InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Making History ❯ American Family ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Making History
By Akira & Yuki

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha…

Chapter six – An American Family

I climbed out of the well to meet a cheery Nina. I hugged her, and then hugged Naota and Aiyoshi goodbye, thanking them for the link help, and hospitality. I waved goodbye as I rode off with Nina to the airport.

I made my way and went as far as Nina could go, and hugged her goodbye.

"Now how do I know what time it is where you live again?" Nina asked.

"Subtract thirteen hours from the time you have. That's what time it is at my place. Now.. I got to go.. or I'll miss my flight. It leaves in fifteen. Oh, and if Inuyasha comes, let him know and everything. Just...go easy on him." I replied. We hugged once again, and I went off. I put my luggage through, and then went to the waiting room just in time.

"Flight 48b boarding. Flight 48b is boarding! Last call!" The woman said. I ran up with my purse and handed her my ticket.

"Alright. Have a nice flight." She said. I bowed to her, and she to me, and I ran off onto the plane.


I went through to my window seat and sat down, only to be accompanied by a boy. He looked American too. I looked at his face...shoot.

"Hi. I' Didn't expect to see you here Andrea!" He said. It was my ex, Antonio. I looked at him irritated. We were still friends… but he got annoying.

"Yeah....well I didn't expect you to be so smart you'd be allowed foreign exchange." I said plainly. "Please don't tell me we're stuck next to each other."

"All matters. I'm seat 27b, aisle." Antonio said. I looked at my ticket.

"27a, window. Shoot." I said. I sighed and looked out the window.

"So...why are you headed back so early?" Antonio asked.

"I came across a well in the shrine's backyard that brought me to feudal Japan to meet some half demon, two demons, a monk, and a demon exterminator. I discovered that I have powers, and well...let's say that I can make your bottom lip touch your nose without touching you." I said.

"Yeah right. Prove it." He said. I made his bottom lip touch his nose, by wiggling my fingers in the air.

"And this is a necklace the half demon bought me when he went to a festival with the shrine keeper’s daughter in this era." I said.

"I believe the powers, but the necklace doesn't prove a thing. You could've bought it." He said. I showed him my wrist.

"From his claws when he grabbed my wrist before I fell." I said.

"Probably from the cat." He said. I growled. I looked at my arm I pulled off a silver hair.

"This is too long to be from an animal at the shrine, and it's silver, which means that it's not from anyone, because everyone Japanese has either brown, or black hair." I said. I took the hair and looked at it.

"Just a hair. Doesn't mean a thing." He said. He was starting to believe me. I went into my purse and pulled out the sacred jewel shards.

"This is the Sacred Shikon Jewel, or the Shikon No Tama. Look in any history book and you'll find it as a whole, and then a few shards that will look almost exactly like this." I said. He looked at them.

"They could be fake." He said. I took one out and put it on my wrist. My nails turned into claws.

"Okay! Okay! I believe you.. sort of. Just watch where you're pointing those things." He said, and I took the shard out and put it back, then held onto my purse tightly in my lap.

"Good. I'm glad we're clear." I said. I looked away. Then I smirked.

"So, why are you off so early? Getting charged again?" I asked, keeping my gaze out the window.

"How did you know?" He asked.

"I didn't, but knowing you, it was a simple guess." I said. I put on my headphones.

"Whucha listening to?" He asked.

"Evanescence...their remake of Thoughtless, by Korn." I said. He nodded and looked away. I listened to a few other CD's, and then it was nightfall. I yawned. I put my things away and held tightly onto my purse as I grabbed a pillow and fell asleep.


The next day, I awoke, and put the pillow away. I looked at Antonio sleeping and then went through all of my things. Everything was there. All my CD's, all of my money, and the Jewel Shards, all five of them.

"Will all passengers please buckle up and prepare for landing. Make sure you grab all of your belongings you brought onto the plane, off." A stewardess said. I checked for my necklace. Yep. Can't be too careful.

The plane landed and I froze everyone in their seats as I got into the aisle, then let everyone else free. I exited and seen my parents, and I went over and hugged them.

"My little sorceress huh?" My Aunt said. I shushed everyone.

"No one can know but us!" I said. We grabbed my things off of the baggage claim, and then went off to my uncle's truck, because my parents, my brother, and my aunt and uncle came to get me, so we needed a big vehicle. We loaded in my things and hopped in.

On our way out, we were stuck in traffic. My uncle groaned in the drivers seat and looked at me.

"Think you can get us out of here can you?" He asked me, looking above his sunglasses at me in the passenger's seat. I looked back at my aunt.

"Can you go into the duffle bag and grab me the textbook?" I asked. She gave me it. Ha-ha.

"Kaede gave me this during the second month before I had to come back. It has little things in here I can use to help with my powers." I explained, and opened up to a page. Invisibility. Since I could already levitate things, all I need to do is make sure we're not seen. My mom looked over my shoulder.

"The pages are blank. What are you reading?" She asked. I smiled. I brushed my hand over the text, and it appeared.

"I used the invisibility powers on the text, so no demons could use it against us if they got hold of it." I said. I read through. I raised my right hand into the air, and then whooshed it around in front of me so that it was practically touching my left shoulder. Everyone looked out their windows and seen that no car was there, but inside, it was.

"Shut your windows!!" I scolded, and they did hesitantly from taking orders from me, and bartered it with the air conditioning. I levitated the truck, so that it was a little higher than the telephone poles. "Just let me know what way."

"Go east until you recognize the town. That's all. We're at the Syracuse airport." My dad said, and I nodded. I looked up by the rear view mirror, where the direction and temperature gauge was. I turned until we were facing east. I smirked.

"Hold on tight! Ha-ha!" I cheered, and then we zoomed off until I recognized East Dominick Street. I started to lower the truck, and then we were off going passed the gas station.

"That's cool sissy!" Patrick exclaimed. I laughed. I shouldn't take it as much surprise...he thinks everything is cool.

"Hey, you know what this means? You can do all that work for us up to camp!" My uncle joked.

"Ha! You guys are helping! I can only do one thing at a time with these hands!" I said. "That, and what if someone sees through the windows?!"

"We'll...there's always the fact of tinted windows." My mom said. I sighed.

"Go off and turn away or something where no one can see, the invisibility is wearing off." I said. We turned off to the back of the church, and then continued from there once I knew that we were visible.

We drove into the driveway, and they backed the truck up to the garage. We all got out and hand carried the luggage, since the neighbors were in their back yard.


After a bit, I finished unpacking, and things were where they needed to be. I went off downstairs with my textbook hidden under my mattress, and sat down in the kitchen and relaxed. My feet hurt, and then everyone was going to want to know what happened in Japan, and to my dismay, the feudal era.

"Did you find a cute boy?" My mom asked. I ignored the question, but a blush was all she needed to squeal. I looked around at my dad and my uncle. Over-protective men....scary and embarrassing. They looked at me.

"Who is he?" My dad asked, that weird joking grin on his face that he always has.

"Inuyasha..." I replied. "He's that inu hanyou I was talking about.

"Come on we're stupid here, what is an inu hanyou?!" My uncle asked.

"A dog half demon. He's half dog demon, half human. He's really nice...maybe you guys should meet him for yourself tomorrow or so?" I explained. They all smiled.

"How old is he?" My grandmother asked. Snoopy woman...ugh.

"He's....hmm....over fifty." I muttered. My aunt spit out her coffee.

"WHAT?!" They spazzed.

"Guys...he looks around my age, a little older. It's not like I'd fall head over heels for some old guy, even though he's old, I have a good guess that he's way over one hundred, he's young in demon years, and like I said, he looks around my age. Tomorrow, if I'm not worn out I'll bring him here. I have a link to the place anyways, and Nina taught me how to link, and in case I forgot, then I have a how-to thing she wrote out for me. I can bring people back and all there's nothing really all that trouble." I said.

"If you're going to go and rampage off into the Japanese Feudal era, what about school?" My mom asked.

"My schedule will most likely be one, school, two, homework, three, feudal era." I said. My family seemed to approve. I smiled and yawned, then just fell asleep on my bed, my mom bringing up some pizza for me to have since I'm all worn out. And almost tripped and fell backwards down the stairs when I was on my way up. That night, I watched some television, and slowly drifted to dream of Inuyasha.


Meanwhile, Inuyasha stood around, and paced, and paced, and paced around the well. There was starting to be a little waterless moat going around it, and Shippo was tempted to put water into the groove Inuyasha was making in the dirt.

'What's taking so long?! Shouldn't she of come back and let me know she's okay by now?!' Inuyasha thought. Sango went up to him. She had the mind of a woman. She could help.

"Inuyasha...I know you're troubled about Andrea not being here, but you need to calm down. After what she's been through in the past three months with all of the fighting and battling, and then her emotions doing flips because of how you are around her...she's most likely going to come back in a day or a few. She said she was going to return, so don't worry." Sango said.

"I'm not troubled. I am calm. I know she's been through a lot. I'm not worried, and a day or more is way too long for me!!" Inuyasha retorted.

"Inuyasha...I'm sure she's stop pacing around the well." Sango said.

"I'M NOT PACING!" Inuyasha said, then stopped pacing and looked down and seen the little moat he made. He scowled and then walked off.

"Sango, I'm worried about Inuyasha. All he's been doing is pacing, moping and sighing. That's unlike him, and the last time he did that was when Kagome ran off when he asked what happened between her and Koga." Shippo said.

"Indeed. If he continues to do this, the village will be clashing down into a heap of wood in no time. His anger doesn't help matters none for his worrying either. I'm sure that Andrea's era is absolutely harmless. Inuyasha himself said that only weak demons make their way there, but Andrea is in America, and we have no clue if there are any weak or strong demons there if there are then again, I see why Inuyasha is pouting around." Miroku said, sweat dropping when he mentioned about not knowing about the demons if there are any, in America.
You know the drill… check out chapter 6!