Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Guardian Angel ❯ Shopping, and Fighting, and Camping, Oh My! ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hey everyone! Sorry I haven't gotten this updated sooner. Truth is, I was too lazy to write a chapter. =_= But now I'm in the mood for the story, so who's up for a chapter?
LilyFairy: Yup, he glomped Duke. Thanks, I thought it was a cute story too. (Even though I noticed a few minutes ago I accidentally wrote part of Dartz's story in third-person, not first..)
Yenchna: Yeah, it is quick. Usually it takes me a day or two for a chapter to get up. It probably helps for a certain plot in the chapter to already be thought up. ^-^
alonegirl_34: Please don't stretch the page, it makes it hard to read other reviews. ^^;; Anyway, glad you and your brother liked it. Wait.. Your brother? Liked shounen-ai? Not many guys do. Coolness.
Disclaimer: Yu-Gi-Oh does not belong to me. Only Kyoshi, Damian, and the plot!
Even though Kyoshi meant to go back home, he stopped at the park to take a rest. He was tired out from the running and tripping of trying to get back to the house. While he was going to sit on a bench, he noticed a familiar blonde sitting there.
“Hi uh.. Mai, right?” Kyoshi asked, going to sit next to her. Mai turned her head quickly to face him.
“Yes! Yes.. Kyoshi. I'm sorry..” Mai replied. Kyoshi blinked and scratched the back of his head.
“For what?” He asked.
“Well.. You probably know Katsuya went to visit me awhile ago. Well, I blew up at him.. Thing is, I was not having a very good day that day. And I guess I took everything out on him. And I called you stupid.” Mai answered.
“Oh. Yeah, he did tell me that.. But it's all right! You're apologizing, and that is a really good thing! But.. Why weren't you having a good day?” Kyoshi replied.
“Well! It started off when I was late for my manicure appointment. I couldn't get my nails done. THEN I was late for my massage because I was trying to get the manicurist to fit me in for some time in the day, which made me late for the mega-sale they were having for stilettos down at the mall. It was all very hectic!” Mai explained.
“Sounds awful! What's a manicure?” Kyoshi asked. Mai's eyes widened.
“You don't know what a manicure is?! Oh you poor thing! Come on, I'll show you! Your nails could use some work anyway.” Mai said, grabbing Kyoshi's arm and dragging him away.
“But I really have to get home!” Kyoshi exclaimed.
“Nonsense! Come on, I'll pay for it all, don't worry!” Mai replied. Kyoshi sighed, as he couldn't do anything else at the moment.
Jounouchi was on the couch flipping through the channels on his television at lightning speed. Nothing was EVER good on TV. The doorbell rung. Jounouchi turned off the TV and opened up the door. Yugi and Varon were standing there.
“Hi Jounouchi!” Yugi squealed, hugging the blonde.
“'Ello Jounouchi.” Varon said, trying to get Yugi off of Jounouchi. They both walked in before Jounouchi said anything and sat on the couch.
“Whuddup?” Jounouchi asked, sitting on a chair. Yugi fidgeted in his seat, which left Varon to do all the explaining.
“Well you see.. We're going on a camping trip for the weekend. Yugi was tellin' me you liked to go camping, and so we came over to see if you wanted to come!” He explained. Yugi giggled like a moron.
“Yugi, you okay?” Jounouchi asked, raising an eyebrow.
“I'm peachy!” Yugi squeaked.
“Right.. So anyway! Camping? Sure, sounds fun! When are we going?” Jounouchi asked, looking at Varon.
“Whenever you're all packed! That's the great thing about it, we're all set. That way, whether you decided to come or not, we waste no time!” Varon replied.
“Cool! Just lemme go get my suitcase!” Jounouchi said, and ran up the stairs, leaving Yugi and Varon to do whatever.
“YAY! Jounouchi is coming with us! I'm sooooooooo happy!” Yugi screamed. Varon rolled his eyes.
“Were you huffing markers while I was at my place packing? What's gotten into you? You're really hyper and everything.” Varon asked.
“Huffing?! NOOOOO! I wasn't doing anything of the sort.” Yugi replied. Varon rolled his eyes again and walked into the kitchen to find something to eat. (Because he's a hog who eats other people's food.)
“Okay! I'm packed!” Jounouchi said, coming down the stairs hauling a big bag.
“Er.. Jounouchi, what did you bring?” Varon asked, looking at the bag.
“Oh you know, just the basics. My mini-TV, my dance pads, one of my Dance Dance Revolution games, my Playstation 2, a few liters of soda I found under my bed, my different clothes from the different seasons of `Yu-Gi-Oh!'...” Jounouchi replied.
“Uh.. It's only the weekend, you aren't going to need all that stuff.” Varon said.
“Yeah.. The soda probably is too much..” Jounouchi replied.
“ARE YOU STUPID?! I was referring to the TV and the dance pads and your Playstation! God!” Varon yelled, twitching.
“It's fine! If he wants to bring it, he can!! Because you know.. YEAH!” Yugi said. Varon rolled his eyes for a third time (Thankfully them not getting stuck from excess-rolling) and the three of them left the house.
“See Kyoshi! Doesn't that feel nice?” Mai asked, looking at the teen. Kyoshi stared blankly at the girl who was sharpening his nails.
“Uh.. Should my nails be this sharp?” He asked, looking at his hand.
“Like, it's like, good for like, if like, a person tries to like, kill you.” The nail-sharpening girl replied, blowing a bubble and popping it.
“She has a point! You wouldn't believe how many perverts I protected myself from by using my nails!” Mai said, nodding. Kyoshi stared at Mai and just... blinked.
“I take it this is your first time here. Once you get used to it, it's ALL the difference!” The nail girl explained.
“Right. Mai, why aren't you getting your nails done?” Kyoshi asked.
“Oh, I got them done earlier! This is all about YOU! Speaking of, we have got to get you into some new clothes!” Mai replied.
“But.. What's wrong with these clothes?” Kyoshi asked, looking at his shirt.
“The color white? SO last season!” Mai told him.
“But.. I like this color.. Everyone where I come from wears white.” Kyoshi replied. Mai put her hands on her hips and sighed.
“You're not where you come from anymore. You're in JAPAN! You need to look like you're in your own country! Don't worry, I know all the best places to shop!” Mai said. Kyoshi whimpered but didn't say anything.
“So.. Where exactly are we?” Damian asked looking at Honda. They were in some alleyway that Honda said was one of his `shortcuts'.
“We're in uh.. You know, one of my hang-out places!” Honda replied. “My friends and I hang here all the time! We have a few cups of soda, do some hip-hop.. You know, the cool stuff.”
“Do you now...? So those men glaring at us are your friends, right?” Damian asked, arching an eyebrow. Honda looked over his shoulder. There were some bald ugly men growling at them.
“Those are uh.. You know, party-crashers! They try to bust our groove at times. But we always take care of them somehow.” Honda replied. Damian sighed and shook his head.
“Humans..” He mumbled under his breath. The leader of the bald ugly men, who shall be known as Pablo, came up to them.
“Hey punks, you're in our alleyway! Get out!” Pablo yelled,
“Relax, dude! We're lost, we just want to get out of here. So uh... Let us through safely?” Honda said, sweat-dropping. Damian laughed.
“Hang-out place, hmm?” Damian asked, smirking.
“I'll give you until the count of three to get out. One. Two. Three.” Pablo said. He started walking towards them.
“No fair! You didn't give us a chance!” Honda yelled angrily. Damian twitched and grabbed Honda's sleeve to run, but Pablo's lackeys walked in front of them.
“Out of my way. Now.” Damian said. Pablo's lackeys all laughed, scarily enough all sounding like a big ugly echo. Damian rolled his eyes.
“Maybe they just wanna be friends.” Honda suggested, smiling at the lackeys.
“Fool! They don't want to be friends, they want to hurt us.” Damian replied. He pushed Honda into a building and then went to run up the side of another building. He back-flipped off the wall and kicked one guy, who fell onto a couple of other guys.
Honda got up and shook his head. He ran up and punched two lackeys in the stomach, which made them pass out. Now all that was left was Pablo. They both ran up to Pablo, very close together, and punched him very hard in the face and stomach. Pablo fell over.
“That was the most fun I've had since.... Nevermind. But that was fun.” Damian said, smirking. Honda turned to look at him.
“Fun?! We could've gotten killed! But then, we did show off our mad skills! So it was amusing! We could be the next Jackie Chans!” Honda replied.
“Right.. How about we get out of here? And this time I'M leading the way.” Damian said. And the two of them left.
“Varon, do you have a license to drive?” Jounouchi asked as the van that Varon `borrowed' from the DOOM Group was being driven to the campsite.
“No! I'm driving illegally!” Varon replied.
“... It's scary, because I can't tell if you're serious, or if you're just joking.” Jounouchi said. Yugi took out a bag of marshmallows that he found in his backpack.
“Let's eat marshmallows! It's a way to pass time while Varon drives!” He suggested, handing Jounouchi a marshmallow. Jounouchi took it happily and stuffed it up his nose.
“Haha! I can't breathe through my one nostril!” Jounouchi yelled. “Oh god! I can't breathe! HELLLLLLP!”
“Katsuya's in trouble..” Kyoshi whispered to himself.
“Kyoshi, how about these?” Mai asked as she held a pair of boots up to Kyoshi's face. Kyoshi blinked and grabbed the boots to look at them.
“I like my flip-flops..” Kyoshi said.
“Uh.. Flip-flops are out of style. Boots are IN!” Mai replied.
“Won't they make my feet feel hot?” Kyoshi asked, looking at the boots again.
“No! Of course not! I have a feeling this will take some time..” Mai answered. Just then, Shizuka ran over to the two, dragging her mother with her.
“Hey Mai! Who's that?” She asked, pointing to Kyoshi.
“Shizuka, it's rude to point..” Shizuka's mother said. Shizuka shrugged and continued pointing.
“Ohhh! I get it! You dumped my brother and got a new boyfriend, huh? He's cute!” Shizuka exclaimed. Mai arched an eyebrow.
“I was never even your brother's girlfriend. But nevermind.. Anyway, this is Kyoshi. And he's not my boyfriend, he's really not my type.” Mai replied.
“Oh!” Shizuka turned to Kyoshi. “I'm Shizuka Jounouchi! Nice to meet you!” She said.
“Shizuka! I've been wanting to meet you for so long!” Kyoshi exclaimed, clasping his hands together. The three women started at him.
“Huh?” They said together.
“Uh.. I mean Katsuya has told me so much about you. And I wanted to meet you after all the nice things he said.” Kyoshi lied.
“Oh! You know my brother! Small world!” Shizuka replied happily. Kyoshi nodded and turned to Shizuka's mother.
“And you're.. Mrs. Jounouchi? Or... Ms. Jounouchi.. Katsuya's mom?” Kyoshi asked.
“Why yes, yes I am.” Shizuka's mother replied. Kyoshi bowed.
“It is very nice to meet you.” He said. Just then, they heard a crowd yelling at them. Shizuka blinked and stared at the crowd.
“Hey, this is a CLOTHING STORE not a jabber-hut! We can't get past you four!” An angry woman screamed. Mai stepped in front of the crowd and put her hands on her hips.
“Well this is a free country! We talk where we want, so find another way to get around!” She yelled, scaring both the crowd, and the three people she was with. The crowd backed away and went to go do something in another part of the store.
“That was great! And kind of scary.” Shizuka exclaimed, smiling. Mai gave a thumbs up.
“Thanks. Now then, how about all of us go shopping together? It'll be fun! Right Kyoshi?” Mai suggested, looking at the young man.
“Erm.. Okay, that'll be fun I guess.” Kyoshi answered.
“Great!” Mai grabbed the boots Kyoshi had been holding, along with other clothes she picked out for him, and paid for it all at the cash register. She turned back to the other three. “Lets get going then!”
Glad to finally get this chapter done! Took me two weeks, but it's done! I hope you all liked it!