InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Twelve Days of Christmas Drabbles ❯ On the Tenth Day... ( Chapter 10 )

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On the Tenth day of Christmas…
It is REALLY hard to find gifts for a hanyou such as Inuyasha. So, I'm going to the more fluff department. Hopefully they can help me. (www. Fluff - r- us .com)
He held the flower in his hands. It tugged at his memories. But how? He grasped it, twirling around in his hands. He took a sip of Ramen, `keh'ing when he couldn't figure it out. He held the beads of subjugation in his other hand, rolling them around. Who had time to restring those? At least, without him catching them, but he guessed that he HAD been out of it for a while. He stared at the flower again, and it came back to him.
InuYasha laid back on the field of flowers, with her next to him. She laughed at the butterflies that flew around her, landing on InuYasha's ears.
“Do you know what flowers mean, Inuyasha?” she asked.
“No.” he said, staring up at the sky.
“If you give a flower to someone, it means you like them…maybe even love them.” Both of them were blushing.
So, this gift-giver liked him? Why? He looked at the others. It couldn't be any of them. Shippo and Miroku were guys, and he would kill either of them if it was. Sango and Kirara were always next to him, flying. So who? There was another rustling in the bushes and he dropped down for the second time.