InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The curse of the dragon ❯ Reckoning ( Chapter 15 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

~<>~Curse of the Dragon ~<>~

~<>~Chapter 15 ~<>~ reckoning

The silver Ferrari pulled up outside of the Takisho mansion on the east side of Tokyo. Miroku put the car into park and looked in the rearview mirror. InuYasha was asleep with Kagome curled up in his lap. For a moment, Miroku thought of going inside by himself then the dire circumstances played over in his mind. He knew a little about Rin and even less about Naraku. He knew Naraku was shady and wasn't exactly the standard class gentleman…and he saw Rin's condition…he wasn't an idiot. With a deep breath, he reached behind him and shook the hanyou's knee. InuYasha popped open an eye and stared at the boy in confusion. After a moment, his eyes widened in realization and he nodded. Looking down, InuYasha gently shook Kagome's shoulder. Kagome stirred and then looked up into the hanyou's eyes…who was lingering a few inches above her face. She screamed bloody murder and jumped away from him, startled by her current location. Miroku poked his head through the car's door and cleared his throat, "if you two are done with whatever it is your doing, you have a friend who is in need of your comfort."

Kagome's eyes glazed over as the images from a half hour rushed back into her mind. Climbing over Inuyasha's lap, not giving him the time to get out of the way, she flew from the car and into the house.

Miroku sighed and offered InuYasha a hand to help pull him from the car. InuYasha jumped onto the ground and for a moment, neither boy made a move to go inside. "This is their business, InuYasha….i don't know if we would be intruding if we were to go inside."

InuYasha ran a hand over his silver hair and shook his head no. "your wrong, Miroku. This is now our business. These girls…Kagome…. they are all in danger." He turned and stared gravely at Miroku. Miroku could see the anger flaring about the demon's eyes. "Naraku raped Rin…. he's been doing it for a while, judging by his comments to her."

Miroku's eyes widened slightly and he hung his head. Scratching behind his left ear, he sighed. "Its what I feared then…" his eyes darkened as he glared up at the hanyou, "what comments did you hear?"

InuYasha sighed and leaned against the car. "When I was kicked out of the club for cornering Naraku over Rin's scent…"

"Her what now?" Miroku raised an eyebrow and shook his head in confusion.

InuYasha let out an exasperated sigh and held out his hands. "Demon, remember?" Miroku only nodded. "Well, being demon I get a great sense of smell…its really not a good thing, I assure you of that. Try walking by Yankee candle…" he shuddered and returned to topic. "I could smell Naraku's scent all over Rin. When I first met her, I sensed it to but she was working at the bar and I didn't know who the fuck he was at that time. But this time, when Kagome and I were dancing…"

Miroku coughed and added in-between the coughs "dry humping."

InuYasha shot him a nasty glare and continued along with his explanation, regardless of the red tint to his cheeks. "When we were dancing, Rin ran into me. I first thought it was Naraku, the stench was so strong, but when I saw it was Rin, and I found Naraku watching from above, I put one and one together." Miroku nodded slowly but chose to keep his mouth shut. "I cornered him and demanded to know what he was doing to Rin and he got his guards to kick me out. Outside, I jumped onto the top of the club to find Kagome through the dome windows and heard Kagome and Rin talking….it was right before Kagome ran inside to get you guys. I was about to jump down to see if Rin was okay when Naraku appeared."

Miroku's eyes widened as he asked in a rasp voice, "tell me he didn't…. with you…. there."

Inuyasha's eyes narrowed and he yelled, "I would never sit by and let that happen to anyone, asshole! Of course he didn't with me there!" he took a deep breath and shoved his hand into his pocket. He pulled out a cigarette and lit it up, taking a deep breath trying to calm his shaking nerves. Miroku stared at the hanyou's shaking hand, the only obvious sign that he was unnerved. InuYasha took another drag and continued, "he told her that she belonged to him and that he would kill everyone she cared about if she told anyone." He sighed and blew a circle into the sky made of smoke. "That means us, buddy…and it also means Kagome…threatening Kagome is enough to have me disembowel him."

Miroku raised an eyebrow and shook his head. "You know, for as much shit as you put her through, I would nearly expect you to kill yourself."

Inuyasha's gaze narrowed at the boy, who backed up a few steps. "What the fuck does that mean, monk?"

Miroku sighed. "You are trying to protect her from all these bad guys…Naraku, Kouga, Hojo and the football jocks…. but none of them have harassed her, cornered her, made out with her…dry…"

InuYasha shot Miroku a death glare and he shut up. "Look, I know I've been an ass to her…I plan on coming around, it isn't easy."

Miroku nodded and glared at the doors, changing the subject. Now wasn't the time to be discussing Inuyasha's relationship with Kagome. "Maybe we should just go."

InuYasha frowned and shook his head. "If Naraku wants to make good with his promise to punish Rin, he would know that she would be home tonight. She's not safe."

Miroku nodded in agreement. "I understand…but where can she stay? Naraku must know where Kagome lives…."

InuYasha never ventured his stare away from the door. His eyes were lost somewhere in thought. "No one is safe, Miroku. We just stepped into a war zone and are running with targets on our backs." He turned his head slowly to look at his friend. "buy yourself a gun and learn how to use it…I have a feeling things are bound to get ugly." With that, he stood up straight and walked towards the house, unsure if he really wanted to enter it. With a sigh, he pushed open the doors and was assaulted by the strong smell of tears. He groaned as he walked further into the house, his mind suddenly churning in memories. It had been nearly three months since the incident…the last time he had smelt this many tears…. it had been a different life…a different place. His eyes darkened in remembrance of the night. It hadn't been his fault. He growled slightly as he entered the young girls room. Sango sat on Rin's bed, holding a stuffed animal that she had given to Rin when she moved in. InuYasha paused hesitantly and called to the girl. "Is it safe for me to come in or should I take the monk and go?"

Sango looked up, her eyes red and puffy. She looked like hell, InuYasha thought sadly. Suddenly Sango transformed before his very eyes. She had long red beautiful hair that reached the middle of her back and bright emerald green eyes. Her smile could light up a room for months…but wasn't smiling…she would never smile like that again. InuYasha shook his head and glared at Sango harder, his eyes wild with confusion. Sango stood slowly and called out, "InuYasha?"

InuYasha tilted his head and stared at Sango for a moment, as if trying to figure out who she was. Breaking free of the haunting memory, his eyes snapped back to reality. "Sango?" he asked very cautiously.

Sango seemed very displaced by his sudden change in demeanor. She walked up to him and placed her hand on his shoulder. "InuYasha, what's wrong?"

InuYasha shook his head and his eyes finally cleared. "Nothing…" he looked to the side as he watched Sango search his eyes for answers. "Where is Kagome?"

Sango paused for a moment and dropped her hands; all of her physical energy was exhausted. "She's in the bathroom with Rin, just being there for her."

InuYasha sighed and leaned against the door and shut his eyes. He could hear crying, it floated through his mind like a child's song gone wrong. The crying he heard, though, was from a different time…. it was from a girl no older then Rin…it was from an angry mother, a distraught father…from a family seeking vengeance on an unnamed predator. Kerensa sat on the bed while InuYasha and Sesshoumaru stood guard at the door…Sesshoumaru's face a mask of pain and anger. That night the brother a face off that ended with Sesshoumaru nearly killing InuYasha…. that night Sesshoumaru had all right to kill InuYasha.

InuYasha broke free of the memory as he balled his hand into a fist and pounded it into the wall, leaving a giant hole in his wake. He turned and began to pace in the hallway.

Miroku appeared next to him as if by magic and stared from the hole in the wall, to the angry and scornful glare on Inuyasha's face and then the scared look on Sango's face. He sighed and rubbed his the bridge of his nose. "Sango…InuYasha over heard a conversation between Naraku and Rin."

Sango's eyes widened as she stared at InuYasha. "You know…?"

InuYasha glared at the girl for a moment, his eyes traveling to the hole in the wall then back to her face. He couldn't help the bewildered glare he shot at her. He took a deep breath and nodded, keeping all comments to himself. It was neither the place nor the time. With a deep breath, InuYasha began, "Naraku is holding her father above her head. He is threatening to kill her dad to keep her mouth shut about the treatment."

A small gasp echoed from behind the boy. Everyone turned to find Rin standing in her bathroom doorway with Kagome supporting her with an arm under her own. Rin's face was deathly pale and rings of black, probably mascara or eyeliner, surrounded her eyes. She sighed deeply and shrugged away Kagome's arm. She moved slowly into her room and sat down on the bed in silence. Staring at the wall, she slowly began her traumatizing tale. "Its not that he is threatening to kill my father…well, he is but its more involved then that." Somehow, amiss all of the pain the encompassed the young girls body, she managed to keep an even tone. "My father is a giant business man…he's well known by everyone who owns any type of business…but it's not for the most honorable of reasons. Ten years ago, when my grandfather died, he left his small business of computer retail to my father. He managed to use connections and began shipping to the largest of manufacturers. He also came up with different types of software and hardware that they could use. My grandfather never capitalized on the business….my father didn't waste time doing so. Within seven years, my father had a multimillion-dollar cooperation under his belt that was merging and buying out every other company. Offices began opening around the world, doubling my father's revenue. He then dabbled in other things…electronics, televisions, and stocks, anything that he could make a dollar off of. By that time, I was babysitting myself while he was away with a drop by nanny who would get me food when I was out, and clean the house twice a week. Then my dad made a mistake. He turned down an offer to merge with Ginsoco…the small computer company here in Tokyo…."

Miroku's eyes widened as he stated for the record, "Onigumo Diegosan runs that company!"

Kagome, InuYasha and Sango all turned to stare at Miroku then their eyes switched back to Rin, who was still staring at the wall.

Rin nodded slowly and sighed deeply. "He does…he tried to threaten my father with death threats and threats to hurt me if he didn't comply. My dad tried going to the police but Diegosan already owns them. So he tried to blackmail Diegosan with information that he paid a pretty penny to get. Diegosan beat him to the belt and had a newspaper publish a piece stating that my father terrorized companies into surrendering their companies to him. He had my father arrested for embezzlement. It got real bad…my father consented to merge the companies out of fear of what would happen to me. Suddenly the news all disappeared. They said it was conjured up by some small time news reporter and had him fired. In other words, Diegosan snapped his fingers and it got better. My father was ordered to move here…to Tokyo…so that Diegosan could work with him on their business. When we arrived, Diegosan invited us over for diner at his club. That's where I met Naraku…" tears welled in the girls eyes but she didn't have the energy to shed them. Her voice wavered but she continued with the story, "Naraku told his father later that night that he thought I was pretty…and that he wanted me. Naraku always gets what he wants." She stared at the wall for a long time, the words falling from her lips. Sango and Kagome rushed to her side, each taking a hold on a shoulder and gently uttering words to calm the shattered girl. Rin shrugged both of their hands off and stood slowly. She wrapped her arms around her body as she walked to her window to glare outside. "Diegosan told my father that a new branch in America needed help for the month, because their district manager was sick. …My father was whisked away to America before I got home from school. Diegosan offered me to hang out at the club to meet people my age while my dad was gone. I didn't think much of it…I didn't like him, nor his son…but I mean…" with a deep sigh, Rin returned to sit on the bed. She dropped her hands into her lap. "I took him up on the deal and met you two through it." She gave her two friends a small smile that fell from her face in a matter of seconds. "When my father returned, he was furious that I was hanging out around Diegosan. He told me how he had been set up and warned me to avoid them as much as I could. I tired…and that was when it got ugly. Diegosan got downwind of my father's accusation and called him on it. Suddenly the terms of their deal changed. He told my father that if he didn't…" she took a deep breath as her eyes got a very spacey to them as if she was drifting in another place or time. "He wanted my father to….he threatened to imprison my father if he did not consent to having me become Naraku's new pet." She closed her eyes and in a second fell to her knees. Before either of the girls could move, InuYasha was by her side catching her. He lifted her up slowly and laid her on the bed. She stared at the group of kids in her room as she felt a sob build up in her chest. "My father of course fought tooth and nail for me…or he says he did. By this time Diegosan had my father engaged in organized crime as his puppet, petty blackmailing of local businesses…. anything that he could easily charge my father with if he decided to go back on the contract. Then he started sending my father away on business…so he would never be home when I got home…so he could never protect me. He tried to bring me with him but couldn't get me a visa…or couldn't get a room…. Diegosan has him so trapped underneath his finger, its ridiculous. Naraku…" she scoffed and stared at her hands, "it didn't start out that bad…he would grope me here or there…say things that shouldn't be said. He forced me to work at the bar…said it was a good way to watch his bitch." Her words suddenly became scornful as she glared in anger at the wall, "he started forcing himself on my six months ago…told me if I told anyone he would have my father killed…then he would kill anyone I cared about." she closed her eyes and sighed.

"…Rin." Kagome threw herself at the girl, tears pouring down her face. She embraced her friend tightly and Rin began to cry again. Through her fresh tears, Rin cried, "Kagome…he's been watching you for so long now…he watches you every time you come to the club, he is always asking what your doing, where you are and who your with. You need to be careful…he will do anything to get what he wants…."

InuYasha growled deeply and scoffed, "like hell he'll get her…it will be over my dead body!"

All eyes silently fell on the outspoken hanyou as Kagome's face turned slightly red. Miroku inhaled sharply and calmly asked, "do you think, Rin, that Naraku will attack you at home?"

Rin creased her brows and slowly thought about the question. After a moment, she sighed and shrugged her shoulders. "I can't say… I want to say no…" she closed her eyes as more painful memories flooded her eyes. She cupped her hands around her eyes and let out a single sob. "I just want to stop seeing it…I want to stop hurting! Every time I close my eyes, I see him…I see him leering at me, I see him hurting me…." she turned and buried her face in Kagome's shoulder, her tears staining her clothes.

InuYasha chewed on his lip for a moment and sighed. `I'll get bitched out later, but I really don't give a fuck.' "Kagome, is your mother home this week?"

Kagome stared at InuYasha as if he had asked to be taught how to breathe. "How did…. how do…."

Miroku sheepishly raised a hand and grimaced, "that's my doing…I kind of told him a little about everyone…"

Kagome's eyes shifted towards Miroku and she scowled. "And how do you know my mom goes away on business trips?"

Miroku sighed and rolled his eyes, "not that at this moment it's important but Souta is my friend, after all…"

Kagome returned the monks roll of the eyes and frowned. "Yeah, she's home with Souta, but she thinks I'm staying here this weekend. Maybe that's what we'll do Rin, me and Sango will stay here with you…."

"Like hell you will!" InuYasha pushed past Miroku and glared at Kagome.

Kagome raised an eyebrow and stuttered out, "…nani?"

InuYasha gently tapped Kagome on her head then crossed his arms. "Are you actually thinking in that pretty head of yours, princess? If Naraku finds out you're here with Rin…the two girls that he feels he has laid claim on…then he'll be more likely to attack. I say stage Rin leaving town for a while and Rin, you can lay low at my place."

Rin stared at InuYasha for a long moment, her eyes staring into his. Finally she sighed and asked, "Who else lives with you?"

InuYasha shrugged and thought for a moment. "Well…there is our house keeper Myouga, the bastard and the wench!" He shrugged again, and offered a baffled stare. "I don't think there is anyone else…unless my step-mother is hiding boyfriends from her son."

Rin stared at InuYasha and sighed in surrender. "Fine…I feel safer where there are decently strong guys who can protect me from that jerk."

InuYasha grinned for a moment but as quick as the grin grew on his lips, it fell just as quick. "What the fuck do you mean decently strong?"

The four others chuckled lightly at the small amount of humor in the face of the grave situation. Sango and Kagome immediately began packing Rin some clothes. Miroku sat down next to Rin while the girls kept busy. He placed a hand on her shoulder and gave her a small smile. "Rin, I know we have never been close but I'm here for you if you need to talk. In the mean time, you need to make some decisions. If you choose to make it look like you skipped town, you cannot under any circumstance leave Inuyasha's house. If you choose to go to school, you can't tell anyone of your location and need to find a way to escape from class early to make sure you are never followed."

Rin placed her hand on top of Miroku's and gave him a small smile. "I am very appreciative of your help, Miroku. I feel like I've really misjudged you and I am honestly really sorry for that mistake. For what its worth, I'm sorry I got you into this…I'm sorry I got everyone into this."

Miroku squeezed her shoulder and looked her in her eyes. "Rin…look at me…you did not get me into trouble…I found it on my own. I'd rather be in this trouble with friends then have nothing to do by myself. Its been a long time since I can remember what its like to have a group of close friends…" his voice trailed off as he offered the girl a smile. "What I'm saying is that I am here for you if you need someone to talk to."

Rin nodded slowly and sighed while watching the girls pack her bags. She cleared her throat and stuck out her chin defiantly. "You know what, I've made a decision. I refuse to let Naraku scare me away from my friends. I'm going to keep going to school and he's going to leave me the fuck alone. I'm not taking it anymore…let him try something…I'll kill him."

InuYasha, who had resumed leaning on the door, offered the girl a small smile. "Keep that attitude up and you'll make it just fine in my house. I have so many extra rooms its ridiculous. So the offer is on the table for everyone, you can stay at my place. All I say is avoid the step-wench; she's not worth your time of day nor the grilling. If you see her, run away…"

Rin gave him a small grin as she yawned. Her body ached, her head hurt horribly and her face was dryer then the Sahara desert. She picked up a bag that the girls had packed and grabbed her stuffed bear. "This is fine, I just want to go to sleep. We'll come back another day to get some more."

Kagome and Sango exchanged glances then shrugged. They nodded and took the items out of Rin's hands and gave her twin smiles, "we'll carry these…your not going to be doing any manual work this weekend," Kagome informed her.

Sango made way in the doorway for InuYasha to lead the pack. "You get to go first cause…well…just cause."

InuYasha glared at the girl for a moment before sighing and taking the small group of kids downstairs towards the front doors. Rin cut the power to the mansion at the front door security system and the group trekked off towards the cars. Sango drove Rin's Porsche with her in the passenger seat and Kagome in the back. Miroku figured it was a good idea to let the girls go together, though InuYasha was rather upset with the arrangement. The two cars caravanned their way back to the Tashio Château at three o'clock in the morning.


Miroku and InuYasha rode in a very awkward silence. Miroku broke the silence by raising an eyebrow to the boy and gave him a small smirk, "so…you gonna tell me how you got so close so fast with Kagome on that dance floor or is that something your going to leave me to wonder at?"

InuYasha shrugged his shoulders and leaned his head against the headrest. "I always knew me and her clicked, I just needed for her to feel it. now that she has…" he grinned but didn't say anything else. Slowly the grin slid from his face as he thought about the night….and about Naraku's statement. He tried to forget it, tried to tell himself different, but he couldn't help but question…was he different? He shook his head and sighed. "Miroku…I need to confide in you…."

Miroku seemed shocked as he stared over at his friend. "sure, InuYasha…you know you can tell me anything."

InuYasha ran a hand over his face and sighed deeply. He had never told anyone except Sesshoumaru what really happened….and he had been forced to tell Sesshoumaru or else his life would have been over. The memories flooded back to him so fast, he felt like he was hit by a freight train. "After tonight's events, I don't know how I'm ever going to able to look at Rin without hating myself."

Miroku slowly gazed at the hanyou. "Why is that, InuYasha?"

InuYasha closed his eyes as he told his friend the darkest secret that he possessed…a secret that threatened to consume him every day.

<I> Flashback

"Come on, Man, just take one hit, all it takes to feel like you can fly!" Taber, one of Inuyasha's closest friend…or so he had thought… held out a small tray with lines of white powder trailing down the black surface. InuYasha glanced at the others around the large room…most of which who were already drunk or stoned. He smiled in a drunken stupor and shrugged. "Why the fuck not?" leaning forward, he inhaled a small portion of the white dust. Immediately, his head shot backwards as his system threatened to choke on the sudden rush of adrenaline. He shook his head rapidly, spots forming in front of his eyes. "Holy shit, dude…I can't fuckin even see straight." He laughed callously as he fell off the leather couch. Taber laughed at the kid and pushed his brown hair behind his ears, finishing up the tray of coke. He grinned and leaned back into the couch as the high overtook him.

InuYasha stood up slowly from the floor, his nose slightly bleeding. He made his way to the keg and refilled his tenth cup of the vile substance. `Anything to numb the fuckin pain…' he thought as he downed another glass. He glanced around and laughed as he realized most of the kids who had shown up for the party were either passed out on the floor, getting it on in various parts of his house or hitting up on drugs that were just not legal. InuYasha stumbled his way over to another guy he was friends with, Fahia, and sat down next to him. Fahia gave InuYasha a high five and screamed something about the party being great. InuYasha couldn't realize why the guy was screaming…there was no music…or was there? Who had let the ocean into his house? He shook his head, trying to rid himself of the swashing sound. Suddenly he realized it was the sound of his own circulation. He laughed as the kid downed a small pill then offered one to Yash. Examining it in a very blurry state of unconsciousness, he swallowed it without second thought. That's when everything went black…or red…. he wasn't sure what exactly happened. He heard the front door open…. he heard Kerensa enter the house and let out a dull scream. He rolled his eyes, and hollered for the bitch to stop yelling. She had moved in not to long before hand…with Sesshoumaru. They had met at school. InuYasha couldn't complain too much about her…she was a beautiful half Irish half German girl who had been born in Japan. She had a heart of gold and InuYasha convinced himself that she really loved his brother. Maybe that's where it went wrong…maybe he really didn't want his brother to be happy after what happened in California…after Sesshoumaru successfully ruined Inuyasha's life. InuYasha stood on wobbly legs and found her staring at the amount of kids passed out around the living room…the kitchen…the den. When she finally came face to face with InuYasha, she looked like she could have killed him. He remembered her screaming something about, "when your brother gets back, he's going to kill you!" he tried to respond but the girl gently placed a hand on his forehead and told him he had a fever. That's when the Ecstasy kicked in…. and that's when InuYasha ruined what was left of his life. He heard a very deep growl and almost thought it was his brothers…then he realized it was coming from his own chest. It was like going along for a car ride but not being in control of the car…. it was like drowning and knowing there was nothing you could do to stop it. He watched his hand snake out and roughly grab her wrist…he was somewhat aware of pulling the girl upstairs. He knew she tried to fight him…he heard her scream at him…he heard her beg.

He blacked out shortly after that…at least his conscious had…the next thing he remembered was feeling someone pulling him out of bed. He felt his body hit a ceramic tub and felt freezing cold water suddenly being poured over his head. His eyes opened, still bloodshot and his vision was still blurred, to find Sesshoumaru glaring at the hanyou. His brother's eyes were different though…he looked…devastated. His brother didn't say anything but grabbed him by the collar, pulling him out of the tub. He threw InuYasha back into the room and ordered him to get dressed. InuYasha hurried, wondering what exactly was going on. He couldn't remember a damn thing from the night before…at least at that moment. He sneaked a peak at the clock…5:25 AM. He groaned knowing he should have still been sleeping by rights. Sesshoumaru was suddenly by his side again and dragged him downstairs. People were still passed out on the floor…and parts of the night began to replay over in his mind.

Then he was in Sesshoumaru's BMW. He groaned as they pulled up in front of a smaller house on Easton Ave…he had no clue where the hell they were. Sesshoumaru dragged InuYasha behind him through the door of the house and upstairs. The scent that woke the hanyou up from his drug-induced sleep was a very bitter scent. It was the smell of constant sorrow…of constant tears. InuYasha gawked into the small bedroom that he guessed belonged to…he gasped as his eyes fell onto Kerensa. She sat on her bed in the middle of the room, her red hair tangled and unusually messy. She had scratch marks going up both of her arms and a nasty forming bruise on her right cheek. Her eyes locked onto the hanyou's and for a moment, an overwhelming scent of fear poured off the girl. InuYasha tilted his head around the door to find both of her parents pacing in the corner. InuYasha glared from the parents, to the suddenly frightened girl then to his brother.

The look of Sesshoumaru's face was stoic…but InuYasha could sense the rage that boiled in his blood. InuYasha gulped as his brother stared down at him coldly. "Sesshoumaru…do you have any leads as to who did this to our daughter?" Kerensa's father begged for good news from the demon.

Sesshoumaru cleared his throat and stared at the girl on the bed. "Kerensa…do you know who did this to you?" his voice was softer then normal…filled with compassion. He left the hanyou at the door and walked swiftly to her. He squatted in front of her and brought his hand to her cheek. "all you need to do is tell me…I'll handle it. Can you tell me?"

Kerensa stared at the boy in front of her and closed her eyes. She fell into his shoulder sobbing atrociously. As InuYasha watched, he suddenly developed a very nasty gut feeling…. his mouth gaped open as his memories suddenly became inexplicably clear. His breath became jaded as he backed up slowly.

"No…" He heard her screams…heard her cries…. he watched in horror as the memory came bulldozing into his memory. He had raped her…. he had forced his brother's one love…InuYasha backed away from the door and turned on his heels, running out of that small house. Outside, the boy vomited everything he had in his system…. he dry heaved when there was nothing left. Dropping to his knees, InuYasha began to cry.

Sesshoumaru appeared as if from nowhere and pulled the boy into the car, throwing him into the back seat. He drove down the road in silence, his eyes eerily steadfast to the road before him. He pulled into a small park not to far from their house and parked the car. "Get out."

His words might have well been daggers because they tore through Inuyasha's soul. . InuYasha winched as he opened the door and stared at the demon before him. Sesshoumaru stalked back and forth in front of him…trying to find the words…trying to understand. He stopped as his eyes fell upon his brother. For a moment, Sesshoumaru looked appalled…. wounded…devastated. The sound of the question that left Sesshoumaru's mouth would always stay with InuYasha…it was a constant reminder of the pain he caused…of the damage he did. Sesshoumaru's voice was shaky at best and filled with such an enormous burden of pain and misery. "Why?"

The word hardly left Sesshoumaru's mouth before he hand InuYasha pinned against a tree, his claws embedded in the boy's chest. He growled as he ripped his hand from the half-breeds chest; letting his brother sink to the ground, blood quickly coating his shirt. "Why did you do it, bastard!" Sesshoumaru dropped his act…he dropped the emotionless being he had been for the past years of his life. The scorn and the rage that now consumed him was more frightening then anything InuYasha had ever seen. Sesshoumaru grabbed the hanyou by his neck, digging his claws into him. "She was the only good thing I've ever had going for me, you fucking half breed, and you had to go and take that from me! Why am I cursed with your existence!" Sesshoumaru threw InuYasha onto the hood of the car and was in front of him in a second. He kicked InuYasha in the gut then grabbed a fist full of his brother's hair and slammed his head onto the trunk. Pulling himself backwards, Sesshoumaru was covered nearly head to toe in his brothers blood. InuYasha felt himself slipping from consciousness as he heard a deep howl…a howl of pain…. a howl of loss…bellow from the depths of his brother's soul. He then heard the squealing of wheels as his brother fled the fight. Somewhere along his losing consciousness, he realized his brother had just spared him.


Miroku sat in silence as he listened to his friend's tale. He shook his head slowly as they pulled into the driveway of the mansion. Miroku parked the Ferrari and took a deep breath. "InuYasha…"

InuYasha glanced at his friend, guilt washing over his features.

Miroku struggled to find the right words…anything help his friend with this guilt. "Look…Naraku's wrong…you are nothing like him. No one would even think to compare what you two have done. It's troubling and honestly it's repulsing…but you weren't yourself, InuYasha. You were over dosed on drugs and it sounds like your demon nature took over. I know it won't help but you repented doing what you did…you must have because I can still see the pain in your eyes. You regret hurting her…and that is so much more then Naraku is capable of. I will not judge you, InuYasha…I understand that you did a horrible thing and yes, you're never going to forget it. What happened to her?"

InuYasha got out of the car and lit up a cigarette. "She…she never told them it was me. She stopped seeing my brother…or more like my brother stopped seeing her. He felt so guilty…he took more responsibility then I did. I asked her once, why she never turned me in…. when I saw her at school…. and she told me I wasn't myself that night…and she understood that the demon inside of me did it…I yelled at her…I told her that she was foolish and she should hate me…that should have thrown me in jail." Shaking his head, InuYasha let out a small string of smoke tails from his mouth. "She callously laughed at me and told me that my punishment was permanent. That I would always be afraid of the demon taking control again in my life…of my demon doing that to someone I love. And she was right…." He took a long drag and closed his eyes, blinking back tears. "When I was in Rin's house…. all I could think about was seeing Kerensa sitting on the bed in her room."

Miroku nodded solemnly and sighed. "And Naraku knows about this?"

InuYasha nodded and dropped the butt of his cigarette on the ground. "Rumors spread from people who had been at the party that night…people started talking a lot of dirty shit about me…and about her. I got into constant fights, defending her honor. The word finally got around the principal who expelled Sesshoumaru and me on some bullshit charges. They didn't want to see their school's reputation diminish. After that, Sesshoumaru's mother bargained out here to get us into class and we moved." Kicking some gravel, InuYasha muttered, "Sesshoumaru was happy…he was graduating, he had been accepted into law school in America…. and then they expelled him. He now has to repeat his entire senior year because they voided all of his credits. Its all my fault…" InuYasha growled as he made his way from their car towards the Porsche that was now pulling into the driveway. InuYasha turned and called back to his friend, "that is of course between us…I'll tell Kagome when the time is right. But I wanted…I needed to get that off my chest."

Miroku was by his side in a moment and patted him on the back in a reassuring manner. "Your secrets safe with me. You do need to tell Kagome…you need to warn her. I know you will but you have to understand that I needed to say that." The two watched the girls pull up to the house and helped them settle in, unaware of the eyes that watched them from far above.


-Okay, so don't hate me but this is all going to link around at the very end. He he….end….such a boring word. No end in sight….trust me.