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"GGs Unite!" Reviews/Comments [ 19 ]
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 Title: It's Been A While ^^;
Reviewed By: Zero 101 (Hi!)  On: June 15, 2007 07:49 CDT
Hi Sayla! Sorry for the delayed reveiw! What a scary chapter, I feel terrible for Rele, the quartet are cruel huh? I see that you got the (former) Dark Axis trio in on this, very cool. Can't wait for the next chapter, keep up the good work buddy! :D
 Reviewed By: FeatherDragon  On: June 14, 2007 19:27 CDT
Le gasp! Awww...poor Rele. The Greman was throwing me a bit. Probably will throw GunEagle once he meets her. Still good chapter.
 Title: Eep!
Reviewed By: Zero 101  On: June 04, 2007 10:11 CDT
The quartet has a very scary vampire accent. Eeeek! :O Nice chapter, can't wait to see what happens next. (sorry this is so short, I'm at school) ^^;
 Title: OMG
Reviewed By: Shiva...  On: May 30, 2007 19:41 CDT
UPDATE BIG TIME!!! This is majorly keeping me hanging! What will happen?! AWESOME DUDE...ETTE!!!
 Title: Hey! :O
Reviewed By: Zero 101 (again)  On: May 03, 2007 10:15 CDT
I just noticed that you included Aunt Rose in your fic too! Man you are very observant since her introduction in my fic was so subtle! Oh, and you can use her in future chapters as well! ^_^ T, T, F, N, ta, ta, for now! :D
 Title: Eeeek! :D
Reviewed By: Zero 101(no loggy inny)  On: May 02, 2007 16:15 CDT
Yay, you used Zeth! You are more than welcome to use him in future chapters Sayla! This was a great chapter and I can't wait for the next on! ^___^ Dark Axis in next chapter...Sweetness! :)
 Title: Awesome!
Reviewed By: Shiva_Goddess [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 01, 2007 08:10 CDT
That was a pretty sweet chapter. Considering that I am actually looking for a Prom Dress, I think I'll consider that one. As for the Air Hockey, >.< too bad it wasn't real hockey! DIE BASTARDS DIE!!! WHO HITS LIKE A GIRL NOW?!!! ^_^ Update soon my friend
 Reviewed By: May-VeggieGirl1 [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 01, 2007 05:41 CDT
Stuffies, hahaha... Geez, Sakura has a big direct family! Who's side of the family is she on? Mom or Dad? Considering, the hair, I'd think Dad's side but... Mmm.
 Title: ch3
Reviewed By: velvet-verdict  On: April 26, 2007 09:54 CDT
I like the Gaia's Anger attack! Very creative, and Shadow vs Fenn was fun to think about! Battle of he mascots! XD Ah, a very subtle chapter near the end, not much action, but hey I like it! XD I love the little bits a humor you throw in here and there; it keeps it moving along. Is it just me, or did this chapter seem darker? o_x *pokes Shiva* I want to see more of her, if that's possible. ^^ Some times I feel like she's lost. >.>
 Title: ch2
Reviewed By: velvet-vedict  On: April 26, 2007 09:54 CDT
Oo, I like it! Nice detailed training session! I got immured in it and almost thought it was real! But then I remembered I was reading words. -_- That's suppose to be a complement. O.o Anyway, I love Yoroi! XD I didn't know you would have her talk! Surprise, surprise, always catches the reader's attention. ^^ My only suggestion would be to focus on Shiva, Beth, and Sakura more. I see Sakura as a carbon copy of Shute right now, and am unsure of how her personality really is. Some more info on her would spice things up! ^^ Ah, drama… I liked how we all have different abilities, Shiva's especially! XD Muwahaha, those commercials are entertaining. One is just enough. ^^ For those of you who don't know what Yoroi means in Japanese, it's armor. *pokes lunch ref in chapt
 Title: ch1
Reviewed By: velvet-verdict  On: April 23, 2007 10:04 CDT
Hey don't worry about the characters! XD I like the story much batter, than what you had planned the first time. Ahh revisions work wonders. ^^ Meep, I feel there was a lot of focus on me and skteching in this chapter, I'm flattered but it seems to be taking some away from it. My character is a sigde character that is all. OMG hungry. -_-' More R&R later! (I love it so far ! XD)*can't wait*
 Reviewed By: May-VeggieGirl1 [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 21, 2007 22:49 CDT
Bakunetsumaru-shaped dent=lol xD
 Title: I'm Gettin' Into it!
Reviewed By: Zero 101(no loggy inny)  On: April 21, 2007 17:14 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Awwww, I wanted to see Shute smack a Haro... ;_; But forget about me and my dumb requests because this fic is fantastic! I'm really getting into it and the 'mascot' fight was great. Funny chapter, I can't wait to see what happens next! ^__^
 Reviewed By: FennFeatherDragon [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 21, 2007 16:11 CDT
lol that was pretty funny
 Reviewed By: Shiva.  On: April 20, 2007 20:17 CDT
Eh? Oh boy, why do I have the feeling I'll be turning more red than a tomato in the next chapter. Oh wait, I'm sick that's why. ^_^'' Kinda got a fever here
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