Vision Of Escaflowne Fan Fiction ❯ Escaflowne: Breach of Faith ❯ Chapter 7

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Vision of Escaflowne: Breach of Faith
Part 7
By: Amataru Arcus
Warnings: I do not own Escaflowne or the characters. I just use them in the way I want. If you don't like the way I use 'em, tell me. I'll take it into thought. Also... I cannot spell.
Author Note: Sorry this one took so long!! I got extremely over whelmed with papers this past month and haven't gotten a chance to continue! As always! *Read*, REPLY, Enjoy!

"King Edwin-" Van motioned indiscriminately for Hitomi and Merle to get behind him as he walked forward.
"What happened to her?!" Edwin hissed his eyes small and thin; both red like Jennifer's had been.
"She had threatened someone's life, I had to intervene-"
"You don't understand! I knew I shouldn't have let her get near you…!" his firm grip of the sword tightened as his wings spread out and lifted him a few feet off the ground.
"King Edwin, if I could just ex-" Van had no time to continue, Edwin had lunged forward, his sword drawn.
"No chance!!" Edwin's sword was blocked by Van's as he barely got it out of the hilt before him adversary's sword was inches from his side.
"Run Hitomi-Merle!" Van fully drew his sword and forced him off with a grunt of words.
Edwin's furry was transmitted through his long bladed sword and it swooped through the air singing, blocking off Hitomi and Merle's exit. "Where do you think you two are going?!" He started to pull the blade back getting ready to swing it forward once more when Van emitted his wings from his back and blocked the attack in a flurry of metallic white.
"Leave them out of this!" Van swung his sword forward and pressed Edwin's sword to his chest.
"It is her who caused all of this!!" his sword now off of his body and Van's flung to the side. "She needs to repay me!!" Edwin kicked Van in the chest and he lost balance and fell to the floor.
"Hitomi-run!" Van regained his balance and stood up to attack Edwin again.
But it was too late, by the time Van reached Edwin he already had a firm grip on her. Hitomi cried in terror as he gripped his arm around her small neck and pointed his sword in Van's direction. "One further advance on me, and she dies. I'd hate to do it…" His voice not sounding convincing as his thin mouth formed into a narrow grin. "I need her, you see. Since you've ruined my plan, I've had to make a new one." Edwin pulled Hitomi closer to him.
"Let Hitomi go!" Merle latched onto his arm and bit down hard and Edwin cursed out loud and loosened his grip. Knowing this was her only chance Hitomi flung her self from his reach and neared Van. As she drew closer Van cried out as if in pain and started to tremble. Hitomi knew instantly what happened as she heard Merle cry out. Reluctantly she spun around and saw her sprawled out on the floor on her back, a hole threw her heart and blood on Edwin's sword.
"No… No… Merle!" Hitomi didn't know what to do. She too started to shake violently as her knees gave way she fell to the floor, covering her face with her hands as streams of tears fell from her widened eyes.
"M-Merle…" Van too was in a terrible state. He stood with his sword drawn but not for long. As it slipped from his grip and clang to the stone ground Edwin seized this change to get what he wanted.
He rushed forward with his wings spread out grandly and swooped Hitomi off of the ground. Van shook him self out of his shock when he realized Hitomi was calling for him. Putting together what happened he regained his composure and followed him out of the room, sword tight in his grasp.
"Guards!!" Van's words rang down the hall, but no one came. Van saw why as they reached the marble stair case. All of his guards where lying dead or injured on the floor. Some at the foot of the stair case, some near the top. But all dead. "No… this… this can't-be…" Shaking the new death image from his mind he set ahead and tried his hardest to reach the frightened and screaming Hitomi.
"You won't catch up to me, King Van. No need to find me. I'll find you when the time is right!!" and as he exited the palace he shot through the air like a bullet, with no hope of Van reaching him.

TBC No! I'm kidding! I'm not that cruel ^_^

As Hitomi started to come around she saw wires and plastic tubes all around her. She followed them as her eyes started to adjust to the bright light and found they where going or came from a clear bag hanging to her right. She tried to straighten up but found she had been bared down with leather straps; one on each of her wrists, one on her chest, one around her waist, and one on her knees. Hitomi looked around frantically to see more of her surroundings and to make out what was going on. As she saw Edwin move down some stairs dressed in a white coat she realized she was in a lab. Hitomi tested the straps but they where secured tightly.
"No chance of escape, Lady," he smiled his narrow smile at her as he approached the table slipping on rubber gloves.
"W-What are you going to do to me..?!" Hitomi barely forced the air through her dry throat.
"Oh, don't worry. It won't hurt. Just be patient. It will soon happen…" he reached for one of the tubes and stuck a needle through the opening. "It won't hurt one bit…" the point of the needle gleamed in his eyes as he aimed it towards Hitomi's up turned elbow.
"No! No!" she squirmed around hoping the straps had loosened in the last few seconds but they hadn't. "Pease! Don't! I-I honestly didn't do anything to Jennifer!!"
"Jennifer? This has little to do with Jennifer," he punctured her skin deeply and Hitomi gasped as she felt the liquid flowing into her slowly. "It has all to do with survival of the fittest. I realize now that she wasn't fit for the job anyway…" He glanced along Hitomi's body almost hungrily. "You though should carry nicely."
"Carry?!" she watched as he reached for another tube and did the latter procedures. "Carry what?! What are you doing?" he jabbed another needle into her skin, only this time not as deep and the contents where more fluid. "Aah…!"
"Now that didn't hurt. You are just trying to make me feel bad. Don't you worry, I will fill you in with all the details after I set everything up." made a small knot in the two tubes to slow down the flow.
"Please, let me go!" she followed him with her eyes starting to fill with tears as he went around the table to the other side. "If you don't Van will come and he'll kill you!"
"Like he did when I snatched you? I think not. He is ill prepared to fight." this time feeding Hitomi's left arm with three needles and tubes. "Don't worry we are almost ready to begin the process." He walked away from her and went over to the electric wires and pulled a lever. As the current was turned on it made a hiss and Edwin returned to Hitomi's side. Only this time he placed the wires with ends looking like suction cups to Hitomi's temples. "In a few minutes it will gain enough power to send an image to your brain. The image will be burnt into your mind and you will believe it to be true."
Hitomi glanced at him frantically and looked at the machine that started to hiss louder.
"The image I place in you is this-" Edwin walked over to a screen and flicked it on and there was a picture of Hitomi. But it was no ordinary picture. In the picture was Hitomi with draconian wings spread out from her back.
"That's not me… I don't understand…" she shock her head as sparks began tickling her temples.
"You will believe it. And what it does is creates a reality in your mind. Something for you to believe. And when you believe strongly in something it will be true."
"Why-why wings…" she shut her eyes for a second but opened them as the sparks more then tickled her.
"Why? I'll tell you why. Because draconians where meant to rule this world! Small fools who don't have the power shouldn't be free to do as they please! They where meant to be our servants! Waiting on us hands and feet! We need to rise again and claim what is ours!!" he bawled his fists up and raised them triumphantly into the air.
"But… why make me… a draconian-aah!"
"Ah… the machine is taking effect is it. Then I shall tell you this quickly before your brain losses consciousness. There was only a hand full of draconians left on his world. We died off slowly until recently there where only three. I created with my sister a fourth and then my sister was to produce with Van, to produce even more. We would slowly populate like Adam and Eve did on Earth. But you killed my sister… and my child is too young to carry, and men cannot carry." he narrowed his eyes as he grinned evilly. "So I am using the machine in which my ancestors created and passed down from generation to generation. The Brainwaiver. You see… I need you to produce with Van and carry me many a draconian. You shouldn't mind since you two seem to be already in love…" he started laughing wickedly as Hitomi's eyes closed slowly and her surroundings turned pitch black and the only thing that kept her conscious was the piercing pain at her temples.