InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Romancing the Enemy ❯ Scroll Eight: If Patience were a Subject in School, InuYasha would Fail ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Romancing the Enemy

Scroll 8: If Patience were a Subject in School, InuYasha would Fail

By: MeldaVeanarSuure

Disclaimer: I don't own InuYasha; all characters are copyrighted to Rumiko Takahashi!

Author's Notes: Hey, hey, hey, look who's back and putting out the next chapter! ^__^ Thanks everyone for all the splendid reviews and sorry about the nasty-ish AN I put out, some of the first batch of reviews had upset me and I just wanted to set the record straight.

InuYasha stopped in front of the well, staring into the endless depths. `Kagome…I don't know why you're not coming back… but I'm going to find out. And you're coming back, sooner or later; I will get you back…'

He rested a foot on the edge of the well. `Okay, InuYasha, just jump in. Go in, and come out on the other side… You can do it. Go talk to Kagome.'

He swallowed, feeling as if he was going to jump off a cliff. Then his face hardened. `Oh, come on! It's just Kagome, she'll hear you out and explain, just like always!!' InuYasha told himself, and stepped forward, falling into the well.

InuYasha jumped out of the well, and sneezed, from all the dust in the well house. "Damnit, don't they ever clean in here?" He asked himself, covering his sensitive nose, and walking out into the daylight.

The shrine was oddly quiet. It wasn't like the place was always overly filled with people, but it usually wasn't as quiet as a graveyard, either. InuYasha remained alert, and made his way over to the house. He jumped up to the roof below Kagome's window, and tried to jerk it open, as usual. The window wouldn't budge. InuYasha tried again, and considered punching through the glass, but quickly vetoed himself, knowing that Kagome would `sit' him to the other side of the world if he destroyed her window. `She almost never locks her window… Maybe someone else is home, I'll try the door.'

He hopped down and tried the kitchen door. Locked. Growling curses to the locksmith who'd made the things on the doors, he went around the house to the main door. Locked. `Damn! Where the hell is everyone?!' InuYasha thought to himself, growling deep in his throat as he sat down roughly on the ground.

Then he remembered. `Maybe Kagome's at that… school thing. Damn her, making me go and find her in broad daylight… I don't even have that hat thing she makes me wear in her time.'

InuYasha remembered something else. `If she's at school, she's with that Hobo kid!!' He thought with a snarl, temper rising above what it was now.

That settled it. InuYasha jumped into a tree, and made his way down the line of trees, bound for Kagome's school.

InuYasha surveyed the area from a tree, making sure no one was around to see him. The school was quiet too. The silver-haired hanyou jumped down and snuck into a clump of bushes under a window. He took a peek in the window. The classroom was empty. `What?! No one here, either… Where is she then?!' He thought, bewildered.

The silver-haired hanyou punched at the ground for a bit, letting out some frustration. "Damn-her-to-HELL!!" He yelled, making a rather noticeable indent in the ground where his fist landed.


InuYasha lounged in the God Tree, waiting for Kagome to get back from… wherever she was. He stared at the leaves waving at him in the gentle breeze, sneezing occasionally from the amount of filth in the air. He had to wonder how Kagome managed to live with all this air pollution. `One thing's for sure… she's going to live with me in my time when she agrees to be my mate… No way in hell am I living here, I'll die within a week!!'

Turning red slightly, the hanyou corrected his thoughts. `If she agrees… and if she accepts me as her lover…'

He was still worried about that. She seemed to like him enough, but love him? They still fought, but not as much as usual. Maybe it was the training, how they were spending so much time together.

InuYasha's blood suddenly ran cold. Kagome had advanced very quickly in her hand-to-hand skills. She'd mastered some of the more difficult techniques within a few weeks. If she didn't want to go back, he didn't want to think of the ass-kicking he'd get of he argued against her wishes. One time when they'd had an unplanned spar, she's actually won. ((AN: An unplanned spar would be that one or the other had surprised the other into a spar))

Okay, so she'd caught him off guard, (he'd been paying attention to the fact that she was in her school uniform, trying to kick him), but the fact remained that she still had won. Something his pride didn't want to happen again. Nor did his body.

Later that Night

The sun had set some time ago. It was getting very late. And InuYasha was grumpier than ever. "Where is she?!" He asked for the umpteenth time.

At that moment, InuYasha's ears pricked up at the sound of footsteps, and soft voices talking. He focused on the voices as they drew nearer. "…still not awake! I'm worried, she fell asleep hours ago!"

That sounded like Kagome's mother. "You said so yourself, she's probably still tired from that exhausting workout she gave herself the other night."

And that was Kagome's grandfather. InuYasha's face had taken on a mixed look of annoyance and dislike when he'd heard the old man's sentence. `What's that girl gotten herself into without me to look after her?'

He watched through the leaves. Kagome's mother was carrying the girl. Sota and his grandfather were walking just ahead of them, and unlocked the door, holding it open for Mrs. Higurashi. "Mom, Kagome's gonna be alright, right?" Sota asked.

"She's just tired, my boy, your sister will be up and walking by morning!" Grampa said cheerfully. "And if she isn't, legend says that these herbs I bought earlier will…"

The door closed. InuYasha took the opportunity to go to a tree closer to Kagome's room. He watched the window sharply, perching on a lower branch. If you didn't know his origins, you might think he was half hawk demon.

Inside, Kagome's mother was putting the girl to bed. She looked up, and smiled slightly, seeing InuYasha's white hair in the tree. She reached over and unlocked the window, giving a small wave to the hanyou, then left, shutting the lights off.

InuYasha blinked. Kagome's mother had unlocked Kagome's window. She had also waved to him. Did she trust him not to touch her daughter? `Well knock me over with a feather…' He thought, shaking his head.

He waited a while longer, until all the lights in the house were out, then hopped onto the roof just below Kagome's window. He slid open the window, and slipped inside, making as little noise as possible. InuYasha moved over to Kagome's bed, and knelt down, looking at Kagome's sleeping form with uncharacteristically soft eyes. `Kagome…'

Kagome stirred slightly, and InuYasha backed up as quickly as if he'd walked into a fire, looking scared. When the girl didn't make any further movements, or say anything, InuYasha relaxed. He started to move closer to her, when all of a sudden, Kagome mumbled something in her sleep, "Inu…Yasha…"

The hanyou blinked several times in surprise. Kagome spoke again. "Mmmmmm… InuYasha… please…"

Now he was really confused. `What's she dreaming about?! Why is she talking about me, especially like that?!'

"InuYasha… no… no, please, I… I can't… see you…"


"I can't… no, please… don't… kiss me…"

`What in all the hells-' InuYasha stopped in mid-thought as his mind registered what she'd said. `She said `kiss me'. In her dream, I'm kissing her… So, what's that supposed to mean? Maybe…'

*~*~*~*Kagome's Dream*~*~*~*

Kagome stood under the God Tree, enjoying the gentle breeze. Suddenly, InuYasha jumped down out of nowhere, and gave her his trademark grin, looking at her with soft, loving eyes. "Koishii…" He said softly, stepping closer and brushing hair out of her face tenderly.

"InuYasha? Why are you calling me that?" She asked, blinking up at him.

"Isn't it obvious?" He replied, still in that same soft way.

Kagome gasped when he leaned down and pressed his lips against hers, gently at first, then pressed against her harder. She pushed him away, her face pale. "InuYasha, I can't see you right now, please, just-"

She gasped again when he paid her no attention, moving down to kiss her neck. "Inu… Yasha…"

"You like that, don't you, Kagome?" InuYasha murmured against her neck, then nipped her.

Kagome choked back a scream and whimpered, falling into InuYasha's embrace. InuYasha chuckled as she moaned out his name. "Mmmmmm… InuYasha… please…"

He held her tightly, planting kisses all up and down her neck, down to her collarbone. Kagome tried to get him to let her go, but she'd lost the feeling in her legs. "Koishii…" InuYasha murmured again. "Koishii, why are you struggling? Why fight what is meant to be?"

"InuYasha… no… no, please, I… I can't… see you…" Kagome whispered, a tear falling down her face as he nipped her again, this time, a little harder than before.

"Why not?"

"It's complicated…"

InuYasha's response was to kiss her again. Kagome wrenched away again, as confused as InuYasha was. Why did she refuse him? "I can't… no, please… don't… kiss me…" She breathed helplessly as InuYasha kissed her again.

And suddenly, she was drifting in a gray mist. InuYasha was nowhere in sight, but why did she still feel the pressure of being kissed against her lips?

Kagome stirred again, and slowly opened her eyes, only to see white bangs an inch or so away from her own. She tried to speak, only to find that someone else's covered her own mouth. She inhaled sharply and rolled away, panicked.

InuYasha's golden-amber eyes blinked bashfully at her, a blush stained his tanned face. Kagome's breath was shaky, she looked back at him with a frightened looking her eyes. "I-InuYasha?" She asked, her voice trembling.

"Kagome… I-I'm sorry, I shouldn't-" InuYasha was edging towards the window, waiting for the `sit' from hell, to hell.

Kagome relaxed slightly, but her eyes never left his. "Were… you just… kissing me?" She asked softly.

((Okay, sorry it's so short, and sorry I didn't update for a while, but this turned out to be the hardest chapter to write!!!! I left you a little cliffhanger, and gave some fluffy InuYasha-Kagomeness. ^__^ And still kept it at a PG-13 rating! Go me!! Well, I'd like to get this up before I go back to work next week then to band camp, so… yeah. I'll get chapter 9, hopefully the last chapter, up sometime before the end of September. That's at the latest. Keep reviewing, it'll get me to get the last chapter up sooner and resolve everything!!!!! Love y'all, thanks for being so patient!!! ~Melda ^_~ V)