InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Twelve Days of Christmas Drabbles ❯ On the Second Day... ( Chapter 2 )

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On The Second Day of Christmas
InuYasha gripped the little package. Inside had been a crystal, and he had realized that it had been from his Kongousha. The surprise had jolted him slightly from his seemingly endless stage of depression and sadness. But as he sulked in the tree again, his thoughts went back to her. Gripping the crystal so hard that his blood began dripping down the shard, he leaned back and let the tears come.
Darn. He still hasn't come down. I need something else. Something more noticeable…I need my hanyou more…happy. For my sake. We are near a village. Maybe I could get him something there...
InuYasha was bathing in the spring near the village that the humans, while wincing, had graciously let him use. Inuyasha didn't complain, so he just went in. She was on his mind more than usual. A sobbing gasp escaped his mouth as the memory came back. Gods was he a wreck…he had gone over to grab his haori and put it on, when he noticed a package on it. He looked around cautiously and opened it. Inside was some sword cleaning materials that he had been looking at in the village.