Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Love and Miracles ❯ Chapter 2- I'm pregnant?!??! ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 2- I’m pregnant?!??!

Over the next three months, Butch began to act really strange. He was throwing up, he had really strange cravings, and he had some weird mood swings. For example, one minute he was happy as could be then the next minute he would snap at Cassidy. Finally one morning, Cassidy called Ania. “ Please come check him out! I am really worried about him!” Cassidy cried. “ Ok, I will be right over!” Ania said.

About 20 minutes later, there was a knock on Butch and Cassidy’s door. Cassidy opened the door and in came Ania with her medical equipment. “ Hi Cassidy! Where’s Butch?” Ania questioned. “ He’s in the bedroom. Come on!” Cassidy led Ania to where Butch was at.

He was sitting on the bed watching Baby Stories on TLC. He was crying to where tears were actually rolling down his face. “ See what I mean!” Cassidy screamed. “ Hmmmm…. Very strange…..” Ania got to thinking until she said, “ I think I know what is wrong with him but just to be sure…..” Ania pulled out a urine cup and gave it to Butch. “ Go fill this urine cup up and bring it back to me.” Ania said as she put her medical gloves on.

Butch nodded and went into the bathroom. 2 minutes later, he came out with the urine cup in his hand and gave it to Ania. “Thank you.” Ania said as she pulled out some sort of white wand. She took an eyedropper and got some of Butch’s urine out of the cup using the eyedropper. Then she squeezed the eyedropper and tiny drops of urine landed on the white wand.

“Now we wait!” Ania said. 5 minutes later, Ania picked up the wand, looked at it, and gasped. “ Well, what’s wrong?” Butch asked. Ania sat down next to Butch with a shocked look still on her face. “ Butch, I don’t know how to put it any other way but your pregnant!” Ania said in disbelief.

“ I’m WHAT??!?!?!” Butch screamed. “ HOW?!??!?!” Cassidy screamed. “ It must have been when the reproductive machine exploded. The beams zapped the human embryo inside you instead of Mightyena which means….. THE MACHINE WORKED!!!!!!” Ania screamed happily. “ This is not good! When Team Rocket finds out, they will want to run tests on him and maybe keep the baby for their own scheme!” Cassidy said.

“Wait! We will just have to keep this a secret!” Ania said. “How?” Butch asked. “Well, you will just have to avoid being seen by other members!” Ania said. Butch frowned and then asked as he placed his hand on his bulging stomach, “Will I be okay?” “I hope so…. I really hope so!” Ania said.