InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Forbidden Eternal Love ❯ A Sinister Plot ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I don't own Inuyasha; it belongs to extremely talented Rumiko Takahashi. But I DO own Kane; he is mine to do with what I want! And the name Maiku is mine! It's my friend Mike's name in Japanese, LOL.
All in Heaven are humans and all on Earth are demons.
Chapter Five: A Sinister Plot
The room was dark, completely pitch black. Nothing could be seen, save for a mirror sitting in the center of the room shining eerily before the throne. A tall figure of a man's shadow could only be seen as the cloak of night hid him from the view of any suspicious eyes, as he took his seat upon his hell throne.
“Kanna.” His voice called out, cold and harsh, breaking the deafening silence of night.
In front of him appeared a small girl dressed in white, with white hair and black eyes void of any soul. “Yes, master. What is it that you wish?” She asked while holding the glowing mirror.
“Show me the cursed woman who put me in this hell hole. It's been a while since I laid mine eyes on her.”
At his command the mirror became murky then cleared to reveal the maiden for which he sought. There appeared a girl dressed in red hakama pants with a white kimono, the traditional miko garbs, holding a bow with an arrow notched in it aiming for a target. Her midnight black hair pulled back from her heart-shaped face in the normal miko fashion held by a white ribbon, the rosiness of her cheeks bright, and her cerulean orbs shining with determination as she released the arrow in a blazing stream of soft pink light, to hit the target.
“Ahh, wait that is the lovely Princess Kagome, not the whore who sent me down here. Hmm she is quite intriguing. ” He declared with amusement and fascination burning in his eyes as her stared at her form in the mirror.
“Kagura, come here.” He commanded in a strong deadly voice that sent chills down anyone's spine.
A tall woman appeared behind dressed in a multi-colored kimono, her short black hair tied in a tight bun with a feather sticking through and a fan clasped tightly in her hand, her blood red eyes glowing, piercing through the darkness as she walked up to his throne.
“You summoned me, what is it that you want master?” She asked as she approached him.
“Let us begin on our master plot for the downfall of the two kingdoms, its going to be a little bit harder than it would have been originally. Now that my dear Kikyou, is teaching her beloved daughter to use her miko powers.” He spat as his eyes darkened with hatred towards the image of Kikyou.
Damn that woman, none of this would have happened if it weren't for her. She is the cause of all my suffering and banishment to hell, where she belongs. I will take what is most precious to her and hurt her like she hurt her beloved Onigumo. They were both indeed foolish, falling in love and planning to live together, then poor Onigumo sold his soul to the demons to live after being severely burned. She turned her back on the very man that she swore to love for eternity; she refused him inside of me and married the King of Heaven. I should have killed her that day, instead of offering her a chance to be by my side. Kikyo truly is a harlot, a whore in my eyes and in the eyes of those who really know her. Very soon all will see that their beloved Queen is a pitiful wretch who with many lies and deceit worked her way into wearing a crown. And cast me into hell where she belongs. He thought with a darkened corrupt hatred full of malice as he, Kagura, and Kanna set their attentions on formulating or calculating a very diabolical plot that would bring both kingdoms to their knees.
“Perfect, now I'll get my revenge, and the Sacred Jewel.” He laughed maniacally. “Now Kagura, go out and travel to the two worlds to spy on the soon tragic kingdoms.” He ordered.
“But I am a more valuable asset her-” Kagura began but was cut off.
“Kagura you will obey my orders, do not forget I hold your very heart in the palm of my hand, and I can end it in the blink of an eye. Now GO!” He roared.
“Yes, Naraku.” she replied as she made her way to exit the castle. Damn you Naraku, I would have rebelled if that cursed half-demon didn't hold my heart and my very life in his hands. Curse you Naraku! Damn you! She cried out in the recesses of her mind as she floated up towards the opening recently created by Naraku breaking the seal, on her feather.
“Cursed wench. How many times must she try to defy my direct orders?” He asked to no one in particular. “Kanna, show me again the princess.”
“Yes Master Naraku.”
The mirror grew bright as it revealed the form of the maiden. “Wait, something is not right, get a closer view.” He said as he stared intently at the image of Kagome, yet she had furry black dog ears on top of her head, and had claws and fangs. He watched closely as she snuck into the portal and was transported to Earth.
“Oh, isn't this precious, the perfect beloved princess is breaking the number one rule.” He laughed as he continued to watch her, as she was being chased down by the many demons.
Naraku watched as the Hanyou Prince Inuyasha, had caught the girl and held her then sat her down on the grass behind him.
Hmm interesting prospect. “That disgusting Hanyou is in love with her, how sweet it gives me all the more reason to kill him. I've never liked how him, a hanyou like me, has everything where as I have nothing, he will suffer most of all. Curse King Maiku, Curse Princess Kagome, Curse King Inutaisho and Queen Izayoi, Curse Prince Sesshomaru, Curse Prince Inuyasha, CURSE QUEEN KIKYOU! Their kingdoms and the Sacred Jewel shall be mine! All their happiness is about to end here and now!” He roared out in haste and rage with a loud voice that shook the earth above and the heavens in the sky.
He continued to watch the scene with darkened hatred toward the hanyou prince that had everything, where as he was stuck in hell with nothing, but no matter all would soon be his.
I've waited twenty-two years in hell, now that I am strong enough to break the barrier that Kikyo erected to keep me here. I will exact my revenge. I will take both kingdoms, kill the woman who betrayed Onigumo, kill her husband, Inutaisho, Izayoi, Sesshomaru, and last but not least Inuyasha and Kagome. I will gain immense powers with the Shikon No Tama, but it must be tainted first, hmm how to go about doing that...
Naraku lightly chuckled as he slowly exited his castle, his long black curly hair shortening in length, his blood red eyes turning to brown, his clothes still that of a noble lord as he made his way towards the broken barrier and walked through. He finally made it to the surface of earth and breathed deep. Phase one of my plot is now in action it is time to set phase two. They'll never know what hit them, and when they do it will be too late.
Kikyou was frantically thrashing about in her sleep as her dream brought fears of the impending future and past.
Dream sequence/flashback
Kikyou sat crying holding the badly burned body of her beloved Onigumo, “Oh Onigumo, how did this happen? Who did it? Why did they do it?” She cried in this dark and dreary night, her eyes closed as the tears heavily flowed down her face.
“Ki..Kikyou...It was Mai..Maik..” His voiced rasped as he painfully reached his hand up to touch the face of his beloved, his brown eyes clashing with hers, as he wiped away the tears that fell down her face.
“Shush, don't try to speak, my love. I will try to heal you I swear. I will always love you, I'll never stop.” She cried as she poured all her miko energy into him, trying to heal him. `NO! I have to save him. He can't die! I won't let him. Onigumo, I swear it, I will always love you.'
He slowly laid his head back ready to fall into his eternal sleep, but not before he told her the one thing he always had told her from the beginning and would have always told her. “” Were his last words before everything that happened between them before this moment came crashing back to him. The first moment they met, to them spending more time together, to them planning to use the jewel so that they can live together in peace and the first time that they had made love, and finally the last hour of his life. Then his vision became dark and he opened his eyes no more.
“NO!” Came Kikyou's shrill cry through the night, as she cradled the body of her dead lover.
“Kikyou.” Came a soft voice behind her, as she felt a comforting hand on her shoulder.
She turned around to see the face of her old friend, the Prince Maiku. Tears running freely down her face as she flung herself into his open comforting arms and cried all night long.
Many months had past, actually a year, and Kikyou all soon forgot about her dead lover as her and the prince spent much time together. Kikyou and Maiku were both sitting under the Sacred Tree, for a picnic laughing and giggling having a carefree time.
“Kikyou..” Maiku began, but waited for her to tell him to continue.
“Yes Maiku, what is it?” She asked, her chocolate brown eyes shining with love and happiness, yet a pang of guilt and sadness.
“Are you happy with me? The time we are spending together?” He asked hopeful of the answer she would give.
“Why yes Maiku, I love sending time with you. Why do you ask?”
“Kikyou, I have been in love with you for many years. Now that I have my chance please, you would make me the happiest man alive. Kikyou will you marry me?” He asked.
“Oh Maiku...I...” She began as tears formed in her eyes. `I love Maiku...but Onigumo...I still love him...he died, but wouldn't he want me to be happy?'
“Yes...” Came her soft voice barely audible.
“What did you say? I couldn't hear you.” Maiku said anxiously.
“Yes… I will marry you Maiku.” She replied louder this time and threw her arms around him and Maiku leaned into kiss her softly.
“I love you.” They replied at the same time. Little did they know someone was watching on with darkened hatred and jealousy in their eyes.
“Well, Kikyou I must take my leave. I wish I could stay but duty calls, I shall see you later my love.” He said as he leaned down to kiss his bride softly before mounting his horse and riding off towards his castle.
Kikyou sighed softly as she laid herself back down on the blanket, under the beautiful tree, when she felt a cold, dark demonic aura nearby. She cautiously reached for her bow and arrows that were lying beside her, and notched an arrow and aimed at a nearby patch of trees.
With her bow and arrow in hand ready to strike down the source of such a diabolical and sinister aura, she called in a determined voice “Who are you? Why have you been following and watching me for weeks?” She demanded in cold voice that sound not like her own.
A figure of a man in a baboon suit appeared in the thicket of the trees, his blood red eyes the only thing clearly identified on him as he slowly made his way towards the clearing and the dangerously armed priestess. He lightly chuckled as he came closer, “The lovely Priestess Kikyou, you're even more beautiful as you were a year ago.” His deadly voice recalled.
“Who are you? How do you know my name? What do you mean by a year ago?” She demanded still unfazed by the fact that he moved closer, clutching her bow tightly.
“Kikyou do you not remember me? How could you forget me, my love?” His voice came in that of Onigumo.
She lowered her bow in shock, “Oni...Onigumo? Is it really you?” She asked in disbelief.
The mask was lowered to reveal a man with long black curly hair, blood red eyes. “In a way my dear. True I am born of Onigumo and thousands of demons.”
“How? Who are you?” She demanded re-affirming her grip on her bow.
“Poor Onigumo could not live without his woman and sold his soul to the flesh eating demons after being badly burned, thus was born Naraku, myself. Onigumo is still harbored inside of me, you dead love is once again alive, within me...” He told her.
Kikyou could feel the familiar aura of Onigumo seeping out from behind Naraku's own, yet somehow its darker and twisted. “What is it that you want?” She asked still lost in his imitation of her beloved's voice, as her eyes closed.
“My dear Kikyou, I want you to live with me and become my bride, my queen. Together with the Shikon No Tama, we will rule all.” He stated as he slowly reached a hand to graze against her cheek.
Her eyes snapped open, “You honestly had me believing that you were Onigumo, the moment you said the Shikon No Tama I know you are not truly him. You wretch, how dare you impersonate one who was dear to me and try to have me hand over the jewel. Onigumo never wanted the jewel, he wanted me!”
“You wench. I gave you a chance. What makes you think that Onigumo never thought or wanted the jewel, he just hid his true desires easily from your blinded mind.” He said as he eyes grew dark and his hand he used to graze her cheek lovingly fastened itself around her slender neck and choked her.
A surge of pain went through him causing him to release his deadly grip on her, `Hmm so Onigumo wishes it that I not hurt her.'
Kikyou hit the ground coughing heavily, “How dare you say that, Onigumo would never betray me. How dare you come here, impersonating people to get what you want! For your treachery I will cast you into the pits of hell!” She cried, and with what little strength she had left Kikyou swiftly grabbed her bow and fired an arrow, piercing him through the heart and successfully knocking him into the fissure, which she had created, and then sealed with a powerful spell.
As Naraku fell into the depths of hell his cold, dark threatening voice rang clear, “ When two decades shall pass I will return to take you to hell with me, and I will kill all you hold dear.”
*End of dream sequence/flashback*
Kikyo woke up abruptly, heavily panting with a cloud of fear over her. She could feel the impending future closing in fast.
He's back, he's come for me...Kagome, my dearest I pray that you have the strength to defeat this great evil...