Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Children of Shadow ❯ The Second Arrival ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Me: Hi! Another chapter up! Number- which one is this?

Isis: Eight.

Me: Chapter eight! ^^ I want to start this one off thanking everyone who's been reviewing so far.

Marik: Oh boy….

Me: Here we go, in order of reviewers-

To TAB- thanks for the *pauses to count* four reviews! That's half the reviews- so thanks anyway! And upload Yugioh American Idol soon! ^^

To my baby sister- Didn't I tell you not to get on my account? *sweatdrop* Well thanks for the review- I think……

To Samantha J.C.- Thanks a bunch for the review- don't worry, you'll find out what's up with the necklace soon enough. And I would let you do disclaimers but I'd much rather bully kaiba into doing them for me. ^^

To Rowan Girl- you have a very scary ryou fetish- but I hope you liked the last chapter! Hell, I hope you like all the chapters….

To nomie- wow- you must like run-on sentences as much as I do. ^^ I'm glad this is one of your favorite fics. And like I said to Samantha, you'll find out more about Cassie soon enough. Well, maybe not soon- I'm so evil. ^^

Marik: I cant believe all these people actually like this trash… they must be mental…..

Me: *sigh* So tedious, keeping you little hellions in line. If I've told you once, I've told you a squillion times- *whacks marik with ultra-mallet of death, my newest torture tool which, like the frying pan, is now copyrighted* NO INSULTING THE REVIEWERS!

Marik: *goose egg* x_x0

Me: *threatening tone* Kaibaaa…

Kaiba: *sweatdrop* Not owned by AMK… except Cassie the oc…

Me: And the new girl! ^^


It was Thursday morning, and everyone was waiting for the new girl. Anzu had gotten on the plane to America the day before, after a good-bye party from the 'gang', which now officially included Cassie. Now they were all biding their time until the new student arrived.

A thought was humming at the back of Cassie's brain, but she ignored it, trying to look as casual as possible despite her uneasiness. She still couldn't figure out how the hell that necklace could have told her a new girl was coming.

Cassie kicked herself mentally. Don't, she warned. Don't think about it. Stop stressing out. It's no big deal.

But it was. Cassie was so confused- there were so many loose ends to sift through- but she had a small hope that maybe the arrival of this girl could tie it all together.

Before she could worry any further, Mr. Saotome entered the classroom, and all talking stopped immediately. Cassie sat up straighter, her stomach in a knot.

"Students," Mr. Saotome said, "I'd like for you all to meet your new classmate, Christina Lancaster."

The girl walked in, and Cassie could practically feel every boy's jaw drop. Cassie was surprised herself- the girl looked like she could be Otogi's twin sister. Christina had glossy black hair that she was wearing in a ponytail to her hips, with two strands loose on either side of her face, framing it. Her eyes were a piercing jade green color, and she was wearing tiny gold hoop earrings. She was smiling widely, showing off a set of straight, white teeth. Cassie thought inadvertently of her own slight overbite. To top it all off, she was thin. Cassie had always thought most Americans were fat, but not this girl. She wasn't even that skinny kind of thin, like Cassie was, she was slender, with curves. One thing was for certain- Christina was a serious prep.

Mr. Saotome, meanwhile, was showing Christina to where Anzu had sat, behind Otogi, who didn't look to happy with this, as he couldn't gape at her like every other male in the class. Christina smiled cutely and gave a little wave. Cassie rolled her eyes. If there was one thing she couldn't stand, it was a girl who acted exactly like Christina was acting now.

"So, Christina," Mr. Saotome said, after returning to his desk, "could you tell us a little about yourself?"

"Well, I live in Baltimore," Christina began, and Cassie half wanted to gag. She even sounded like a cheerleader- the kind with that voice that instantly drilled to the center of your brain and stuck there, pulsating in all it's wretched perkiness. "And actually the last place I went to school, we didn't have to wear uniforms."

Well, goody for you, Cassie thought dully. However, she heard Mai whisper under her breath, "Lucky bitch." Cassie could only imagine what sort of outfit the blonde would put together if Domino High was a non-uniform school. One thing for certain- it would get her more attention than she had now, that's for sure.

"Not that I mind this uniform," Christina added, "it's actually a lot better than I thought it would be." She smoothed a wrinkle in the pleated miniskirt, drawing even more gawking from the boys. "And my school was-" she stopped to think. "A little bigger than this one, although we didn't have a swimming pool. We had a lacrosse team, though, and tennis courts."

Rich whore, Cassie thought. Jounouchi asked a question.

"Do you play sports?"

"Yeah, I play tennis." Jounouchi closed his eyes, probably trying to imagine the new student in a tennis minidress. (AN: Boys- all hentais, aren't they?)

"And what's it like in Baltimore?" Mr. Saotome asked.

"Well, it's-" Christina paused. "I guess it's kind of rough in most areas- not the one I live in, but it can be sort of dirty. My neighborhood is really neat though, and every year we have this thing called a block party, where everyone brings food and there's all these games for the little kids- basically it's a sort of neighborly bonding thing." (AN: And mucho fantastico! ^^)

It had only been all of three minutes, and Cassie didn't think she could stand another second of this girl's nonstop chatter about how great her neighborhood was, or how great or school was, or anything in fact. Fortunately she was rescued by Mr. Saotome, who said, "Well, we're all very glad to have you here, Christina, and although I'm sure some of your classmates would rather hear about America than focus on their studies-" he cast a meaningful glance at Jou and Honda, and several people laughed- "we have to continue with the planned lesson. So, if we'll all open our grammar books to page eighteen-"

Cassie couldn't wait for the lesson to end so she could get away from Christina. Finally the bell rang. There was the usual scraping of chairs and rustling of papers, and over the noise Mr. Saotome called for two people. "Christina! Cassidy! Would you come up here, please?"

Damn, Cassie thought. Quickly she strode up to the desk, hoping to get whatever this was over with asap. Christina followed her.

"Well, Cassidy-"

Cassie interrupted him, he never seemed to remember. "It's Cassie, Mr. Saotome." Christina blinked at her, and Cassie raised a eyebrow in response.

"Alright, Cassie then- since you're fairly new to the school yourself, and you understand how Christina feels-" Oh, shitttt, Cassie said as she suddenly realized what Mr. Saotome was implying. Oh Ra, please don't say it-

"Maybe you could help her out, show her around the school, things like that."

Dammit, he said it. "Uh- Mr. Saotome, I don't really think that would work," Cassie said quickly.

"Why not?" Mr. Saotome asked, obviously under the impression he had had a brilliant idea.

Because she's a spoiled, obnoxious, and most likely self-centered diva! Cassie's mind was screaming, but of course she didn't say this out loud. "Well-" Cassie thought quickly for an excuse- "you're right, I am kind of new here- I mean, I've only been here-" she racked her brain- "a week, and I still haven't really gotten completely adjusted here. My point is," Cassie said, clearing her head and trying to sound like she had really wanted to get all chummy with Christina- fat chance, by the way- "I really think it would be better for a more experienced student to show Christina the ropes."

Deep down, Cassie was hoping Kaiba would get stuck with the job. She'd love to see him get landed with that annoying twit, and there was the added bonus of watching Christina get burned when she realized that Kaiba was rude, sadistic, and to top it all off, probably about twelve times richer than her. Oh yes, please, please, please give Kaiba the job-

Mr. Saotome considered it. "Well, you're right-"

Yes! Cassie yelled in silent victory. Now to make the 'perfect suggestion'. "How about Kaiba?" she said innocently. "You know, he's not usually very social, this would be a great opportunity for him."

"No, I really don't think Kaiba would be the best person for this. And if you don't mind me saying so, Miss Lancaster, I don't particurlarly think it would be wise to have one of the boys be your partner." At this, Christina blushed and gave a little giggle that made Cassie want to drop everything and run straight to the nearset toilet. "I think maybe Mai should be your partner."

Damn! Cassie cursed. He didn't take the bait, and now she was stuck hanging around the bimbo anyway.

Mr. Saotome continued, speaking to Cassie directly now. "As everyone's already left, I think I can trust you to accompany Christina as far as the cafeteria?"

"Sure, whatever," Cassie grumbled and swept out of the classroom without another word. Christina followed her closely as Cassie headed for her locker.

"Something wrong?" she aske, rather too politely.

Cassie shoved her books in her locker and closed the door with a bang. "No, I'm fine," she muttered. "Just peachy keen." She wheeled around and set off at a fast walk towards the cafeteria. Christina walked with her, matching the rapid pace even in her high heeled white boots. At the double doors leading in, Cassie stopped, turned, and said simply, "Think you can find your way from here?" before pivoting sharply and stalking in, heading immediately for the line. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Honda look up and wave Christina over as she entered. So, she was doomed to live through the next week or so spending all her free school time with an obnoxious, rich airhead.

Could life just be any bitchier?


Me: Ha HA! The new girl is off to a sucky start with Cassie!

Marik: *cough* Like we didn't already know! *cough*

Me: *fingers mallet threateningly*

Marik: o_o0 *shuts up*

Isis: Baka….


Kaiba: Review the damn fic, alright?

Me: Although I'm sure you don't need reminding- you're all so wonderful! *sniff sniff* : ..) That is my screwed up version of someone crying, in case you didn't figure it out. And btw, sis- STAY THE HELL OFF MY ACCOUNT! *ahem* That is all now…

Isis: *sweatdrop*

Me: Shoo! Scat! Away with you! Review!