InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Making History ❯ The Last Day ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Making History
By Akira & Yuki

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha… join the club!

A/N: I feel pretty! Oh so pretty! I feel- oh!! Hello!! ^^;; enjoy.

Chapter Five – The Last Day

The next day, I woke up with a late start. I looked around to find everyone gone, but Inuyasha. I raised an eye brow.

Meanwhile, the others hid away from us, far off, and covered their scent.

"I seen Inuyasha with a present for her before, and they like each other, so might as well let Inuyasha or Andrea make a move on her last day. Hopefully Inuyasha, because he's the one with a present." Sango said.

I looked around. Everything was packed. There was a note from the others that said, 'We went off for a walk, and we thought we heard something, but we ended up just spending a free day. You two go ahead and have one too! ~Miroku'

Inuyasha woke up and spazzed. I handed him the note as I brushed my hair. I looked off and wondered what we should do. Unknown to myself, Inuyasha was smiling as he read the note. He looked at me and covered his smile.

"Maybe Miroku is right. Come on I want to show you something." Inuyasha said.

"Wha-AAAAAAT?!" I asked, as he grabbed me around the waist and jumped off. I closed my eyes because they started to water from our speed, and then we stopped. I wiped my eyes as he let me down. I walked up and smiled with a gasp.

"It's beautiful...look at it." I said.

"Mmhmm." Inuyasha said. As I starred off at the view, Inuyasha pulled the necklace out. He put the box back in his haori and then held onto it, waiting for the right moment. That was now.

He stepped up, and put it out in front of me, then snapped it around my neck. I picked it up and looked at it, gasping.

"It's beautiful." I whispered, then turned around and hugged him. He was shocked, but then relaxed and hugged back.

"It's your link. Since you won't be in Japan anymore." Inuyasha said. I looked up at him, which really wasn't that far.

"Really? But....what if I link to the shop you got it from and not to you?" I asked.

"You won’t. It was linked to me especially...with a drop of blood." He said. I smiled and hugged him tighter, my head resting on his chest.

"Thank you, Inuyasha." I said.


We went off to Kaede's village later on, near sunset, where we met up with the others. They went around me, Sango a little teary. I hugged her.

"I'll be back as soon as I can, just stick around Inuyasha." I said...loud enough for everyone else to hear me. They smirked at Inuyasha, but he turned away, grunting. He walked a bit away and stood, back towards us. I shrugged it off and so did the others, and I went over to Miroku, and hugged him, holding his hands on my upper back with my powers so he wouldn't grope me. I let my powers go, and his hands flew and went down my hips and swished to his sides, where he stopped them.

'It's official. Magic doesn't stop Miroku from trying to grope a woman.' I thought. I hugged Shippo and Kirara, patting their heads after I let them down, and then slowly walked over to Inuyasha with my hands behind my back.

"Um...Inuyasha?" I called. His ears flicked but he didn't answer. I went closer and stood at his side. "Inuyasha...look. Even if my family doesn't let me come back here because of school...I'll try to come when I can okay? Like after school...when my homework is done. I'll try to bring you back to be with my family for holidays, and I'll try to for the others, but I don't know how many I can take." He scowled. "Inuyasha...don't be mad at me. I have no choice, and if I did, I'd come every day." He looked over and flinched with a light gasp.

Inuyasha's Point of View...

I can't believe those guys set me up with her today!!! It was kind of nice...but really. How did they know?? Was it that obvious? I couldn't be....couldn't be possible. I stood there and waited for her to come over and say 'its okay' or whatever...not that I care or anything...just....ugh. After a bit...I got irritated. She's going to let me stand here all day isn't she?!

"Um...Inuyasha?" She called. It's about time. I felt my ears flick. No way was I going to move any more than that for her after making me wait! She came over and stood facing me from the side. I kept my gaze away from her.

"Inuyasha...look. Even if my family doesn't let me come back here because of school...I'll try to come when I can okay? Like after school...when my homework is done. I'll try to bring you back to be with my family for holidays, and I'll try to for the others, but I don't know how many I can take." She said. That would be nice...spending holidays with her....WHAT?! What am I thinking. I know she loves me....and I kind of do for her.....but....ugh. I scowled.

"Inuyasha...don't be mad at me. I have no choice, and if I did, I'd come every day." She said. She sounded sad. Really sad. I looked over, cautiously...and it happened. Her face was looking at me with sadness and loneliness...with regret. I felt that before...all those times with Kagome and Kikyo....though...Kagome is gone now....she vowed to never return....and she hasn't in over three months. Kikyo....haven't seen her since then either. I flinched and tried to hold in a came out, but it was light. She probably didn't even hear it.

"'s not like that...." I said, trying to keep the gruffness in my voice. I looked away.

"Then why won't you look at me and tell me goodbye?" She asked. Man this kills...I have to think of something...aha!

"Because you're only going to be gone for a day. You won't be gone that long." I said, with my usual voice. She looked mad now.

"So that's it is it? Fine! See if I ever come back then!" She said, and walked away.

"WAIT!!! I DIDN'T MEAN IT LIKE THAT!!!" I shouted, nervous now. It was all replaying in a different way...almost like how Kagome was. She turned around...she was starting to cry.

"THEN WHAT DID IT MEAN?!?!" She shouted back. Her telekinetic powers created a purplish aura around her...where her powers were....that was now visible.

"IT MEANT.....IT MEANT..." I started.

"I'M WAITING INUYASHA!" She interrupted.

"IT MEANT..." I continued...I didn't really have much of a choice...she was going to win. I didn't have much of a reason to say why I said it, just that....I did it. I looked at her eyes closer now. They looked pained. Her eyes were polished with tears, and there was a long stream going down her face on each cheek. She didn't wait for me to continue further, she turned and ran off... it was over.

It was happening again. Just like with Kagome...I just had to stop her. I ran past the others and towards her. She was fast I'll give her that much. Her powers and emotions left a purple smoke-like trail of aura behind she sped very fast. Then I seen her as she stood in front of her well...hovering on the rim. Her tears were floating back at me with the wind, then the became vapor as they reached me. I ran up and she jumped. It was really happening again...only this time...I had to do something about it.

Back to Regular Point of View...

How could he? He gave me that necklace as a present and a link to him. He gave me a link to him. Then he wouldn't say goodbye, only because I'll only be gone for a little while and it's not really worth his time!! So I put words in his mouth...but it was practically what he was saying. Then he couldn't even come up with an excuse, nevertheless not even a good one. I didn't mean to hurt the others and not come back in the process of getting even with Inuyasha...but it was what I somewhat had to do. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. I could hear Inuyasha getting closer. It was too late for him.

I leaped into the well. I was half way down when a hand grabbed onto my wrist. I looked up. It was Inuyasha. My eyes watered once again. The dry and crusted stains from the other tears now were re-soaked, and I was crying again. I didn't show it that I was crying again...though you really couldn't tell.

Inuyasha was above me, in the well with me. His feet and one hand held him up in the well so that he didn't go down. His grips on the walls of the well were slipping. I mouthed a 'why?' to him. He looked at me and smiled lightly.

"Hold on." He said, and took his arm and threw me up a bit. We were a ways down the well...but I was a few inches short of touching the rim. I fell down, and grabbed him around the neck, and latched my legs around his waist. He put a hand on my back for a bit of good measure, then climbed back up. I could've just used my powers and gotten us up, or I could have just grabbed an edge of the well and climbed on up myself, but I didn't want to ruin his moment of glory. Our waists made it into view and I let my legs drop. He moved away from the rim and lowered down so I could let go with my feet on the ground.

"Why?" I asked, backing away a bit. He looked away, turned his head so his eyes were shaded and unnoticeable. He lightly sighed, then he turned his head towards me. They shown the sadness, loneliness and regret I once had. He reached out, and grabbed my wrist, and pulled me closer, into his arms. He looked me in the eye...I was getting a little nervous...and scared. My breathing got a bit coarse for my liking...but I didn't know what was going to happen. He held me a bit closer, and our faces almost touched.

"Why?" I repeated. "Why did you prevent me from going back? You yourself said I'd only be gone for a few day-"

His lips locked against mine into a kiss. His eyes were closed quickly as he just as quickly dashed out and claimed a kiss. I melted into it. His embrace became tighter, and my non-existing embrace became known as I held tightly onto the front of his haori at first, until the kiss lasted longer and I put my arms around his neck. He broke the kiss and looked at me. I looked at him.

"Because." He whispered.

"Because?" I repeated. A pulse ran threw us. His eyes flashed a bright and glowing red.

"Because I care. Now go home. Leave. You might get hurt if you stay any longer." Inuyasha said. He picked me up bridal style and threw me into the well. I couldn't believe it. That ki....thing. But what about those eyes? Why did they flash red, and how could I get hurt with him there? This wasn't making sense. Though I'm going to find out.
Bwahahahahaha… I guess you know a pairing here. If you don't like INUxOC then deal with it. I'm sorry, but that's basically what's going on. Oh, and feel free to flame. Get all of your stupidity off of your chest because to be honest, flaming doesn't phase me.