InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Facets of the Living Jewel ❯ Nec possum tecum vivere, nec sine te ( Chapter 55 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or the other characters. Ms. Takahashi does. I do, however, own this story's plot and I like the youkai side of Inuyasha!

My apologies for the frequent updates! I am finishing the story and there was no chapter here, but apparently the site can’t handle either .rtf, .doc, or .pdf files. I will be posting, but I’m also going to be posting over at, so in a few weeks you will find the entire story there without the strange things that happen when I upload here!

Inuyoukai [thoughts]
`Inuyasha or other thoughts'

Nec possum tecum vivere, nec sine te
By Licentia poetica

‘I may have made a terrible mistake, Beloved.’ Kensei Higurashi’s baritone voice sounded chagrined and weary.

ÒWhy? What’s happened?’ Innin responded, trying to keep her tone neutral and supportive. Carefully shielding her thoughts she worried ‘I’ve never heard him sound soÉdefeated!’

‘I can’t make the mind contact with Kagome any more to see if she’s safe, to see what’s going on around her, and something is definitely happening to the time threads. The time at the Sengoku Jidai hasÉsolidified. There’s no other way I can describe it.’
His contact with her wavered for a moment before his power surged and stabilized the connection. ’Gods! Beloved! Can you still hear me?’

‘Yes, love.’
Innin chewed on her lower lip. ‘Is the time here in that much flux?’

‘Yes, Beloved. I won’t lie to youÉit’s getting harder to hold on to our end of the well, and the black hole is pulsing. I think Kagome just made a time decision and the damn thing has started glowing around the edges.’

What does it mean?’ Innin dropped all pretenses at remaining calm and her mental voice wavered.

‘It means, Beloved, that you need to stay close to the Well. Bring Sota and your brother here, make sure the emergency rations are within the building, and stay here until this is over. If I have to let go, I want you with me, Innin.’

The fact that he had used her name made her more frightened than anything else he had said.


Kohaku surreptitiously watched as Kagome and Miroku stood next to Kaede’s hut, frowning a bit as they gave each other a hug before moving away. Kagome moved to the hillside and lay down staring at the sky, whereas Miroku disappeared into the hut. Kohaku stole a glance at Midoriko and noted that she had closed her eyes and was leaning against the wall of the hut, possibly sleeping.

Well, it seems as though Sango will be part of this Living Jewel. I wonder if she was ever going to tell me. I wonder if she has any trust left at allÉany sense that I’m her brother.’

Over the last two days he had pieced together information about the Living Jewel from scraps of conversation that he had been able to overhear. He looked at Sango’s bandaged arm and sighed. ÒI did that to her. Why would she trust me?’ He began to mentally chant a mantra that Midoriko had taught him to help him center himself. When he felt calmer, he thought ‘It doesn’t matter now. Only the present matters.’

Sango stirred and he snapped to attention, back rigid and eyes forward. She stretched languidly and opened relaxed eyes, smiling at him through a yawn as she pushed herself up from the ground.

ÒAne-ue.Ó He used the crisp, disciplined voice of the dojo to acknowledge her.

She raised her eyebrows at his military tone, and then nonchalantly leaned on her good elbow and cocked her head at him. ÒYou guarded me as I slept? Thank you.Ó She sat up straighter as the Kai-wolves came to greet her, begging for attention and wagging their tails. She scrunched her nose as Runt licked at her face and pushed the smallest Kai-wolf away. ÒUgh, dog breath.Ó She scratched Runt’s neck and patted Bandit, still using only the one hand. The animals lay down on either side of her, facing Kohaku, with their ears on point and watching him alertly. Bandit gave a short, sharp bark.

Kohaku lowered his head. ‘Well, it’s obvious that Inuyasha wants her guarded from me as well. It makes sense.’ Looking back up, he softened his voice. ÒDoes your arm still hurt?Ó

Experimentally she flexed the fingers of her right hand. ÒIt’s much better today and I feel stronger.Ó She wrinkled her nose again. ÒThat vile potion that Kaede made for me has helped.Ó

She flexed her shoulders, rolling her neck to ease its stiffness. ÒI think I’ll get up and exercise today.Ó She gave him a swift glance and asked ÒWhy are you so rigid, Kohaku, we’re not at the dojo. You can relax with me.Ó

The youth’s back became even straighter. ÒI can’t relax. I owe it to you to guard you and keep you safe.Ó

ÒWe’re family, Kohaku. We’ll keep each other safe.Ó She smiled gently at him but the smile disappeared and she began to knead her hands together. She looked down at her thumb as she massaged the calloused ridges of her right hand and said tentatively ÒSpeaking of that, there’s something I want to ask you.Ó

She said we’re family! Thank the gods!’ He gave her a grin and relaxed his pose. ÒWhat, anu-ue? Whatever it is has you nervous.Ó

Sango smiled wryly and looked up at him through her bangs. ÒBrothers. They always seem to understand things so easily.Ó Glancing around quickly, she muttered to herself ÒUnlike some other males I could mention.Ó ‘Miroku doesn’t think I should do this.’

In response to Kohaku’s raised eyebrows she placed her hands on her thighs and began to explain. ÒIn the last few days I’ve learned that Kagome isÉmagical. She has a power over time and can make a contact with someone to make themÉwellÉlive longer. She’s going to do that with me and Miroku andÉ,Ó she let out the rest of her breath in a trouble sigh and stopped speaking, lacing her fingers together as she stared at her palms.

Kohaku waited patiently. ‘She’ll come to the point. At least she’s talking to me and not trying to hide the truth any longer.’ When the silence between them lengthened, he finally spoke, leaning toward her. ÒAnd?Ó

Sango looked up at him and the light in her eyes was fierce. ÒAnd I want my family with me.Ó As he sat back, his face draining of color, she added ÒI want you to agree to make this contact with Kagome and live longer.Ó

A long silence ensued as Kohaku stared into her eyes.

ÒNo.Ó The monosyllable was a harsh whisper.

Sango looked into his pale face, her own features twisted with pain. ÒWhy not, Kohaku? We’re the only family we have left! Don’t you want to stay with me?Ó

ÒNo. It’s not that I don’t want to be with you. It’sÉ.Ó Kohaku turned away.

ÒPlease.Ó Sango’s voice wavered and only the years of her rigid training kept her from sobbing. Bandit and Runt whined, their eyes flicking back and forth between the two humans.

Kohaku’s shoulders slumped. ÒIt’sÉit’s notÉ.Ó He took a great, shuddering breath. ÒYou’re my sister and I love you, but I don’t want to live this life forever.Ó


Kohaku stared back at her, his eyes filled with misery. ÒI will never forget killing father and the others. I can never forget trying to kill you. It’s with me every day, and I don’t want to live any longer than I am meant to.Ó He held his hand in a warding gesture as she reached toward him. ÒAne-ue, I want to redeem myself. To die with honor.Ó He turned away from her and his voice fell to a whisper. ÒI want a chance to start again. A different life.Ó

Sango wrapped her outstretched arm around herself, allowing him to maintain his dignity. ÒI understand, Kohaku.Ó Tightening her hold, she hugged herself against her grief. ‘Miroku was right. I should have listened to him, not slapped him. Now I’ve lost them both.’


Inuyasha abruptly paused in mid-step, causing Shippo to grasp his shoulder with his little claws.

ÒYou don’t need to throw me off, baka!Ó

ÒKeh! Ease off on the claws! If I wanted you off you’d be on the ground, pipsqueak.Ó He motioned with his head. ÒLook.Ó

Shippo turned his head to see where Inuyasha was staring. He gave a gasp as he saw both the Tessaiga and the Tenseiga embedded in the rocky ground.

ÒSesshoumaru left the Tenseiga? He was angry enough to forget it? He’ll kill her just for that! Inuyasha, you have to go save her!Ó Shippo opened his mouth to continue, but stopped as Inuyasha gave a low growl and looked back in the direction that Sesshoumaru had taken Kirara.

(Shit, should we follow?)

scent of a non-Pack male is unacceptable on Pack females. He will rid her of it.]

Hitotsu. Respect others. Hitotsu. Develop self control. I’ll trust him this time.’

Inuyasha sighed as he walked over to the embedded katanas, noting the fundamental difference between the blades as they vibrated at his approach. Tenseiga’s tsuka was capped in gold and carefully wrapped with immaculate white same and ebony ito. Both the keen edge and flat of the blade were polished to meticulous perfection. In contrast, Tessaiga’s tsuka was barely covered in a tattered linen wrap and the blade appeared rusted and pitted, its true power hidden behind a ragged disguise.

My father’s fangs.’

Smirking, he grasped the Tessaiga’s tsuka, effortlessly pulled the katana from the ground, and held it aloft as he willed it to change. The transformed fang glinted in the afternoon sun, its edge now keen and well-honed, as it responded in quick succession to each command of his will–the red of the barrier breaking Tessaiga blended seamlessly to the crystalline Kongosoha and finally reverted to the wrapped energy of the Wind Scar. He felt each power resonate with his youki and grinned in satisfaction. Narrowing his eyes he reached for the youki of the wolves, wondering how the Tessaiga would respond. The canine power answered to his youki by seething onto the surface of the blade and causing it to glow with an eldritch light; small arcs of lightning crackled between the blade tip and the ground. ‘Keh. Damn wolf might have been good for something after all, but I don’t want to experiment with the attack yet. I know what it does.’ He lowered the blade and dismissed the lightning, breathing deeply with satisfaction. ‘It was my father’s power, but it’s blended with my fang and my victories. The crap that Naraku tried to load it with is gone.’ He turned the katana, catching light along the blade ridge, and sheathed it. ‘It’s all mine now.’

He turned his attention to the Tenseiga, staring at the immaculate blade speculatively.

‘We can’t leave it here.’

Shippo, impatient with Inuyasha’s unusual silence, waved his hand in front of the hanyou’s eyes. ÒHey, wake up! You gonna take the Tenseiga?Ó

ÒWhat?Ó Inuyasha grabbed Shippo by the scruff of his neck and shook him.

ÒDon’t even think about stealing from the Pack, kit.Ó

Shippo squeaked ÒI didn’t think you’d steal it! You should keep it for him!Ó

Inuyasha released the kit and shrugged. ÒI don’t know if it’ll accept me. I’m not its master.Ó

ÒWell? Grab it!Ó

(We don’t need it and it matches its owner. Leave it there.)

‘We can’t walk away and leave it. We have to protect it for the bastard.’

we touch it, we will leave our scent on the tsuka. We are alpha in our own Pack, but he is still Inu no Taisho.]

‘Damnit! We’re gonna have to wait ‘til they get back.’

He folded his arms and growled softly as Shippo peered around his shoulder to look at his face.

ÒC’mon, Inuyasha! I bet it would let you handle it.Ó The kit jumped down and folded his arms, looking up askance at the older hanyou. ÒI bet you could beat Sesshoumaru.Ó

Inuyasha smirked at Shippo’s stance, a carbon copy of his own, but shook his head. ÒThat ain’t the point, kit. I have the Tessaiga and it fits me.Ó He gave the kitsune an evil grin. ÒI don’t need a sword of mercyÉI show mercy every time I don’t flatten you for being a little shit.Ó He laughed and scruffed the kit’s head as Shippo stuck out his tongue and blew a raspberry at him.

Both males swiveled their ears as Rin began singing softly behind them. In unison they looked over at the girl as she danced in the grass, gathering flowers. ÒGo play with Rin. We’ll wait for the Baka no Taisho to remember his fang.Ó

ÒI still think it would have accepted you, baka.Ó At Inuyasha’s warning growl, Shippo stuck out his tongue again, then laughed and jumped away as Inuyasha swatted at him. Giggling at Inuyasha’s scowl he turned and ran toward Rin.

Brat. He still tests me.’ Ignoring Shippo and Rin’s antics, he looked down at the Tenseiga.

One of my father’s fangs is enough.’

have mastered the Tessaiga.]

(We’re mastering ourselves.)

‘It’s a full moon tonight.’

His human and youkai voices fell silent. Centering himself and facing the Tenseiga, Inuyasha unsheathed the Tessaiga and began the most difficult of the katana katas. He sped through the moves concentrating on the form, seeking perfection and control. Halfway through, he began mentally chanting the dojo kun.

‘Hitotsu. Strive for completion of character.’ Whipping through two consecutive infinity loops, he lunged forward with a two handed sakakaze.

‘Hitotsu. Defend the path of truth.’ He took a half step backwards, reversing the angle of the katana and ending in a controlled but vicious kesagiri. The Tessaiga pulsed with the power he was evoking from it.

‘Hitotsu. Cultivate courage and tenacity.’ He pivoted and slashed to the side in a right nagi, pivoted again and drew the blade back in a left nagi. Blazing trails of light delineated his strokes as the air ionized in response to Tessaiga’s power.

Hitotsu. Respect others.’ He moved backwards, blocking in high, middle, and low positions, the air humming in Tessaiga’s wake.

‘Hitotsu. Develop self control.’ He lunged forward again, striking swiftly with a yokomen. Static electricity arced from the blade to the ground, setting off a small rumble like thunder. With a satisfied exhalation, he released his youki and performed the chiburi jodan and noto. He was startled out of his concentration by a soft sound, and he spun around in a defensive crouch, hand on the Tessaiga’s tsuka.

ÒWow!Ó Shippo breathed. He regarded Inuyasha with wide eyes, and Rin stood just behind him, forgotten flowers dropping from her hands. ÒThat wasÉyou’reÉwow!Ó

ÒK eh. Go play!Ó Inuyasha frowned at the two children, but as they turned away he couldn’t help grinning.

(As far as I can tell, that was perfect.)

‘It was pretty damn close to perfect.’

The youkai remained silent as Inuyasha closed his eyes, recalling the fight with Sesshoumaru.

WellÉwe have the control. Might as well try it.’

is mine.] The youkai’s voice was filled with immense satisfaction.

Sesshoumaru waited, watching with calm, detached interest as the bubbles from Kirara’s last trip to the surface broke in the water before him.

Stubborn female. She will learn to acknowledge who is her master.

The bubbles ceased rising and he raised one eyebrow. ‘What is this? Where is she hiding?

He stretched out with his youki to find her, predator seeking prey, and his eyes widened at the weak pulse of her life. He stood quickly and stared down into the clear water.

Kirara’s kitten body was sinking below him, her eyes closed and her front paws drifting pitifully behind her as her heavy twin tails pulled her in a spiral glide downward. No bubbles arose from her slightly open mouth.

ÒDamn!Ó Shock jolted him out of his detachment. ‘I swore to Inuyasha that no harm would come to her.’ He began to strip off his armor. ‘Not only is she a neko, she is a fire youkai and I dropped her in the element most inimical to her youki.

As he reached for the Tenseiga he stopped short. ‘The Tenseiga. The challenge with Inuyasha.’ For an instant he stood with his eyes closed, his body tensing and fist clenched in rage. A low growl arose from his throat that quickly escalated into a snarl of fury which flattened the water around him, causing concentric waves as his youki clashed with the inherent power of the water.

He hesitated for one instant, poised to transform into his energy form and seek the Tenseiga before Inuyasha laid a hand to it, but his sense of Kirara’s youki diminished farther.

ÒDamn this female!Ó Slipping off his boots and tossing his kimono, kosode, and mokomoko-sama onto the transportation cloud, he dove to retrieve her, his body slicing cleanly through the cold lake water. The shock of the water calmed him and he began to muse on the purpose behind her behavior as he dove deeper. He had to take several strokes to reach her, mentally cursing at the awkward chore of swimming with one arm. He wrapped his hand under her front legs and drew her into his chest, then used the stump of his regenerating arm to turn himself around. With two powerful kicks, he rose to the surface and flipped onto the cloud, dripping and cursing.

Kirara lay limp against his bared chest as he sent the transportation cloud skimming to the shore. She was not breathing, and as he stretched out with his youki he could barely find hers. He looked down at the pitiful bundle in his arm. Her body was miniscule without the added dimension of her fur, barely reaching the middle of his forearm, and her tiny head slumped downward over his fingers, concealing her face. He raised one eyebrow in a wry acknowledgement that her physical vessel did not match her personality or power.

Such a small thing and yet so indomitable.’

An odd feeling stirred in his chest, one that he had no name for but had felt when he had revived Rin.

She is mine to kill but I have nearly done so, trying to force her to acknowledge my power. She is also mine to protect.’

He paused at the shoreline. It would take very little time to return to the clearing and find the Tenseiga, and he could use his father’s fang to restore the neko after her death. He hesitated once again as he recalled his recent fight with Inuyasha .

He has honor and he is finally a Pack brother. I will trust himÉthis time.’

He looked down at the bedraggled bundle in his arm again and recalled how Kagome had previously revived the stillborn pup. ‘Perhaps I will not need the Tenseiga.’ A wry smile crept across his features. ‘I am curious. I shall use the methods I observed the miko performing and see if my power matches hers without adding my father’s fang.’

Stepping off his cloud, he reached out with his youki to envelop Kirara’s faint life sign and lend her support. Wrapping her in his mokomoko-sama, he carefully spun her around once and grimaced at the water that sprayed from her. He sought her youki again but it was tenuous and weak; he noted that she was still not breathing. ‘The miko breathed for the pup. Perhaps if IÉ.Ó

He augmented the power of his youki and placed his mouth over Kirara’s, puffing air into the neko’s lungs, curious to see if this miko-observed power would revive her. He withdrew and a small cough issued from Kirara’s mouth. Encouraged, he was about to puff air into her again when her eyes flew open.

Kirara, confused by the sense of powerful youki that surrounded hers and unaware that she was no longer under water, opened her eyes to the sight of fangs descending toward her face. ‘It’s going to eat me!’ Panic stricken she tried to transform, but as her youki was still weak she could not manage to generate the energy. She did the next best thing and struck at him with her front claws, batting at his already injured cheeks. She tried to yowl at the youkai attacking her, but her voice failed her and all she could manage was a choked cough.

Sesshoumaru abruptly closed his mouth and held her up and away from his wounded face. She was so weak that her claws had not reopened his injuries, but the skin over Inuyasha’s claw marks was still tender. In spite of the minor pain, he gave a short bark of triumph. ‘Ah, father. You are not the only youkai capable of raising the dead.’

Kirara blinked at him. ÒPfffffft Hhhsssss?Ó She began to cough again and feebly struggled in his hand. ÒRelease me!Ó Her struggles ceased after a moment and she bowed her head, coughing and shivering.

Instead of letting her go, Sesshoumaru tucked her against his chest and stalked away from the shore of the lake. He sat down near a rock and leaned against it, facing the sun. As his transportation cloud followed bearing his clothing and armor, his mokomoko-sama wrapped around his shoulder and enveloped her tiny form. He kept supporting her with his youki, sensing that she was still weak but improving, and held her up at eye level.

After a few moments, she feebly raised her head and met his eyes.

ÒYou will explain yourself to this Sesshoumaru.Ó He purposefully spoke in Japanese.

She coughed again but did not lower her gaze. ÒExplain what, Pfffffft Hhhsssss?Ó Her voice was choked, roughened by the water she had inhaled, but she still managed to convey impertinence.

He narrowed his eyes, trying to control his temper in spite of her insolent tone. ÒThis Sesshoumaru is neither a pup nor a fool. What purpose did you have in covering yourself in the scent of a non-Pack male?Ó

Instead of answering him, she cocked her head and spoke impudently, her voice less choked and almost child-like. ÒWhy did you save me, Pfffffft?Ó

Sesshoumaru growled a warning and tightened his mokomoko-sama around her torso. ÒYou will answer this Sesshoumaru. As your alpha this Sesshoumaru has no obligation to answer your questions, little neko.Ó The final two words were spoken in Inu.

She growled back at his insult and batted at the tip of his kegawa. ÒWhy should I answer you? I owe you my allegiance, but not my thoughts.Ó She used both paws to play with his mokomoko-sama, mock growling as he pulled the tip away.

Exasperated, controlling his irritation, he reverted back to Japanese. ÒYou owe this Sesshoumaru your life, jigokuneko.Ó He could feel her youki strengthening under his but he kept her firmly wrapped in his power.

ÒSo you used your little poker on me. I am not surprised and I suppose I should be grateful, but I would have had another life anyway.Ó Kirara yawned delicately in his face. ÒLet’s see, this is number four I think.Ó


Kirara began to lick at her paw in spite of being held up in the air. ÒNine lives, oh He Who Knows Everything About The Youkai In His Lands. I am a Neko, remember?Ó She batted playfully at his nose. ÒI get to play kitten now.Ó

He pulled her back, away from his face. ÒYou are no kitten, jigokuneko, and this Sesshoumaru did not use the Tenseiga.Ó She froze, and he leaned forward to growl in her face. ÒIt was your purpose to anger me, was it not? You succeeded and this Sesshoumaru left his father’s fang under Inuyasha’s protection.Ó He leaned back, removing his hand from her but holding her fast with the mokomoko-sama. ‘And I will never inform anyone that I forgot it.’

He gave her a few moments to recover as she coughed again, but then persisted ÒYou will tell me why you wished to anger me, jigokuneko.Ó

ÒRelease me, Rrowhhsss Pfffffft.Ó Her voice had reverted to its normal pitch. ‘I will address him as Pride Leader and perhaps I can salvage this situation, but his youki is strong and surrounds mine. I can’t transform.’ She gave a soft sigh that immediately became another cough. ÒI will not answer you while you hold me this way. I wish to change forms.Ó

He eyed her speculatively for a moment, then stood up and informed her ÒThis Sesshoumaru will allow you to transform into your two-legged appearance.Ó

She hissed at him, but he tightened his mokomoko-sama around her until she stopped. For a full minute she glared at him, but when he merely watched her, face completely impassive, she finally asked ÒWhy that form?Ó

He spoke Inu again. ÒBecause we only manage to insult one another this way, and this Sesshoumaru does not wish to play word games with you.Ó

She growled softly but finally gave a resigned sigh. ÒVery well, Rrowhhsss Pfffffft.Ó

He uncoiled his youki from her, just enough to allow her to transform, and a wet, bedraggled woman stood before him, shivering in the late afternoon shadows. She staggered, still weak from her recent immersion, and he reached out to steady her against his body.

ÒUgh.Ó Her contralto voice was petulant and rough from coughing. ÒGet your kegawa off me, at least.Ó

He drew back and withdrew his mokomoko-sama, and began removing her red silk uchikake. She stiffened and tried to dart away from him, but he reached out and held her by the back of her neck. ÒDo not be frightened. You are under my protection. You are cold and your garment is wet.Ó His sentences were stilted as he struggled to maintain his impassive behavior, but the hand on her neck which commanded her obedience nearly pulled her closer. ‘What is it about this female? I try to protect her and then I want to wring her little neck and then I can’t help but notice her femininity.’

ÒI will remove it, then.Ó He withdrew his hand and she panted, trying to maintain her composure as she felt his youki still surrounding hers. ‘Why did I ever show him this form? I am too vulnerable in it.’ She removed the uchikake and spread it over the sun warmed face of the rock, turning her back to him to hide her consternation. ‘Why did I agree to this? I am more comfortable in either of my Neko forms.’ She breathed deeply and coughed a bit before squaring her shoulders. ‘I am Neko, whether or not I am in this ugly human form.’ Schooling her features into tranquility, she turned to face him.

Sesshoumaru gestured to the rock face. ÒSit. Explain your behavior to this Sesshoumaru.Ó

Kirara ignored his gesture and moved slightly away. ‘I must regain control of this conversation. Perhaps if I try not to anger him again, I can make him the true Pride Leader that the Shrewd-Falcon seeks.’ While musing on the best way to speak with him, she unconsciously raised her hands and began to wring the water out of her hair, wrinkling her nose in distaste as she groomed herself. Finally, she spoke.

ÒIt would be incredibly hard to explain all of my behavior to you, and it would take far too long. Perhaps you could be more explicit?Ó She spoke in her most reasonable tone, but as she glanced back at him she noticed that his eyes were not on her face. ‘Oh, no. No, no, no!’

Sesshoumaru closed his eyes, partly to control his temper but mostly to remove the sight of Kirara’s diminutive but voluptuous body straining the fabric of her wet, almost transparent kosode as her hands groomed her hair. ‘Even wet, she moves with such exquisite control. Perhaps it was a mistake to have her take this form.’

Taking a firm mental grip on his libido, he opened his eyes again. ÒWhy did you purposefully place Yourei Taisei’s scent in areas reserved for a mate, while acknowledging me as alpha? You are no fool, jigokuneko. Even in the lax mating rules of a Pride, a non-Pack male is forbidden.Ó

That’s better. His eyes are on my face and he’s insulting me again.’ Kirara began finger combing her hair and cocked her head at him. ÒLax? I prefer to think of it as common sense. After all, if the male can’t keep the female’s interest–Ò

ÒCease your explanation of neko promiscuity.Ó

Kirara bristled. ÒI thought your intent was to stop insulting me?Ó

Sesshoumaru took a step closer to her and placed his hand on the back of her neck. ÒStop avoiding this Sesshoumaru’s questions, jigokuneko.Ó

Kirara turned her face away from the rippling of the muscles in Sesshoumaru’s bare chest and arm, blinking rapidly and patting her hair back into place. ‘My Pride! This is for my Pride! I should not allow myself to be attracted to him. Damn this form!’ She took a deep, calming breath and tried to ignore the clean male scent that surrounded her as she inhaled. ‘The plan was to make him think of me as a mother, not a mate!’

ÒVery well, PrideÉLeader.Ó Spinning out from under his hand, she walked determinedly around him, ignoring the way he tracked her movements. As she began to go behind him, he gave a quiet growl of warning, so she went no farther. Stretching to the limit of her reach, she grasped a lock of his hair and began squeezing the water out. ÒHere. I will help groom you, as an elder Pride female should.Ó As he continued to growl softly, she concentrated on his hair, resolutely ignoring the compact muscles of his back and the stripes of his youkai heritage that extended over his shoulder.

Incensed at her disregard of his personal space, he spat out ÒElder? First you wish to pretend you are a kitten, and now you seek to have this Sesshoumaru believe you are a crone.Ó He growled louder as she stood on her toes to gather his hair at the nape of his neck, but she quickly pulled her hands down and away, deftly wringing the water out without sluicing it down his body. She began to finger comb the ends of his hair and he stilled his growl, raising an eyebrow at her actions. ‘At least she did not try to scruff me. I would have killed her for that, but this feelsÉstrange.’

ÒWhy do you groom this Sesshoumaru and ignore my warnings to keep your distance?Ó

ÒWhy not? Is it not acceptable to groom a Pack brother? It is normal behavior in the Pride.Ó She shivered slightly as an evening breeze stirred the grasses around them.

Pack brother? Not Pride Leader?’ The tip of his mokomoko-sama snaked around her waist, and she stiffened, her hands hesitating in his hair. ‘Two can play at your game, little neko.’

ÒIs it not acceptable to share warmth in the Pride? It is normal behavior in the Pack.Ó

ÒI will smell ofÉinu.Ó

ÒThis Sesshoumaru will smell of neko, and you have acknowledged my leadership. You should smell like me.Ó

Arrogant male! If it weren’t for my Pride I would scratch his nose!’ His smug attitude helped her organize her scattered thoughts. Kirara mentally sighed, ‘My plan is not going to proceed as I wished, but I will succeed. A Neko always finds a way to capture the prey.’ She began finger combing his hair again, nimbly working through the knots. ÒVery well, PrideÉLeader.Ó

The neutral tone of her voice caused Sesshoumaru to narrow his eyes. ‘That is the second time she has hesitated in acknowledging my status. Even in this form she finds a way to twist her words into an insult, and it is not like her to capitulate. What is she planning?’ He twined his mokomoko-sama around her diminutive waist and brought the tip up her back, under her hair. She did not stiffen again but quietly kept grooming his hair, running her hands down the strands. The actions gave him an odd tingling sensation and he shook his head to rid himself of it.

ÒYou have still not answered your Pride Leader’s questions.Ó

Perhaps I should be blunt. He is becoming tense and he does not understand what I am showing him.’ She dropped his hair and folded her arms, looking up at him with the same composed, impassive expression that he always used. Carefully keeping her voice neutral, she calmly stated, ÒI wanted to make sure that you did not think of me as a potential mate but would acknowledge my Pack status as a ranking female, so that I could take care of you.Ó She began gently untangling his hair again, keeping her eyes locked on his.

Sesshoumaru raised his eyebrows and began to growl again. ‘Take care of me? I am not a pup.’

ÒWhy would you want to ‘take care’ of this Sesshoumaru?Ó he hissed. Jaken would have known the tone of voice and would have made a desperate effort to stay out of his master’s reach, but Kirara was not Jaken and hissing was a normal male dominance behavior. She kept her eyes focused on his, using her touch to convey her message.

ÒTo teach you a lesson.Ó She tensed, surprised that his growling increased in volume, but leaned toward him in spite of it. ‘Surely, with everything he has said, he will understand.’ She stood on her toes to whisper in his ear, ÒI know why the Tenseiga resists you.Ó

With a thunderous snarl, he grabbed her by the back of the neck and threw her to the ground, retaining just enough control to cushion her back and head with his mokomoko-sama. He dropped his body over hers, pinning her arms underneath, while tightening his youki against her power until her body and youki writhed under his.

He placed his fangs near her throat. ÒI have put up with enough of your insolence! Submit!Ó

Kirara’s eyes blazed silver and she hissed at him as best she could in her humanoid form. ÒFool! I do not submit as you do, dog!Ó She gave a pained cry as his youki clashed against hers. ÒWhy do my actions frighten you so? Why do you resist a gentle touch?Ó She tried to free the arm farthest away from his body but he captured her wrist and trapped her arm behind her, forcing her body to arch against his.

She raised her head, pushing against his face with her own, and then gasped as he pressed down against her youki and took her throat in his fangs, piercing the skin near the pulsing arteries. ‘When will I ever learn not to challenge big dogs?’ Through clenched teeth, she growled ÒI will not submit to you! Not this way! I am Neko!Ó His grip on her throat tightened, and in response to the pain and fear she closed her eyes and began a high pitched, fast purr.

Slowly, the pressure on her throat eased. As she continued to purr the tension in his body decreased incrementally and his youki released hers, though not completely. The pitch and tempo of her purr changed, slowing as she realized that he was not going to rip her throat out. His fangs left her skin and her purr escalated in tempo again as she felt his tongue lave the marks he had left, easing the pain and cleaning her of her blood. She opened her eyes as she felt him raise his head, but he merely placed his ear against her chest, his nose and mouth still pressed close to her throat, and let go of her trapped hand. She spoke through her purr, trying to calm them both.

ÒI make you very angry, don’t I?Ó

He gave a short laugh and raised his head, looking down at her with blood red eyes. ÒI have killed beings for making me far less angry than you make me.Ó He closed his eyes and shook his head. When he opened them they were golden again. ÒI have killed my servant Jaken many times for merely irritating me.Ó

She slowed her purr, relaxing into her own soothing song. ÒYou said ‘I’ instead of ‘this Sesshoumaru.’ You’re speaking with me, not at me.Ó

He supported his chin with his hand and regarded her levelly. ÒThis Sesshoumaru is royalty.Ó

ÒAnd I am Neko. I might as well be royalty, but I don’t go around saying ‘this Kirara’ all the time.Ó

He stared at her for a moment as she continued to purr, and then without warning laughed again. ÒSo tell me, oh Queen of Nekos, why you will not submit to me in the normal way.Ó

Her purr abruptly stopped and she turned her face slightly away to keep from looking at him. ÒI was already submitting, oh He Who Does NOT Know Everything About The Youkai In His Lands. Normal for an inu is not normal for a Neko.Ó

He raised an eyebrow. ÒKeep purring. It keeps us from trying to kill each other.Ó

She rolled her eyes at him. ÒI am not comfortable in this position, and I don’t purr at your command.Ó She gave a squeak as he sat up abruptly and pulled her into his lap, holding her curled sideways against his chest with his mokomoko-sama.

ÒThere. Are you more comfortable, oh Queen of Nekos?Ó

ÒDon’t call me that!Ó she said peevishly. ÒI am not a Queen Neko.Ó

He sighed. ÒPurr. Truly, it would be better for us both.Ó

ÒYou like my song, do you?Ó She couldn’t resist the impudent tone that crept into her voice.

ÒPurr, jigokuneko, or explain your statements before this Sesshoumaru is tempted to tear out your throat again.Ó He pulsed his youki against hers.

She began to finger comb her hair again. ÒI allowed you to touch me and I touched you. For a Neko, that isÉsubmission. I don’t like touch, not unless I initiate it, and even then I clean off the scent as soon as I can.Ó She threw her hair down and looked at her human hands. ÒUgh. And I let you force me into this form where I’m practically defenseless and ugly.Ó She gave a soft growl and cuffed at his mokomoko-sama. ÒNow your scent is all over me. Is that not submission enough, Pride Leader?Ó

ÒYou are becoming angry again.Ó His cool voice mocked her honest admission.

Stung by his response, she hissed, ÒI have good reason. You ask everything of me, but do not act as a Pride Leader should. MrrhÉI can’t even speak correctly! Inuyasha respects my differences, and that is why he has mastered his katana and you have not. That is why I accept his Pride Leadership and only acknowledge yours.Ó She stopped speaking abruptly as his body tensed beneath her and his youki contracted around hers again. ‘I hate this form! I am a fool to speak to him as if I was Neko; I keep my instincts but I have so few defenses. I hope I am recovered enough from the water to use my fire.’ She tried to access her power, unconsciously beginning her fast purr as she prepared to fight.

ÒYou are the only being who has dared to speak to me in this way without a weapon. Ever. You are lucky that yourÉsongÉis soothing and gives you more time on this earth.Ó

ÒMyÉoh.Ó Kirara consciously slowed her purr.

ÒIt is unfortunate that you only use it when you are terrified of me.Ó

ÒOr fortunate, since I truly do not wish to begin life again as a kitten. It took too long to become a Nekomata.Ó

He made a noncommittal sound, but she could not see his face since she was tucked against his chest. It sounded suspiciously like a smothered laugh. ÒThen I shall endeavor not to kill you, if you will answer my questions with civility.Ó

ÒAsk with civility, and I shall endeavor not to irritate you. But if I do, I will purr to placate you.Ó

The smothered sound came again and she smiled, beginning to finger comb his hair where it fell in front of her, consciously keeping her purr slow and soothing.

ÒExplain to me to your theory about why the Tenseiga resists me.Ó

Kirara took a deep breath. ÒIt is not a theory. I know as surely as I know myself. The Tenseiga resists you because you kill without compassion, just as I used to do when I played with my prey.Ó She increased the volume of her purr incrementally, hoping to soothe any irritation.

ÒKilling is necessary and establishes my dominance. Why should I care about the beings that resist me?Ó

ÒI resisted you, yet you did not kill me, and you saved me from drowning. Why? It was not only my song, and Inuyasha has resisted you as well. Why have you not killed him?Ó

Absolute quiet followed her question, and she continued to comb his hair through her fingers and purr soothingly.

Sesshoumaru pondered her question, distracted slightly by the odd but pleasing sensation of her hands in his hair. ‘I have never allowed anyone to touch me in this manner. It isÉdisturbing, yet I do not feel weakened by her presence. I feelÉ‘ Suddenly, in a flash of epiphany, he finally understood.

I know why the Tenseiga resists. It is not my mastery of the katana, it is my inability to master these feelings. I have spent my life seeking to augment my power while denying this facet of it.

Armed with this new knowledge, he reached out with his youki for the Tenseiga. Even with the distance that separated them, he could feel the answering pulse of the katana’s youki in response. A great sigh escaped him and he reached for Kirara’s hair with his fingers to begin combing it.

Several minutes later, Inuyasha abruptly stopped his weaponless kata as Sesshoumaru’s scent announced his return.

Damn! I can’t smell Kirara.’

would not harm her. Her youki is close by.]

(He was angry enough to forget the Tenseiga. Did he put her under some kind of spell?)

‘We’ll find out soon enough.’

Taking a guarded but relaxed stance near the Tenseiga, he faced the trees where he knew Sesshoumaru would appear. The taiyoukai emerged from the forest and Rin gave a cry of welcome.

ÒLord Sesshoumaru! You have come back!Ó The girl skipped over to him with a handful of flowers and he looked down at her with the hint of a smile on his face. Inuyasha’s eyes widened as his brother reached out and stroked Rin’s head.

ÒThis Sesshoumaru will always come back to see you, my pup.Ó

(What the hell?)

[She is his Pack, after all. He is just acknowledging it.]

Inuyasha growled as Sesshoumaru strode over to the Tenseiga.

ÒWhere is Kirara? You swore you wouldn’t harm her.Ó

Sesshoumaru raised one eyebrow before carefully pulling the Tenseiga from the ground, pausing to clean the blade against his hakama before placing it back in its saya.

ÒYour Pack mate is safe.Ó

Inuyasha narrowed his eyes and raised his voice. ÒThen where the hell is she, Baka no Taisho?Ó

Sesshoumaru cocked his head, as if listening carefully. ÒShe is asleep. You would do well to lower your voice.Ó

ÒWell, where the fuck is she sleeping?Ó Inuyasha yelled.

Sesshoumaru growled a warning and opened his mouth to speak, but before he could say anything a very disgruntled looking kitten-form Kirara pushed her head out from under the mokomoko-sama on his shoulder. ÒBe quiet, both of you. I need a nap,Ó she snarled in Neko. She gave them both a withering glare and retreated under the kegawa again.

ÒI’llÉbeÉdamned.Ó Inuyasha stared at his brother as Kirara’s contented purr blended with the sounds of the evening.

Nec possum tecum vivere, nec sine te. Latin: I can live neither with you, nor without you. (Martial)

On a scientific note: why would Kirara purr in response to Sesshoumaru’s abuse? Cats do not just purr when they are happy or content. They will also purr when curious or interested, and will even purr in tense or traumatic moments, such as when suddenly or violently injured. Why? Only they know, but the Hertz (frequency of the sound waves in cycles per second) of a purr lies anywhere between 25 and 150, and sound frequencies in this range have been shown to stimulate bone growth and healing (check out Scientific People who are owned by cats would also agree that the purr is the equivalent to a mantra; a soothing, relaxing, vibrating sound similar to the human ‘ohmmmm’ and used for the same purpose. It is likely that the instinct to purr while under stress is directly related to the healing properties associated with it.

Also, please be aware that Queen Cat is the breeding term used for a cat with kittens.

Translations continued:
Hitotsu. One
Tsuka: handle of a katana blade.
Ito: wrapping over the tsuka.
Same: white rayskin underlying the ito, displayed in a diamond pattern.
Sakakaze: upward stroke
Kesagiri: diagonal cut to the neck of an opponent
Nagi: belly stroke
Yokomen: strike to the head
Chiburi jodan: Òshake off the bloodÓ by swinging the sword in front of the body
Noto: placing the katana back in the saya
Mokomoko-sama/kegawa: Sesshoumaru’s fur boa; kegawa means fur, skin, or pelt
Jigokuneko: hell cat (note, this is the same name that Inuyasha gives Kagome, and thank you Feni)

Pfffffft Hhhsssss: Bad Dog (an insult)
Pfffffft: dog
Rrowhhsss Pfffffft: Pride Dog (almost a compliment)