an esoteric healing ritual with Kaede, stepped out of the hut. Sango, back arched, gasping, was helpless in Inuyasha’s grip as he held her up on her tiptoes with his face buried in her throat. To Miroku, it looked like they were caught in a passionate embrace. He cleared his throat as he suppressed a powerful desire to turn the Kazaana on Inuyasha.

Sango whipped her head toward him and watched as the normally composed expression on Miroku’s face twisted from shocked anger to hurt and back to anger again before settling into an obviously forced calm. ‘Oh gods, what will he think of me? He’s going to think I’ve turned hentai!’ Sango clawed at Inuyasha’s side with her trapped right hand, ignoring the twinges from the stitches and healing muscles.

ÒShit, Sango. You don’t back down, do you?Ó Inuyasha growled into her neck. The vibration from his voice and the feel of his mouth moving so close to her skin made her gasp again.

Watching the interaction from the doorway, Miroku fought another stab of jealousy. ‘They are standing so intimately. Perhaps Lady Midoriko was correct about the feelings of eros between the two.’ He fisted his cursed hand and forced himself to move forward sedately.

As he walked up to them the expression on his face made Sango’s resolve wither. ‘I’m going to have to submit in the Inuyoukai way. Damn you, Inuyasha!’

ÒI hate you! But I submit.Ó Real tears came and she whimpered in humiliation as she turned her head down and away from Inuyasha’s face.

He brought his head up to look at her and released her cautiously, tensing against an expected blow. She stood before him, face averted and head down, a lone tear tracing down her right cheek.

She tensed as he soothingly wiped the tear away with the thumb of his left hand as he released her neck. He cupped her cheek with his hand and gently asked, ÒWhat will you do about Kohaku, Sango?Ó

She sighed, leaning into his hand for a moment. ÒI won’t do anything to place Kagome or the rest of us in danger, Inuyasha. I give you my word.Ó She gave him a tentative smile, but suddenly her eyes widened and a queer shudder rippled through her body as she turned away from him abruptly. In a curt voice she said, ÒI won’t tell my brother when we try to form the Jewel.Ó

ÒThat is acceptable.Ó

that is how you discipline a bitch.]

(What is going on with her scent?)

It’s different from her monthly bloodÉmore subtle. When we pulled her close the medicines overwhelmed the scent, but there was somethingÉand then it changed again.’

is hard to decipher. The stench of the medicine confuses her scent and when we touched herÉI suppose it is natural for her to respond to the alpha. Perhaps we should keep her from the beta male?]

‘We are not going to impose the Kai-wolves’ Pack Law on Sango and Miroku. They’re closer to wolves, anyway.’ Inuyasha crossed his arms and glanced over at Miroku, sniffing delicately at the scents emanating from the houshi. ‘Besides, I think we’d be sucked into the Kazaana and we only mate with Kagome.’ He stiffened as Sango’s scent abruptly changed again.

(UhhÉI think she’s about to cry and it’s our fault. Do something about it before the sun sets and you’ve lost me.)

Inuyasha winced at the reminder and tried to reason with Sango. ÒThe shard makes him a threat, Sango,Ó he ventured in a neutral tone. ÒEven if he is your brother we have to be careful and I still don’t know whether he helped Kanna escape.Ó

Sango’s scent altered again and she bristled in anger. Inuyasha shook his head. The rapid changes in her scent were confusing him, but he kept his gaze on her to confirm his dominance.

‘The tension between them is palpable, but I don’t think it’s what I originally thought. I hope.’ Miroku walked up behind Sango and gently placed his hand on the small of her back, effectively breaking the stalemate. She stiffened in response as he soothingly rubbed a circle there before pulling her closer in a one-armed embrace, away from Inuyasha. The hanyou grinned as he noticed that the normally hentai monk was making sure his hand did not stray too low on her body, while making it very clear by his posture that Sango was his woman.

‘Keh. He’s almost speaking Inu.’

Miroku, still struggling with feelings of jealousy, tried to act as if the scene he had just witnessed was perfectly normal. ÒI understand your caution about Kohaku, Inuyasha, but being near Lady Midoriko and Kagome is keeping the shard pure.Ó

Inuyasha intensified his gaze. ÒBeing near Kagome didn’t stop him from trying to kill her before, damnit, and don’t forget his attack on Sango while Kanna was here!Ó
As Miroku took a breath to respond, Sango placed her hand over his mouth and frowned at Inuyasha. ÒBut he didn’t kill her or me, even though he hurt us. I know he was resisting Naraku’s command.Ó She shook her head, a frustrated look on her face. ÒI don’t know why he attacked me, but I don’t think he was controlled.Ó She struggled to explain. ÒHis eyesÉthey wereÉturned inward. They didn’t have that awful, dark, empty look they’ve had when he was controlled.Ó She sighed, her fingers unconsciously caressing Miroku’s lips. ÒI know why you’re concerned, Inuyasha. I promise to watch him to make sure we’re all protected. But you have to understand; he is my family.Ó Suddenly she snatched her hand away from Miroku’s mouth with a gasp; he had placed a gentle kiss on her fingers.

Inuyasha quirked an eyebrow at Miroku’s smug expression before turning away and growling, ÒKeh. Protect yourself, Sango. You’re the one he tried to kill.Ó He gave a sideways glance at Miroku and shook his head as the monk tightened his hold around Sango’s waist. ÒAnd there is someone else you need protection from, but I know you can handle him.Ó Sango, who had been leaning into Miroku’s embrace, suddenly stood ramrod straight and pulled away from the monk. Miroku pulled her back and glared at Inuyasha.

At that moment Kagome came out of Kaede’s hut, a gentle smile on her face. ÒRin and Shippo are asleep now. I think they had a hard day.Ó Inuyasha gave a snort, and she glanced quickly at each face in the group, noticing the tension in their stances. Her smile abruptly faded. ÒIs everyone all right? What’s the matter?Ó

Inuyasha turned from them and gave a low, wordless call. Jinx, Bandit, and Runt appeared at the top of the hill and he repeated the call. As they ran down the incline he drawled, ÒNothin’, Kagome. I was just letting Sango know about Pack Law.Ó He waited a moment while the Kai-wolves gave a wet-nosed greeting to the human members of the Pack and then growled a command to them. As they tensed, ready to jump away, he said ÒI’ll be back. We’re gonna make sure the area’s safe.Ó He turned away, but then hesitated and looked back, giving Sango an intense look. ÒKeep Kohaku away from me tonight. It’s a full moon.Ó

As he and the Kai-wolves bounded away the other three members of the group stared at each other, baffled.

ÒWhat did he mean by that? Why does the full moon matter?Ó Kagome muttered as she turned to gaze after him. ÒUse your spiritual senses, Miroku. What do you see?Ó

Miroku squinted with his eyes, focusing on Inuyasha as he led the Kai-wolves up the hill. ÒHis aura. It’sÉhis chakras have almost disappeared.Ó His hand slipped lower around Sango’s hip as he concentrated.

She roughly pulled away from Miroku’s encircling arm, glaring at him. ÒWhat does that mean?Ó

Miroku shrugged and stepped away, his mouth in a tight line. ÒIt might mean nothing, but then againÉ.Ó

Kagome interrupted him, her eyes wide. ÒHis youkai powers disappear on the new moon and he’s had marks on his cheekbones for daysÉ,Ó her voice trailed away. Suddenly she whirled, looking from the golden glow of the sunset toward the eastern horizon. ÒThe moon. When does it rise?Ó

Miroku looked at Sango and they both shrugged. He looked down at the ground for a moment, trying to remember the moon’s cycle in the confusion of the past few days. ÒI don’t know, Kagome. The storms prevented us from seeing it last night, and I don’t remember when the moon rose before that.Ó

Kagome turned back to them, her face set in determined lines. ÒHe was warning us. I think he’s going to be a full youkai tonight.Ó

Sango hissed in a breath. ÒGods! Kohaku left with Lady Midoriko to guard her while she meditated. Where did they go? They left right after dinner.Ó She spun around and looked anxiously toward the village, searching the faces of the people still outside their homes.

Kagome reached out to her, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder. ÒDon’t worry, Sango, I think Inuyasha’s changed a bit. Have you noticed how his voice changes? I think the youkai has been in control some of the time lately, but it hasn’t been a killer.Ó

Sango pursed her lips and then gave a brusque nod. ÒI agree, just now he–Ó she stopped abruptly and her face colored a bit. She cleared her throat and continued, ÒBut he sees my brother as a threat. I don’t want him to come across Kohaku by accident tonight and decide he’s too big a threat to our Pack.Ó

Miroku raised an eyebrow. ÒOur Pack?Ó Kagome gave a tolerant shrug as Sango nodded and he gave a short laugh. ÒYou have both tacitly agreed to be part of his Pack then. Perhaps that explains some behavior I saw earlier?Ó He raised his eyebrows at Sango and she glared back at him, unconsciously raising her fist. He cleared his throat, suddenly reminded that she had struck him earlier that day. ‘I was trying to help her realize that Kohaku is suffering from clinical depression and my hands were nowhere near her body. What is wrong with her? It is against her training to strike without cause and she is letting violence control her actions.’ He took a hasty step back from her and turned away, missing the hurt, confused look that suddenly appeared on her face. ÒUhÉyes. Kohaku. I believe that Lady Midoriko was going to walk by the river to find a secluded area in which to rest and meditate, Sango. I have found a nearby meadow which is particularly beautiful and told her of it.Ó Miroku turned to Kagome, his brows furrowed in concern. ÒDo you truly believe that Inuyasha will change tonight in spite of being in possession of the Tessaiga? Will he be safe?Ó He reached forward and touched her cheek. ÒWill you be safe?Ó

Sango watched the tender gesture with a sinking feeling. ‘What did I expect? I have to remember what he saw and how he reacted to it. And he backed away from me.’ Her heart constricted in her chest as she realized that she needed to apologize for striking him earlier that day, for the surges of anger and lust that she was feeling now, and suddenly she was blinking back tears. ‘What is wrong with me?’

Kagome looked pensive for a moment and then gave Miroku a tentative smile. ÒYes. I’m sure he will change. But don’t worry about me, Miroku.Ó Her smile turned dazzling. ÒI know he won’t hurt me.Ó She took his hand, pulling it away from her face and giving it a squeeze. ÒYou and Sango need to go find Kohaku, though.Ó She glanced at Sango. ÒI’ll wait up at the shed with Aoi and Shiro for Inuyasha to return.Ó

Miroku watched her walk confidently up the hill. As she reached the crest he heard a soft sob behind him. Turning quickly, he was surprised to see Sango staring at him with tears running down her cheeks.

ÒSango! What is wrong?Ó He strode forward and reached out his hand, but stopped abruptly before he touched her. ‘I don’t know if she wants my touch.’ As he hesitated, she sobbed again. ÒSango?Ó

The normally calm, controlled taiji-ya threw herself into his arms and blubbered, ÒI’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’mÉI’ve become soÉ,Ó her voice turned into a wail and he hesitantly wrapped his arms around her.

What has come over her? This is not like Sango at all.’ He gently patted her back, trying to decide what to do with the doppelganger in his arms. ÒShh, lovely Sango. Hush now.Ó Surreptitiously, he placed a sutra on her to see if she was possessed. It did not flare in response, but suddenly she stiffened against him and pushed away, wiping her face with a shaking hand.

ÒI apologize, houshi.Ó Her voice was cool and distant, and his shoulders slumped as he stared at her in bemusement, unable to keep up with the mercurial changes in her emotions.

ÒYou’ve done nothing wrong, lovely Sango.Ó

ÒI struck you earlier today without provocation. It is against all my training and I have disgraced my dojo. I have not controlled my emotions and that is against my training as well.Ó She turned from him and hung her head. ÒI am a disgraced and dishonored woman.Ó

Miroku sighed. ‘This is the result of my inability to resist her that night. She is not angry with me; she has turned her anger against herself.’ He reached for her, accepting the stiffness of her body as he gathered her into his arms. ÒLovely Sango. You are not disgraced, nor are you dishonorable. You are a strong, noble warrior-woman and IÉ,Ó he stopped speaking, hesitating as his cursed hand throbbed in pain, reminding him that he could not be with her. ‘I cannot tell her I love her.’ He stepped away, his eyes averted from hers as she gazed searchingly up into his face.

Suddenly her eyes narrowed and she hissed, ÒSo, you won’t touch me now that you’ve had what you want and have seen Inuyasha hold me in his arms?Ó

What?’ Miroku opened his mouth in astonishment and abruptly closed it again. He fisted his cursed hand against the persistent ache and finally said, ÒYou were rather intimate with Inuyasha just now. I was–Ó

She interrupted him brusquely, ÒIntimate? Is that what you call what just happened?Ó

ÒYou wereÉ,Ó as her eyes narrowed he backed away and held up his hands in a warding gesture. ÒHeÉuhhÉyou wereÉ.Ó

ÒI was what?Ó she hissed, vibrating with tension.

Why is she so angry suddenly? I do not understand her!’ His mouth thinned out as he fought his confusion and the recurrent jealousy that threatened his inner peace. ÒYou would strike me for holding you in that manner, yet you seemedÉ.Ó

Sango relaxed suddenly and folded her arms, interrupting him again. ÒHe’s Inuyoukai hanyou, and the youkai in him is becoming more dominant. I tried to push him away, but he was disciplining me and–smelling me. That is what you saw,Ó she stated matter-of-factly.

Miroku closed his eyes and sighed. ‘Buddha, give me guidance! I will never understand this woman!’ He kept his eyes closed while reciting portions of the nijukun in his head. ‘Know yourself first, and then others. Always be ready to release your mind to possibilities.’ He carefully opened his eyes and looked down at her, striving to keep his voice absolutely neutral. ÒWe should go find Kohaku.Ó

She gave him a brisk nod and strode toward the river. He shook his head in bewilderment and followed.

As they walked by the river in an uncomfortable silence, Miroku tried to make sense of Sango’s mood. ‘She has always been in such control of herself, even though her emotions show on her face. It is against her training to strike in anger, yet several times today she has either hit me or has wanted to hit me without my hand taking liberties. Perhaps her interactions with Kohaku have caused more trouble than I thought? Or is it that she is still in heat? I should ask InuyashaÉbut I think I’ll wait until the morning.’ He stifled a sigh as he strode ahead of her, leading the way through a narrow path in a dense patch of brush. ‘I had better not follow her today. I want too badly to hold her and kiss her senseless and walking behind her won’t helpÉand I must remember that she is still healing. In any case, I must not touch her until the Kazaana is sealed behind a barrier. Everything must wait until tomorrow morningÉpatience and peace, Miroku.’ He began silently chanting a mantra to the rhythm of his walk, seeking peace.

Sango’s thoughts were a muddled jumble as, unbeknownst to her, the elevated levels of estrogen and progesterone circulating in her body in response to her pregnancy began to change her emotional state. ‘I can’t believe that I wanted Inuyasha to kiss me when he was holding me that way. Has lying with Miroku made me wanton? Damn them both anyway. Stupid males! I want a place to call home where I don’t have to deal with anything or anyone. Maybe I can go back to Kagome’s time and have another bubble bath? I need one.’ She ran a weary hand through her slightly dirty hair and glanced at Miroku as he took the lead, frowning as his calm demeanor irritated her. She opened her mouth to make a comment about his lack of self-control when walking behind her and suddenly stopped herself. ‘Why doesn’t he want to walk behind me anymore? I thought he liked watching me walkÉbut maybe he’s got what he wanted and doesn’t care anymore. He hasn’t done anything since we were together in Kagome’s time. I am a dishonored woman.’ Tears threatened, and she bit the inside of her lip to stop herself. ‘Well, I wanted it. It’s my own fault.’ A tear slipped down her cheek and she roughly wiped it away. ‘Gah! What’s happened to the control I learned in the dojo? Why is it so hard to be both a woman and a warrior?’

Both walked on in silence, but it was not the quiet of camaraderie.

After walking through the brush for several minutes, they came to an area where the river moved at a slower pace, pooling next to a verdant summer meadow filled with wildflowers. A faint shimmer of cornflower blue by a stand of Japanese maple trees near the river alerted Miroku to Midoriko’s presence. As they walked towards the barrier, they could see Midoriko sitting within it, facing the river, obviously deep in meditation. Kohaku leaned against a trunk near her, his lanky form in an alert but relaxed pose. Sango gave a sigh of relief.

Miroku paused to allow Sango to catch up to him, but frowned as she kept her face averted. ‘What now? Buddha, give me patience with this woman!’ Taking a calming breath, he asked ÒDo you wish to speak to them, or do you want me to tell them the problem?Ó He mentally congratulated himself for his vocal control.

Sango mentally cursed the long summer twilight. ‘Damn! They can see my face and they’ll know I’ve been crying. At least we’ve found Kohaku before Inuyasha has a chance to.’ She gave Miroku a polite smile without looking directly at him. Taking a deep breath and forcing a calm that she didn’t feel into her voice, she replied, ÒNo thank you, houshi. I will speak with my brother.Ó

Damnit! Her voice is as cold as ice.’

Miroku bowed his head in her direction and started to sit seiza, hoping to meditate for at least a short while to dissipate the anger that was rising in him in response to her coldness. Before he could sit, Midoriko’s barrier shimmered and fell as the Time Lord opened her eyes and came out of her meditative state. ÒMiroku, Sango. What brings you here?Ó

Sango bowed to Midoriko. ÒForgive us, Lady Midoriko, but we felt it necessary to come and find Kohaku.Ó She glanced at her brother, giving him a genuine smile. Miroku ground his teeth, wondering why she could smile at every other male but him.

Kohaku peeled himself away from the tree trunk and smiled back at his sister. ÒDid you need me for something?Ó

ÒNo, but I want you to come back with me to the village and stay there for tonight.Ó

Kohaku frowned. ÒWhy? Is there a problem?Ó

Sango sighed. ÒNot yet, but there could be one if you’re out after moonrise.Ó She glanced at Midoriko, noting that the woman was staring at Miroku with her eyebrows raised. Resolutely ignoring the monk, she spoke respectfully to Midoriko. ÒWe think Inuyasha will be full youkai tonight, and he has warned us to keep Kohaku away from him. He sees him as a threat to our Pack and I want my brother out of his way in Kaede’s hut.Ó

Midoriko turned and stared intently at Sango before transferring her gaze to Kohaku. He gave a resigned sigh and shrugged as he met her eyes. ÒHere and now, Kohaku,Ó she said gently.

As he quirked a wry smile she smiled back at him and gave a dismissing motion with her hand. ÒThank you for watching over me, but go back to Kaede’s hut with your sister now.Ó She turned back to Miroku, who stiffened under her penetrating gaze. ÒMiroku, please stay here with me for a moment before we follow them back to the village.Ó

Sango glanced between Midoriko and Miroku, noting the intensity of the gaze between them. She fought down an urge to try the kata that she had learned from Kohaku out on the sensei. ‘What is wrong with me? I have never had such surges of anger before! It’s not like he’s going to ask her to bear his childÉorÉwould he? But she can’t! Augh! Why am I even thinking about this!’ Confused and bewildered by her conflicted emotions, Sango spun on her heel and began stalking back toward the village, nearly running in her haste to get away.

Kohaku looked questioningly at Miroku, who spread his hands wide and looked back at him with the universal male ‘Don’t ask, I have no idea!’ expression on his face. The youth glanced at Midoriko, who gave him a kind smile and waved her hand in dismissal again. He sighed and jogged after his sister.

Midoriko turned to Miroku. ÒWhat troubles you so, Miroku?Ó

Miroku’s face became a calm mask. ÒIt is of a personal nature, Lady Midoriko.Ó

ÒYou must be balanced tomorrow for Kagome to succeed in creating the Living Jewel.Ó

Miroku sighed and closed his eyes. ÒI know, Sensei. ButÉI can only control my own balance.Ó

Midoriko smiled. ÒIn the strictest sense, yes; we can only control our own actions. But Sango is the representation of family in the Jewel, Miroku. Right now I can tell she is disturbed by something and needs reassurance.Ó Her smile deepened as she reached out and lightly touched his cursed hand. ÒDare to have a little hope, Miroku. Surely you are wise enough to understand that there are many ways to reassure a woman? Ways that will help her to understand that she is part of a family, correct?Ó

As she began to walk away toward the village, Miroku stood still in shock. ‘Did my Sensei just tell me to make love to Sango?’ He stared into space for a long minute, barely registering that he was looking at the rim of the full moon that had just risen above the horizon.


Kagome strode up the hill and walked quietly toward the Kai-wolves’ shed, smiling gently as Shiro came out to greet her, wagging his tail. ÒHello, Shiro.Ó She patted him on the head and called a soft greeting in to Aoi, who was nursing the pups. ÒHello, Aoi. Good girl!Ó

ÒI am not a girl, stupid human!Ó Aoi growled softly, making sure that she didn’t frighten the pups. They were too young to understand the complete Inu language, but she didn’t want them to instinctively react to a danger warning.

ÒPeace, Aoi. Kagome-alpha is still Pack, even if she doesn’t know our speech. She does not understand you and she means well,Ó Shiro whuffed gently to his mate.

Kagome, blissfully unaware of the exchange, scratched him behind the ears. ÒGood boy! Such a good boy!Ó As he sighed in response Aoi laughed quietly ÒNow who needs to understand that she means well?Ó

ÒPeace, Aoi!Ó

Kagome responded to the low growl by turning and scanning the trees. ÒWhat’s the matter, boy? Is there something in the forest?Ó

Aoi laughed again as Shiro sat down in a huff, sprawling onto one hip and snorting in irritation.

ÒI guess there’s nothing, huh, boy?Ó Kagome scanned the forest, trying to use the techniques she had learned from Midoriko to enhance her senses, but could not detect anything dangerous. She gave up and began to search the eastern horizon for a glow that would indicate the rising moon. The persistent sunset of the long summer day prevented her from seeing anything, so she folded her legs and sat down next to Shiro, worrying her lower lip with her teeth.

ÒSo, Shiro.Ó She scratched the alpha male behind his ears, smiling as he panted and leaned his head into her hand. ÒWhat do you think? Should I be worried?Ó He gave a soft yip and nuzzled her hand, begging for more scratches. She giggled. ÒYou big puppy!Ó Grabbing him by the jaw with both hands, she swung his head around and began to scratch behind the angle of his jaw, smiling as he stared at her eyes. As she stared over his head to search for the moon again, he moved forward and gently took her jaw in his mouth. She froze for a moment and the smile left her face, but as soon as it did he wagged his tail, released her, and gave her a lick. ‘He didn’t hurt me, and it must be affectionate.’ She pushed his head away and wiped away the dog slobber. ÒBleah, Shiro!Ó He gave a soft growl and turned his head toward the village, ears pricked as a woman called her child in for the night. The alert tension in his body faded quickly away as he dismissed the possible threat. ‘He’s a dangerous predator in his own way, but he wouldn’t hurt me. I think Inuyasha will be the same way.’

The Kai-wolf thumped his tail on the ground several times and whined before digging at her with his nose in a bid for another scratch.

ÒYeah, I think he’s going to want to be scratched, too.Ó Kagome giggled. ÒYou’re nothing but an overgrown puppy, you know.Ó

Shiro mock-growled at her and gripped her hand with his teeth, but suddenly jumped up and released her, standing stiff-legged and staring into the trees. Just as quickly, he relaxed and gave a bark of recognition as Kagome stood up.

Sesshoumaru strode gracefully from the forest. The taiyoukai came to a stop in front of Kagome and gazed at her calmly. She met his gaze for a moment but as he continued to stare his eyes hardened. She suddenly realized he was waiting for her to acknowledge him.

Gah! Alpha male! Well, I’ll do it the human way.’ She gave him a brief but respectful bow. ÒLord Sesshoumaru.Ó As she raised her head again one of his eyebrows lifted.

ÒMiko. You will inform your mate that this Sesshoumaru is returning to his shiro. I will return later.Ó

ÒYou have finished training, then?Ó

ÒThis Sesshoumaru has nothing further to gain from staying here.Ó The taiyoukai began walking away.

Oh, no you don’t.’ Kagome took a deep breath. ÒLord Sesshoumaru, what about Rin?Ó

Sesshoumaru paused and looked over his shoulder at her. ÒYou will teach her about her human needs and how to integrate them with the InuYoukai. That is the agreement.Ó He began to walk away again.

ÒShe will miss you! It’s unfair of you to leave her with us without saying goodbye.Ó

He stopped, took deep breath, and growled. His hair billowed and she felt a spike in his youki.

Oh, gods, he’s going to kill me.’ Shiro shouldered between her and the taiyoukai, pushing her back as he yipped and growled at her.

Sesshoumaru resumed walking. ÒYou would do well to learn from Inuyasha’s half-breeds.Ó

Arrogant jerk!’ Kagome opened her mouth to give him a stinging rebuke but stopped abruptly when the kegawa draped over Sesshoumaru’s shoulder moved slightly and she thought she heard a soft mewing sound. ‘Is that really a cat that I just heard? I must be hearing things.’

Sesshoumaru paused briefly at the edge of the trees and turned back to her. ÒYou will remind Rin that she is my pup and she is in my half-brother’s Pack. I have no intention of leaving her here with humans indefinitely.Ó He gave her a long, appraising look and strode into the trees, disappearing without a sound.

Shiro growled softly as he stared in the direction that the Inu no Taisho had taken, and Aoi gave a yip from the shed. Kagome took a deep breath and blew out the air in irritation. ÒArrogant, conceitedÉjerk.Ó

Aoi yipped again and Shiro trotted into the shed to rub noses with his mate. Kagome followed and replenished the water in Aoi’s dish, smiling to herself as she watched the affection between the two Kai-wolves. After a brief check on the sleeping puppies she walked outside again and strolled over to the edge of the hill, casually glancing at the village below. She watched, relieved, as Kohaku and Sango came into sight, striding quickly toward Kaede’s hut, and gave a sigh of satisfaction as they entered the old woman’s home.

She looked up just as the rim of the full moon rose above the distant hills.

She shivered in anticipation as a vibration of youki whispered across her senses. As it came nearer she turned away from the village toward the still glowing western sky to face it.

The three beta members of the Kai-wolves appeared first, running from the trees toward the shed and greeting her in passing. Runt ran around her in a circle, whining softly in greeting and wagging her tail, but she stilled abruptly when a sharp bark came from the forest. Runt nuzzled her hand and gave it a soft lick before racing for the shed. Kagome straightened her posture and faced the source of the sound, holding her hands open at her sides to show that she had no fear, no need for defense.

Inuyasha stepped quietly from the trees; the red of his suikan blending with the red of the sunset behind him; his face shadowed in spite of the waxing moonlight. She gasped as his hair whipped about him in a pulse of power and she felt his youki increase in intensity. He stood still for one long moment before raising his head to look at her. His face was subtly different, as if the bones had remodeled his features into a sharper, more refined cast. With a slight pang of regret, she realized that his ears had slid down on his head and now resembled Sesshoumaru’s. He seemed slightly taller, and as he stepped forward his eyes caught the moonlight, casting back a copper glow. He moved with coiled strength.

He was superb–untamed, virile–the embodiment of masculine beauty and strength. And the look in his copper eyes as he walked toward her was unequivocally, unambiguously male.

Mesmerized, she stood trembling as he approached, not from fear but from her body’s response to his masculinity. He moved with preternatural grace, each stalking step forward evoking an answering pulse within her as her miko powers rose to match his youki.

He came close enough to touch her and took one further step, so close that the heat from his body bathed her as if she was standing in front of a fire. Her pulse rate increased and she began to breathe rapidly as she inclined her head back to look at his face.

ÒMy magnificent bitch. You are not afraid of me at all.Ó His voice was a deep baritone and smooth as silk.

She arched her neck and bared her throat to him, enthralled by his physical presence and incapable of speech as powerful forces gripped her body. Arousal–her body throbbed with energy, she pulsed forward with each breath, and the desire for his touch was almost painful. Magic–her miko powers were ascendant, responding to his powerful youki with equal intensity. Emotion–desire, aggression, sensuality, and, eclipsing all others, a deep, abiding love.

He growled softly and leaned forward, his tongue flicking across her pulse point. She gasped at the sensations where they touched; her powers met his in a flare of competing energies. It was as if she was being caressed both inside and outside of her skin at the same time.

He gave another growl and nipped at the point of her chin, touching her only with his mouth, fangs, and tongue. Again the contact evoked her energies, and she gave a groaning whimper at the sensation.

He stepped back from her and she raised her hand in supplication, not wanting him to move away. He stroked one claw down her forearm and across her palm, flicking her middle finger in passing.

ÒCome with me.Ó

Ex luna, scientia: Latin; From the moon, knowledge (motto of Apollo 13).

The lullaby Kagome sings to the children is ÒNen nen kororiyo okororiyo, boyawa yoikoda nen neshinaÓ: Japanese; Sleep, sleep little one sleep, you’re a good child (baby), now go to sleep. From the Edo Komoriuta (Edo Lullaby), a traditional Japanese komoriuta. The soundtrack can be found here: