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"SHOCK: Continued" Reviews/Comments [ 17 ]
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 Reviewed By: Cybertoy00 [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 30, 2008 17:51 CDT
Wow, this fic has no end, huh? Are you going to go on until every char, canon and OC, gets a song? Lakitu: This fic'll go on forever! Oh, pipe down. I have a suggestion. Why not include some of the ORIGINAL SD Gundams? you can find those old cartoons on youtube. just put in SD Gundam Mk in the search engine...you'll find what I'm talking about.
 Title: O____O
Reviewed By: Ookami (the sleepy)  On: March 30, 2008 17:39 CDT
*gasp* I've never heard of this song or this band, but good work! I cna so see Chaos singing this. Can't wait 'till the next one!!
 Title: hm.......
Reviewed By: INSANITY!!!  On: February 13, 2008 23:40 CST
It's new, It's fresh, It's- wait, Ookami_moon portaied Ookami as a clutz, but Ookami kept her balance.....niiice! ^____^ I love it when people use other peoples characters, it showa the creators how they've portraied thier OC, and it's cool to see others ideas for the OC, so good work!
 Title: *gasp*
Reviewed By: Ookami_moon [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 12, 2008 21:31 CST
*gasps again* GOD!! I FORGOT TO BREATH!! It was beautiful, i have two nit-picks though......1. Ookami's eyes are green (were silver, but like mine had to change) and 2.....uah....geez i forgot again....MAN I NEED TO WRITE STUFF DOWN!! *slams head into a wall* I love the song and S.G. was over today......hopefuly next time she's over i can actully try singing that song, it's in my range, but again(as i've told you)i have MAJOR stage fright lately.....and yet i'm in the school play....god life makes no sense...and RUN GIRL GUNEAGLE IS AFTER YOU!!! O________O RUN!!!....especially sence this could get her in a lot of trouble.....
 Title: hi
Reviewed By: Shining Gundam [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 25, 2008 19:42 CST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Very, very, very, very funny. This is to good to be true! Also the plot bunnies are dancing in my head!
 Title: In the middleof finals >___O
Reviewed By: ~Ookami~  On: January 24, 2008 09:48 CST
HAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I-I-I-I THINK I'M GOING TO PEE MYSELF!!!!! ^_________^ This was WAY TOO FUNNY!!! I really hope S.G> gets a chance to read this because it is all too perfect! ^3^ Her dream come true (why barbie girl had to be invoklved I'll never know 9_9) Oh well, makes for a good chapter! ^3^ *rereads the ending* .... O___o Ookami and Chaos....in the same place....the guys are going to have a lot of trouble on thier hands XD XP VIVA LA AMIGOPS!!! I hope you feel better soon!! *Runs to bathroom before i literally pee myself*
 Title: YIPEE!!
Reviewed By: Ookami_moon [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 17, 2008 17:09 CST
Yay! Something fun to read! I liked it alot. (yes it is true that i am no SDGF guru, bu ti still liked it) I do have on request though...(e-mail it to ya!) ;)
 Title: ;_________;
Reviewed By: Ookami (the one an only)  On: January 14, 2008 23:19 CST
heelloww?? Do somesing!! Anysing!! *clears throat and loses accent* ok......akward....um......seriously post something somewhere! ;___; please! No one but me is updating anything. *curses school* -___- +
 Reviewed By: Ookami_moon [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 19, 2007 20:07 CST
OMFG!!!!!!!!!! Sayla made me read the first one, but these are too stupid funny for words! love it! ^___^ keep up the song and dance!
 Reviewed By: i be teh devi  On: October 16, 2007 17:39 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 1 of 10
mommy! mommy! *crying vocie* MOMMY!!!!! I be cold kinda like your heart! *cries* your so hurtful. stop telling me to be emo mommy! I hate it when you hit me at night. I am sorry I'm not a good enough son for you. I try to change to make you happy but you just raise what you want out of me. and my but hole still hurts from when you put things in it including MR. Goldy. AM I SUCH A BAD GIRL CHILD THING YOU HAD TO KILL MY FISH .... HUH? HUH? Mr. Goldy I hope your in radish heaven. My math teacher wanted to know why I was walking like a cowboy today I told the rabbit that my mommy puts gold fish in my bum then she took away nap time and had me wright about lying is bad. BUT IT REALLY DID HAPPEN AS MUCH AS I TRY TO BLOCK OUT HOW YOU TAKE NUDE PICTURES OF ME AND LICK MY NO-NO-PLACE. I wish this was a lie all the pain you give me. You never even play with me anymore. The last time we spent time together you ran out of crack and started shooting up Red bulls and Gatorade. Well daddy I be off to get me some hookers!
 Title: *grin*
Reviewed By: Sayla  On: October 04, 2007 07:48 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
That was far better than I could have ever done Baku's perfromance. Many, many, many kudos and cookies my friend!
 Title: Attack of the Spider Man music!
Reviewed By: Charon the 90's child Sabercat  On: August 23, 2007 20:14 CDT
But seriously, I don't review you guys's fics enough. You're an awesome writer. Of COURSE Captain's gonna pick that song, duh! Laterness.
 Title: *Collapses laughing*
Reviewed By: Sayla  On: August 05, 2007 18:55 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
That was funny! Very nicely done! Please, update soon!
 Reviewed By: FeatherDragon  On: August 02, 2007 15:38 CDT
That actually fit them quiet nicely
 Title: *giggle*
Reviewed By: Sayla  On: July 11, 2007 22:45 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
*claps* Very nice, my friend, very nice. LOL, poor Genkimaru. Hey, maybe you can have Zero and Baku sing "Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better". *imagines the upstaging* That would be funny. Anyway, very good and please update soon!
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