InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Twelve Days of Christmas Drabbles ❯ On the Eleventh Day... ( Chapter 11 )

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On the Eleventh Day of Christmas….
Now is the tie I will reveal myself, I think this will be for the best. I think you are ready, for you have not been depressed in a while. Yes…this is the perfect time. It is time, my hanyou. Time for our love to finally happen. Oh, my nerves are all excited for this. I have waited so long…after she left.
InuYasha peered into the bushes. He couldn't see what was in them, but whatever it was it seemed to be moving. Inuyasha took a sidelong glance at the others before slipping through the foliage to the forest beyond. He could see something moving, but couldn't make out its shape or scent. How was it covering its scent up like that? Inuyasha kept running at it, jumping over trees and bushes. Maybe this was finally it. He would finally get to thank his secret gift giver. This was it…
The person stopped at the clearing, and for a brief second, InuYasha thought he had a glimpse of the person. But it turned out to be the moonlight glancing off of the flowers that were strewn throughout the area. With a gasp he finally realized where he was.
`Flowers mean love.' Without expecting it, warm lips dropped onto his own. He looked up to see the figure in all of their beauty. `Oh my…'
Just so you all know, I kind of made the kiss a gift. I didn't have ANY ideas, so I just pressed on with the admirer revealing. See who it is next…