Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Guardian Angel ❯ Mixed feelings Part 2 ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Ahaha! Here I am, doing another chapter for GA (Guardian Angel, I decided to give it an acronym, because that's how I label the chapters in its folder.) ^_^
Yenchna: xDDD I wasn't sure if I should have Anzu be a friend-ship freak, or just a normal friend who sometimes goes on about friendship. Poor Jounouchi. Thanks for telling me about the Tristan/Honda thing. I thought I got them all out. Oh well, I guess it doesn't matter in the end, since it's still the same person. ^^;;
Lily Fairy: Yup, I'm alive. I'm hoping this chapter will be good, saying as how I'm going to be making all this stuff up. I've been working up on it for weeks, now I can actually type it. Yay!
alone_girl34: Well who ELSE could Kyoshi go to for that kind of stuff? It's not like he could go to Amelda and Seto, as Seto would probably kick him out of his house/mansion/manor/place he lives. You can't wait for the flashbacks huh? Well wait no longer!
Oh, and one more thing.. Uh.. I can't remember too clearly the aftermath of what happened when the Leviathan was killed, so I'm going to try and make it as close as possible. Also, part of what happened then will be changed. ^^;; Sorry if it will confuse you. Oh, and Dartz telling the flashback, it will be all told in first person view.
Satoshi: -pops outta D.N Angel- Yu-Gi-Oh does not belong to Ms. Danielle. Neither do I. Only the plot, Kyoshi, and Damian. Now enjoy the chapter please. -goes back to D.N Angel-
“It all started when I had stopped my plans on summoning Leviathan, or rather, the Pharaoh stopped me. And Jounouchi and Seto.” Dartz continued.
“So long ago.” Ryuji said. Kyoshi blinked.
“Oh, well I'll explain it all in good detail! Don't worry your pretty little head about missing out on anything!” Dartz explained, patting Kyoshi on the head. (Poor Kyoshi, he's not a dog. ;-;)
“Uh.. Thanks. Please don't... Nevermind.” Kyoshi said. Dartz stopped patting his head.
“Sorry. Habit, you know?” Dartz replied, laughing.
“Okay..” Kyoshi said, looking at the ground.
“Where to begin... I guess after Seto, the Pharaoh, and Jounouchi destroyed the Leviathan will do.” Dartz said, scratching his chin.
“Kris (My daughter) and IronHeart (My father) had just appeared out of nowhere.. NOWHERE! They had gathered around me, telling me it was alright. Kris told me we had alot to catch up on. I smiled at her, but shook my head.
`Dad?' She had said, curiosity in her eyes.
`I... still have things I need to do here. I can't go. Not just yet.' I told her. I could tell she didn't understand it fully. She hugged me, and she and my father had walked off. I had gotten up from the ground, and made my way to the pharaoh, asking him to please let me go with him. Being the kind man he is, he agreed, and we had both went into the portal, along with his partner, Yugi. After a few stops to everyone's respectful house, save for Seto, as the helicopter we rode on was his. We stopped in the middle of nowhere, picking up three more of Yugi's friends.
`Yugi, did you... WHAT IS HE DOING HERE?!' Ryuji had screamed at the top of his lungs. Poor Yugi had fell over due to the shock and loudness of Ryuji's incessant screeching. Rebecca however, had more common sense, and was more polite about it.
`Excuse me, but why are you here?' she asked. I glared at Ryuji before giving her the answer.
`I no longer have any intention of summoning Leviathan. I am now a friend.' I answered. Ryuji put his hand on his hip and started laughing.
`A friend? Ha! How can we believe you after all you've done?!' He asked.
`Ah. Yugi believes me, and he is more intuitive, and not to mention smarter, then you are.' I replied. Ryuji glared at me before going to tell Seto directions to his house/shop. I shook my head in disgust.
`Don't mind him. He's been stranded for days without anything to do, no girls to talk to, or flirt with.' Yugi told me.
`Oh yeah.. No girls to flirt with, that's such torture!' I said, sarcastically. Rebecca and Yugi couldn't help but laugh, I'm not sure if they knew I was serious. Ryuji looked back at the three of us (Arthur had fallen asleep, because he's old and stupid) he walked up to me.
`Okay. I know we didn't start off good...' Ryuji said.
`Really? I thought you were being the world's nicest guy.' I retorted. I knew I shouldn't have been acting like that. After all, the Pharaoh was nice enough to have let me travel with them to wherever I was going to be at the time.
`You don't have to act like a bastard, I was trying to be kind.' Ryuji replied.
`I know, I know. I am sorry.' I told him.
`Apology... accepted, I guess. I'm Ryuji Otogi, I'm the guy who made Dungeon Dice Monsters, which will one day become the most popular game in the world.' Ryuji introduced, extending his hand.
`I am Dartz.. I'm the guy who summoned the Great Leviathan, who became the most threatening creature in the world.' I replied, shaking his hand. Rebecca, Yugi, Ryuji and I had all laughed at that comment. I think that is when I decided that they weren't so bad. After that, I became good friends with them.. Or at least Ryuji, as the others were friendship cult members. I think Ryuji had started liking me when...
`Hey Dartz!' Ryuji had called, running up to me as I was walking around the park. I turned around to look at him, he had a huge grin on his face.
`What?' I asked. Ryuji grabbed onto my arm to slow himself down, and started panting.
`Finally. I've been looking everywhere for you. You have to learn not to walk so fast, you know? I mean, what if-` Ryuji started.
`Ryuji!' I interrupted.
`Oh, sorry. I'm rambling. But I heard Seto is in a relationship with someone! Wanna go see who?' Ryuji asked.
`What do I care if Mr. Kaiba is in a relationship? It's his life.' I told him.
`But I think you will be interested in WHO he's in a relationship with.' Ryuji replied, letting go of my arm. This perked my curiosity.
`Who?' I asked.
`Ah, ah. You'll have to come with me if you wanna know.' He said, a mischievous gleam in his eye. I just stared at him. He always knew a way to get people to do something with him. It sounded very much like myself.
`Hahaha.. You know how to get someone to do something, don't you? That is not an ability most people have. Alright Ryuji, I'll go with you.' I replied. We both turned around and walked over to Seto's house. Ryuji rang the doorbell, to be greet seconds later by the younger Kaiba.
`DUKE!' Mokuba had yelled, glomping the teenager. I stared at the heap on the ground and started laughing at the scene. Ha, that was priceless.
`Hey Mokuba. Please get off of me.' Ryuji said, pushing the younger boy off of him and getting up. I stopped laughing and stood up straight. Although the smirk was still visible on my face. `Not a word, Dartz. Not a word.'
`Whatever.' I replied, even though I had a dozen and a half things I wanted to say.
`So I guess Dartz really is here in Domino. Nii-san told me he was. I wasn't sure if he was just pulling my leg though.' Mokuba said, looking at the Atlantian.
`Speaking of, is Seto here?' Ryuji asked.
`Oh, he is. Come on in!' Mokuba said, moving so Dartz and Ryuji could get in. They walked into the living room where Seto was talking with Amelda and they were... holding hands.
`Hello!' Dartz said. Amelda jumped up from the couch and stared at Dartz wide-eyed.
`M-Master Dartz! I uh... we...' Amelda said, looking at me, then Seto, then back to me.
`Master Dartz? Oh please. I am no longer your master, you are free to live your life. And as for what we just saw..' I replied.
`What do you two want?' Seto asked, getting up from the couch.
`Ah, you see, I heard from some classmates you were seen walking around with a feminine young man, and you know I'm not one to leave gossip alone, so I came to see if it was true you were with Amelda.' Ryuji explained.
`Then why is HE here?!' Seto had asked, obviously he was referring to me.
`Well he wanted to know about this too, so he tagged along.' Ryuji replied.
`Tagged along, huh? I don't quite remember it going that way...' I said. Seto was obviously getting impatient, as always.
`Well now you know my big secret I guess. Now if you would please leave my house.' He said. Without another word, Ryuji and I had walked out of the house. When we were enough of a distance away, Ryuji laughed.
`What are you laughing at?' I asked him.
`Oh.. It's nothing, it's nothing. I always thought he was.. Um... a bit queer.' Ryuji replied.
`It's not something you should really be laughing at, you know. How would you feel if you had something as big as that kind of thing on your shoulders and suddenly someone found out? Would you like it if someone laughed at you?' I had asked him. At the time, I had no clue. Now I find it kind of ironic that I had asked him that.
`I guess you're right.' Ryuji responded, lowering his head. I looked at him.
`Hey, don't feel too bad about laughing, just think about who and what you're laughing at next time, alright?' I said, trying to cheer him up. Ryuji smiled at me.
`Say, let's go get something to eat, I'm starved!' Ryuji suggested.
`You'd have to be starved, have you looked in a mirror lately, Stickly?' I asked, holding back a laugh.
`Ah! I'm not that thin! And besides, I'm very self-conscious of my weight.' Ryuji said. I giggled.
`Funny. It doesn't seem like something most men would think about.' I said as we were walking to Hamburger World. `You're not hiding anything funny, are you?'
`Hehe. No, I'm not. I am one hundred percent male. But.. I don't know, I just like being skinny I guess. It makes it easier to get people to like you I guess.' Ryuji replied. I stopped walking to look at him.
`You know, people shouldn't have to like you for your appearance. They should like you for you. A person who only likes someone for their looks is extremely shallow.' I told him. He also stopped walking and looked at me. He smiled at me, a true genuine smile. Days after that, is when Ryuji did something. You see, we were at a store, I wanted to get colored contacts.
`So tell me again, Dartz.. Why are we here?' Ryuji asked me.
`After the oriechalcos disappeared, so did my bi-colored eyes! I liked my eyes!' I replied. Ryuji sighed.
`You look fine with your regular colored eyes though. I mean, it's not everyday you run into someone with yellow eyes.' He tried telling me. I turned around to look at him.
`Look, I'm not telling you to cut your hair, so don't tell me to not get colored eye contacts.' Dartz said. Ryuji looked at the ground, apparently he knew he was not going to change my mind.
`I was just trying to look out for you.. If you don't need contacts, they could really mess with your eyes. Or eye in this case.' Ryuji said. I turned around again to face him, and smiled.
`And for that, I thank you.' I replied, putting my hand on his shoulder. I went to the counter to pay for my stuff. He just stood in the aisle we were in, most probably looking like an idiot. Once my stuff was paid for and we got outside, Ryuji stepped in front of me.
`What?' I asked. Ryuji however, wouldn't come right out with what he was going to say, oh no. He drew it out for as long as he friggin' could. Ryuji was staring at the ground and blushing. I was considering kicking him in the balls just to get him to say whatever he was going to. Luckily for him, he finally said what he had to before I got around to doing so.
`Iwantedtoknowifyouwantedtogooutwithme.' Ryuji had said it so fast I had only gotten part of what he said.
`Uh.. What did you say? You were speaking so quickly I couldn't understand you.' I said. Ryuji gulped, apparently it was hard for him to say that.
`I wanted to know if you wanted to go out with me...' he had repeated, only this time more slowly. I just blinked, out of the millions of things I thought he was going to say, he said that.
`Ryuji? I thought you liked girls.' I replied, because I didn't get it. I think Jounouchi and Honda's stupid juice had somehow leaked into my brain back then.”
“Hey! Watch what you say about Katsuya!” Kyoshi yelled, clenching his fists.
“Whoa! Chill out kid, I won't say that okay?” Dartz said, raising his hands to shield himself from whatever onslaught Kyoshi might have gone on. “Now as I was saying...”
“Ryuji was looking at the ground again, I waited patiently for his response.
`I do... I just like guys too...' Ryuji replied, looking to the side. I just looked at him. I never really thought about Ryuji also liking guys. It's not like he really showed too much interest in them. But after the story Jounouchi had told me about Ryuji making him dress up in the dog costume and being Ryuji's servant days before then, I did kind of wonder about that. (Don't worry though Kyoshi, Jounouchi never was his servant though because the Pharaoh had bailed him out of it.)
`Hmm.. Well alright.' I replied. Ryuji nearly fainted, I guess he didn't expect me to have that answer.
`W-What?' Ryuji said. `Are you serious?!'
`Well why not? It never hurts to go, right? And I honestly do not believe in the whole `men can only like women' or the `women can only like men' thing. It really bothers me how limited people must feel.' I explained to him. I could tell from his eyes that he was about to cry.
`How... how about tonight then? We can go to a cafe or something.' Ryuji suggested. I had never seen him so shaken up.
`Alright. But you have got to pick me up, for I do not know where any cafes are.' I replied. Ryuji nodded, and then walked home while I went to my... wherever it is I stayed in at the time. I think I was living in Anzu's parents' guestroom or something. Of course I hated that place, it was bright and cheery. But Anzu was the only one who would let me stay at her house. You're probably not curious, but I'll tell you the reasons the other people I knew wouldn't let me stay with them. Yugi and his grandfather just didn't have the room for me to stay with them. Seto despises me just about, Honda's family lives in an apartment building, Varon lives in a beach house or something, Amelda lives with Seto, Raphael, I think even Bandit Keith living with him gets on his nerves. But that's not to say he doesn't like Bandit Keith, I think it's just that he's too wild for him. Anyway, I did NOT want to stay with Mai, Jounouchi probably wouldn't have enjoyed my presence there, even though he wouldn't have admitted it. But Anzu was kind enough to let me stay with her family.
So anyway, Ryuji had picked me up, and we drove to the cafe. Whatever freak decided to give a fifteen year old a driver's license I shall never know. He was nervous at first, but after we talked and had a few cups of coffee, he was fine. After the date, we drove back to his house/shop. I decided to walk him to the door, as it is the polite thing to do after a date. We stood there for a second, and then I kissed him on the lips. It was a quick one, but after that, I think I knew I really loved him. I don't know if he felt that way or not. But that's how it happened.
“Wow. That must have been really nice.” Kyoshi said. “What about you Mr. Ryuji? How did you feel?”
“Mr. Ryuji? That sounds wrong! Please just call me Ryuji.” Ryuji said.
“Okay Ryuji.” Kyoshi replied.
“And how did I feel? I felt good! I mean, the best man ever went out on a date with me! And after that we became uh.. Boyfriend and Boyfriend, or something like that.” Ryuji said.
“Dartz, do you still live in um.. Anzu's house?” Kyoshi asked.
“What? Oh heavens no! After our second date, Ryuji offered to let me live in his house thing. Which is good, because too much of Anzu was rubbing off on me, I even used the word friendship twice in a sentence.” Dartz explained.
“It was scary I tell you.” Ryuji commented.
“I see. Thank you for telling me that story.” Kyoshi said, bowing.
“What about Jounouchi?” Ryuji asked. “Are you dating him or something? I mean, you said you didn't get into a fight with him, but you never went into detail about it.”
“Um.. No. I... I can't.” Kyoshi replied, looking at the ground.
“But you like him, right? I mean come on, you seem to.” Ryuji asked.
“I... I don't know.. I guess I have mixed feelings about him..” Kyoshi answered.
“Mixed feelings?” Dartz asked.
“Um.. I don't know how to explain it.. But...” Kyoshi started. He looked out the window and saw Honda and Damian walk by the shop. Kyoshi's eyes widened, and he gasped.
“Kyoshi, you alright?” Ryuji asked.
“I.. I have to get home. I thank you once again for telling me the story.” Kyoshi replied, he ran out of the store and back towards Jounouchi's house.
“I wonder if he's alright. He didn't look so well.” Ryuji said, looking at the spot Kyoshi once stood at.
And that ladies and gentlemen is how Dartz and Ryuji got together! I'm surprised I got this chapter done in only two and a half hours. It usually takes me about two or three days to do a chapter. But then again, the idea for the story-ish part of the chapter was already in my head for awhile. In case you are wondering about Raphael and Bandit Keith: Yes, they do live together. Just as friends though, don't worry. They will never in a Katillion years get together, unless I one day get bored and decide to make a Raphael/Bandit Keith fic. That would probably never happen though. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! ^-~
(Hehe.. In case some of you put this story as favorites and got an e-mail stating I deleted this chapter... twice, I noticed a few mistakes I made. I won't say what they are, but I like to keep them out as much as I can, if I notice them at least. ^^;; sorry for the confusion
Also, in Microsoft Word, the non-memory things are regular, I don't know if it will look like Italics online though)