InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ On a Wing & a Prayer ❯ Running Away ( Chapter 17 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

[A/N: Here we are. I will say only one thing: the below is not the ending!!!! I cannot stress enough that even though it sounds like it…is AIN'T!! I'll e-mail you like I've been doing when I update again…but just keep that in mind. Please enjoy!!!]

On a Wing & a Prayer

Part XXI: To Live in Transcendent Bliss

When the light faded, Kurai gave out a sharp wail of pain as his twitching, severed arm hit the ground, still gripping onto Tokijin. As the other demon still cried out, Sesshomaru looked up, gaping in amazement. Gina was standing there, dressed in only silver armor with strange markings and sheer silk. She was glowing with the rage of a thousand wrongs, and her hair was fluttering in an absent wind. She had no wounds, and was apparently not under the influence of any poison, either.

But what mystified him most was the ethereal glow that surrounded her, and even stranger yet was the sheer, shining hagoromo that hovered around her shoulders. She had a glowing, three-pronged staff in her hand, and she was pointing its blades right at Kurai's writhing body.

"I know of all these deceptions, you impudent monster! Did you truly think that you would be able to harness to powers of a sacred tennyo?" she demanded angrily. Kurai gave no answer, simply a pained growl. Gina sliced him again, splitting him in two. But he still continued to cry out. Gina bent over and dug in a pocket of his armor. When she pulled back her hand, she held a shard of the Shikon jewel. And as she removed the jewel shard, all but the arm she had severed form him earlier disintegrated, and the red glowing shard purified in a bright white light.

"I shall keep these," she said scowling. She looked down at Sesshomaru, and when she saw the saddened look in his eyes, she knelt down beside him, a slight smile on her face. "Sesshomaru…" she said. Gina's voice had seemed to deepen, as if with this newly awakened power, she had matured. "What…what is this power?" he asked bluntly. Gina furrowed her brow. "I am not sure how I should explain," she replied. "I am a tennyo. A sacred angel. But I am also more. I am what is called a tennin, a guardian angel of the Buddha's people. I am to fight evil and diverge harm from those who do not deserve it."

Sesshomaru winced. "Oh, yes," Gina said, "This wound. Here, let me help." Gina put her hand against the large wound, and her hand began to glow. He winced again, and a light enveloped the whole wound, and when it faded, he was healed. A small smile crossed his face. "That's much better." But soon, his face fell into despair along with the rest of him.

"But…I do not understand. You've lived in this realm for so long, why must you leave now?" Sesshomaru asked. Gina felt a few tears stream down her face. "Now, with this reawakening of my power, I must leave to the heavens where my they will remain in check. I simply do not to wish to hurt anyone. But before I go…there are some things I have yet to do. With the awakening of my powers, I have been enlightened to the reasons for this night. First, I will explain why this has all happened."

"There never was a lord Kurai. He was simply a lustful demon who had discovered that I was a fallen angel. When he came in contact with a shard of the Shikon no Tama, he used its power to convince the people that he was a young, devoted lord. He sought my hand in marriage. When I got lost in the woods, he could no longer hold himself back, and so he tried to force himself on me. Thanks to you, that awful fate was avoided, and you know the rest. And this brings us here," she explained.

Sesshomaru could barely take it. He was losing Gina. But at least not to such a terrible fate… "Sesshomaru," Gina started, pulling Tokijin from the grasp of Kurai's dead hand, "Remove the sleeve that covers your missing arm." Sesshomaru simply shook his head. "It will not work. That arm will simply rot away like all the others, and I will be just as I am now." "No, Sesshomaru. There you are wrong. I will give you my blessing, and all will be well," she said, handing him the arm. Sesshomaru removed his sleeve, and attached the arm as Gina looked away. When he was done, she turned to him again.

Looking as though she were in prayer, she rimmed her fingers along the divide of his flesh and that of the demon he had just fought. In yet another flash of her angelic energy, the undead arm matched the one on Sesshomaru's right side. When Gina pulled her arm away, Sesshomaru gripped his new arm in a fist. "Impossible…" he muttered to himself.

"This arm has become your own flesh. It is now as if you never went into battle the day you lost it, and all will be well," she said, her words coming out between sobs. Sesshomaru clothed himself completely, and then pulled her close, trying his best to comfort her. But truthfully, he felt like sobbing as well. "Gina," he said, gently stroking her hazel-streaked hair. But he could not continue. His voice was took choked with tears.

"Sesshomaru…" Gina mumbled softly into his chest. She wished that they could remain like that forever. In perfect, transcendent bliss…just like this for eternity. But she knew that would never happen. Their love could never be. She looked up at him, and saw that the proud demon was actually shedding tears. "Sesshomaru," she repeated, forcing back her own cries, "I want you…to place your mark on me…so that even in the heavens…I will be known to be yours for all of eternity."

"As you wish," Sesshomaru said, brushing some of her hair away. When the back of her neck was clear, he took his middle claw, and gave her a small slash. She winced as he wiped away the blood, but she was happy. Under usual circumstances, they would, by now, be mates. But that, too, would never happen. Knowing this, Sesshomaru pulled Gina into one last passionate kiss, which she quickly melted into. A moment later, when they parted, they gazed into each other's eyes for a moment.

By now they were both silently crying, knowing that they would never see one another again. "Gina…just know that I love you more than my own life…and if I ever had to, I would die to protect you," he said, just before kissing her again. When they parted, Gina spoke. "And Sesshomaru, please know that you will remain in my heart for eternity, and that I will always pray for you…"

The two then stood, shared one last loving embrace, and Gina took a step back. She quickly recovered the javelin that she had set down, and took another step back, this one into the air. "Sesshomaru…goodbye…my love." With these tender words spoken, Gina took to the skies, ascending higher then any could have dreamed. A few moments later, she disappeared into the star-filled sky, which was glowing especially bright that night.

And as she disappeared, pink rose petals fell from the sky, blowing in an absent wind. All of the soldiers watched in awe, barely believing what they had just seen. Of course, Sesshomaru knew what it was. "Gina…at least…you'll be happy…"

…To live forever in transcendent bliss, and spend eternity never moving…