InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Past Mind, Present Body ❯ Meeting You ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 1: Meeting You…
Kagome smiled at the paint job she did on her new apartment. She had just moved into an off-campus apartment building just across the street from Tokyo University. They didn't have enough dorms even though she signed up for one, so they offered her to stay at the complex that was extremely expensive, free! How could she resist? The rooms were bigger and roomier for one, and she didn't have to have a roommate if she didn't want one. Of course she said she wouldn't mind a roommate since there was tons of room to share.
The front door opened and a boy with long black hair walked in. “Hello? Is anyone here?” he called out and looked around.
“I'm in here! The second bedroom!” Kagome answered. The boy walked in and covered his nose immediately.
“God, it stinks up to high heaven in here,” the boy whined. Kagome looked up at the boy standing in the doorway and froze. Those eyes…That hair…That face…It was him…
“Kagome? No you can't be her! She would be dead by now!” the boy exclaimed.
“Kouga? Is that really you?” Kagome asked in shock. His blue eyes met her brown ones.
“Holy shit! It is you! I can't believe it!” Kouga smiled and ran to hug Kagome. He picked her up in a bear hug and then after a good squeeze he let her down gently.
“I can't believe this! I missed you so much Kouga! How have you been?” Kagome asked.
“I haven't really been doing anything. I found the reincarnation of the mutt though. He's just like the original bastard with his smart mouth and eagerness to fight,” Kouga smiled.
“You mean you found Inuyasha?” Kagome asked with hope in her eyes.
“Yup, come on, I'll take you to him. I gotta teaching gig here as a history professor. By the way how are you here right now?” Kouga asked, leading Kagome down to the university.
“Well you see, this is my actual time. The bone eater's well transported me from this time to your time. It's complicated,” Kagome said.
“Everything is complicated now-a-days. Everyone has been reincarnated countless times that I quite trying to find them. The only demons left are me, my mate, and Sesshomaru. Oh and Sesshomaru thinks that the reincarnated mutt might have some demon left in him. It would be hard to believe if we didn't witness all those demons first hand right?” Kouga joked.
“Yeah, I can't believe that there are only three, maybe four demons left. It seems like yesterday when there were countless demons trying to kill me for the jewel. I still have it you know? I brought it here to keep it away from the demons,” Kagome said and followed Kouga into a classroom.
“Yeah, Ayame says the same thing, but 500 years is like a day to us demons,” Kouga said and stopped talking when he set eyes on a boy sitting in the classroom.
Kagome felt her heart skip a beat when she laid eyes on the boy in front of her. It was him. She knew it. The only thing that was different was the hair. But the eyes…There was no mistake. Kagome felt like crying. After a year of waiting she finally found him.
“Yash, this is Kagome. Kagome this is Yash,” Kouga introduced.
The boy Kouga called Yash felt immediately drawn to the girl in front of him. He ran a hand through his shoulder length black hair, out of habit as he stood up. “Why the hell should I care who she is?” Yash asked.
Kagome stared into his gold eyes and knew that this was her Inuyasha in a different form. She couldn't believe it. She ran to him, crying and flew into his chest. “Oh, Inuyasha! I've missed you so much!” Kagome cried.
“What the hell?! Get off of me wench. How did you know my full name was Inuyasha?” Yash asked completely confused.
Kouga pulled Kagome back and said, “Sorry about that Yash. Kagome just lost someone very close to her and he looked a lot like you. I thought she would be happy if she got to see you.” Kagome wiped her tears away and bowed in apology, “I'm sorry Yash. I don't know what came over me.”
Yash sighed and said, “It's alright. How about we go out and get to know each other over a cup of coffee?” Kagome suddenly realized that this wasn't her Inuyasha anymore. This was a completely different Inuyasha. This was Yash. Her heart started to break all over again and she let a sob escape her.
“I'm sorry, but I have to go!” Kagome said before running off.
“I really screwed that up, didn't I?” Yash asked the older man. Kouga laughed and said, “Don't worry about it. She lost the love of her life recently and you really are a lot like him. I've known Kagome since she was 15-years-old. She's grown so much since then and to think it's only been four years since we met.”
“Should I go talk to her? I mean I felt something inside of me trying to come out when I saw her. What does that mean?” Yash asked.
“Love at first sight, my good friend. I wouldn't tell her just yet though. Show her that you are you and not her dead lover,” Kouga suggested.
“No, I can't love her! The only thing I know about her is her name and she had to go through a terrible death. That's not love,” Yash snapped.
“Whatever you say kid. Just go cheer her up. She needs that much, especially you were so rude to her,” Kouga said.
“Well I panicked! I don't know how to comfort people especially when they are crying, but I will try to go talk to her,” Yash said and left the room.
“God, I'm so pathetic. I can just hear what Inuyasha would say right now, `Crying is for the weak. You weak humans can't do anything without getting tired or sick.' I wish you were here Inuyasha. I miss you so much,” Kagome mumbled to herself as silent tears went down her cheeks.
“I'm right behind you, you know? I know I'm not your Inuyasha, but I am Inuyasha,” Yash came up behind her and put a hand on her shoulder.
“I'm sorry for what I did earlier. I guess because you look so much like the Inuyasha I use to know that I thought you were him. I won't make that mistake again. I know what it's like to always be compared to another and I always hated it,” Kagome said turning to face him.
“Don't worry about it. The offer for coffee is still standing. If it will make you feel better you can tell me about this other Inuyasha of yours,” Yash smiled, trying to be sweet.
“You don't have to do that. All I really need to do is go home and finish unpacking,” she said and started walking away.
Yash grabbed her arm and said, “Let me buy you some coffee, wench. I'm really not a nice or patient person compared to others so this kind of offer is rare coming from me.”
“Okay, I'll go with you,” she smiled, knowing how to deal with his attitude. She wanted to become Yash's friend and pissing him off wasn't the way to do it. They began to walk down the street to the coffee shop on the corner. They went in and ordered their coffee. After getting their coffee they sat down at a booth.
“How do you know Kouga?” Kagome asked. From the way Yash talked about Kouga it sounded like Kouga was like an older brother to him. It was sweet, she liked that idea.
“Kouga saved me. It's a complicated story, that I don't really want to talk about right now,” Yash said, concentrating on his coffee.
“I'm sorry. You must really look up to Kouga then. He was always so nice to me,” she said. Then added, “He was always fighting with the Inuyasha I knew though. It was funny, but really hard to tear them apart.”
“That sounds like Kouga alright. Always ready to tear out anyone's throat. I think of him like a big brother. He practically raised me as a teenager. I tell him everything. He thinks I'm in love with you already. He sure is a strange guy,” Yash laughed.
“Maybe that's because he has seen so much. I mean he is older than he looks,” she said, putting the idea in Yash's head.
“I guess you could be right. I mean he's only like 30-years-old, but he has so many stories and still loves his wife more than ever. There's something wrong with that,” he said.
“Oh well, I'm sure he's seen and been a lot of places, so that's where the stories come from. I think it's sweet that he loves his wife even after all these years. I want a marriage like that one day,” she smiled.
“Yeah, I guess a family would be nice sometime in the future. A loving wife, a lot of kids, and a big house with a yard. Look what you did, wench! You got me thinking about something that will never happen!” he growled.
“What makes you say that it will never happen? Everyone has someone out there. Everyone has a future,” she stated.
“With my past, no girl would stay with me. I guess it's just my fate,” he said and drank the rest of his coffee. He looked out the window and spotted someone he once knew. “Shit! Let's get out of here,” he said standing and grabbed Kagome's hand. He pulled her up and toward the door. The person he knew was coming toward the entrance. He panicked and pushed Kagome back into the men's bathroom.
“Yash! What's going on?!” Kagome said getting embarrassed when she saw the urinals on the wall.
“Just be quiet and stay in here for a bit with me,” he said. The door began to open and Kagome pushed Yash into an empty stall. Before he had a chance to speak she covered his mouth with her hand. She gave him a look that said, `Shut up or I will kill you slowly.'
They waited in the stall until the man left. They snuck out of the bathroom and headed to the exit.
“Yash? Is that you?” a female voice rang out. Yash froze and felt his blood turn cold. He turned to face a beautiful older woman, with long black hair and dark brown eyes.
“Yeah, it's me, Kiki. Is there something that you needed with me?” he asked, wanting nothing more than to slit her throat at the moment.
“Come on. Let's talk a little. It's been years since we saw each other. How's the debt going? Are you almost out?” the woman named Kiki asked in a snobbish tone.
“Yeah I paid it off a while ago. Now if you'll excuse me, I am busy with something,” he said and began to walk away.
“What could be more important than me? I was your first after all,” Kiki smirked. Kagome felt Yash stiffen and put a hand on his shoulder comfortingly. This Kiki woman was trying to get under his skin and she knew it.
“I'm on a date Kiki,” he said through gritted teeth.
“Oh, my dear Yashy. You know no one can replace me!” Kiki laughed and gave Kagome a smug look.
Kagome went up and grabbed his hand, lacing her fingers through his. “He's with me now. I seem to be a good enough replacement if you two haven't talked in years,” Kagome smiled sweetly. Yash smiled down at her, silently thanking her.
“Oh you poor thing! You don't know anything about Yash's past do you? Of course not, you would be long gone by now,” Kiki laughed.
“Don't you dare! You have no business telling her anything about me. You are the one that decided to help me out,” Yash growled.
“Yashy boy here is nothing but a man whore. He was a young kid overflowed by dear old mommy's debt and didn't have anyway to earn it so he resorted to sleeping with women for money,” Kiki said as a matter-of-factly.
“Fuck you, Kiki!” Yash shouted and ran out of the coffee shop. Kagome glared at Kiki one last time before running after Yash.
“Wait up, Yash!” Kagome called. Yash turned to Kagome and stopped walking.
“What do you want?” Yash asked in a defensive tone. Now that his secret was revealed to her, he knew what was coming. She would make a big scene, calling him a disgusting lowlife that shouldn't be walking the streets as a normal person, blah, blah, and blah.
“Is what she said true?” she asked. “Yeah, so make your big scene and leave me alone. I told you women wouldn't want to be with me and now you know why. So now you should yell at me and then get out of my life,” Yash said.
Kagome gave him a small smile and went to pull him into her arms. “Don't think so lowly of yourself. You are a great guy and deserve only the best no matter what anyone says. Your past may not be the best one, but it made you who you are today, so don't think about the past. Think about the future. Someday soon when you are ready to tell me all the details of your past I will listen to you without judging you. For now I will continue being you friend.” She smiled up at him and watched the confused and shocked expression on Yash's face.
No one had ever treated him so kindly, not even Kouga. Kouga was kind enough to give him food and shelter, but once he was old enough he was on his own again. Kagome stared at him with truthful eyes that showed compassion and love. Yash could tell already that she was a very caring person and would probably do anything for anyone just to make them happy, even if it made her miserable. What was this girl doing to him? What had he gotten into?
His arms went up and wrapped around her tightly. “You aren't like anyone I've ever meet before. It's hard to believe that you would accept me the way I am when everyone I know has rejected me,” Yash sighed.
“I guess I'm just different then. Now come on, let's go meet Kouga,” she smiled and grabbed his hand. Yash blushed as he looked down at their hands. He was starting to really like the girl that walked in front of him. Could he really learn to love her? Maybe, but right now it was way too soon to tell. He intently stared at the back of the girl's head and sighed.
No, he would not love her. He had to keep her safe. He had to protect her from himself…