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"Collected Works" Reviews/Comments [ 18 ]
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 Title: Interlude
Reviewed By: inuyashaloverr [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 24, 2010 13:53 CDT
Best Romance Cat. Congratulations! Your fiction has won an award from the Feudal Association for the June 2010 term! Founded in 2005 by author/artist, Dark Avenger, the Feudal Association consists of writers, artists, and enthusiasts of the InuYasha fandom. But aside from that, we are also proud to say that we are an awards guild that recognizes fan-fiction and artwork. Several times a year we nominate, vote, and hand out honors to some of the best creations in the fandom. Our Yahoo Group, where the nominating and voting occurs, can be found here: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FeudalAssociation/ Our website is located here: http://feudal.animara.org/ This terms' fiction winners list can be found here: http://feudal.animara.org/winners.php?a=show&type=Fanfiction&year=J une%202010 Links to all of the awards, past or present, can be found here: http://feudal.animara.org/pickup_awards.php Please pick up "site only" awards here: http://feudal.animara.org/pickup_site.php First place awards will be on permanent display here: http://feudal.animara.org/gallery.php Congratulations and feel free to join and/or help us spread the word about our group! ~The Feudal Association
 Title: Beautiful
Reviewed By: mylovemiroku [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 13, 2009 00:41 CST
Originality/Creativity: 9 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I thought this chapter was absolutely beautiful. The typical scenario, but the fact that it was written through Miroku's voice made it so much more touching. Only through his thoughts do we see the delicate and enigma that is Sango. I really liked the freedom it carried.
 Title: Chapter 36: Savior
Reviewed By: Eikyuu Kosai Awards [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 07, 2009 08:55 CDT
Congratulations! Your fic has been nominated for Best Drabble at Eikyuu Kosai, the Miroku/Sango Fandom Awards. Established in 2009, this group strives to recognize those outstanding pieces of fanfiction and art from the Inuyasha universe, which put special emphasis on the Mir/San pairing. Twice a year, our members come together to nominate and vote in 17 different categories, including a special 'Hidden Treasure' award, for those gems that might have been missed the first time around. To learn more about Eikyuu Kosai, please visit http://community.livejournal.com/mirsanawards/ Our current slate of nominations can be found here: http://community.livejournal.com/mirsanawards/3142.html Nominations run from July 1 - July 14th, 2009, with voting from July 18 - July 31st, 2009. To pick up your nominee banner, please follow this link: http://i812.photobucket.com/albums/zz43/eikyuu_kosai/july2009/nominee-july2 009.jpg Congratulations once again, and please feel free to join in the proceedings! **Please note: you may receive this notification multiple times on the same fic, if it has been nominated into different categories.**
 Reviewed By: madmiko [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 26, 2009 00:15 CDT
I finally got to read this one! ("The Strongest of All") I have been looking forward to it ever since I read your thoughts about it on lj. This is one of my favorites of yours. This is a vignette done right. The introspection was lovely and flowing, and even without us knowing any of the details at all about the hows and whys of Sesshoumaru's relationship with Kagome, you told us enough to make it feel real and make sense. I think you are very right that Sesshoumaru saw something important in each of the women (or girl, as in Rin's case!) who played important roles in his life. And I definitely think that he would see what you showed in Kagome, if he were to look at her that way. (And I don't think Kagome has to be portrayed as "perfect" to be seen as WORTHY and worthwhile in his eyes, so I think you said just enough to keep her real.) You showed the traits that make Kagome such a rich, strong, vibrant character without taking away anything from the other women. I give this two thumbs up!
 Reviewed By: kmoaton [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 13, 2009 11:53 CDT
I loved the comparison of all the women in Sesshomaru's life and what they all bought to the table. You did a really great job of showing how all of these traits are present in Kagome. YAY! I think this will be a great addition to Allegance!
 Reviewed By: kmoaton [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 10, 2009 15:22 CDT
How wonderfully sweet. I love the sensitive Miroku. It's a side of him we don't get to see often. A lot of times, I think people tend to forget that Miroku is very insightful and he is certainly aware of what is going on around him. It's not in his nature to not inquire, especially when someone who is close to him is troubled. You did an awesome job and you are doing Miroku and Sango so much justice!!!
 Reviewed By: madmiko, don'tknowwhyI'm not logged in  On: May 21, 2009 17:11 CDT
And, yes! I continue my tradition of reading your pieces out of order. *headdesk* "Clandestine" was very well-written. I loved Kagome's thoughts and felt like I could grasp where the story had been so far. However, I'm going to confess that the whole "Kikyo, I've missed you so much" is exactly why I don't read much Inu/Kag anymore. Yes, Inu's past relationship with her makes for great angst in any story, canon or AU, but I just get so darned tired of it. I prefer my Inu/Kag to be Kikyou-free. LOL! That's my personal prejudice and not a reflection on your story at all. As a matter of fact, I hope you will take it as a compliment to your writing that you managed to wrench my guts for Kagome's position in just one chapter. *sigh*
 Reviewed By: ThisIsMeSmiling [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 10, 2009 18:16 CDT
Congratulations! Your story has been nominated by the Inuyasha FanGuild for BEST ROMANCE: MIR/SAN for the first quarter of 2009. If you would like to track the progress of your story through the rest of the nominations, seconding, and voting process, or simply find out more about the IYFG and perhaps join yourself, you can find everything you need to know on our website: www.inuyashafanguild.com If you have any other questions, don't hesitate to contact our moderators at IYFGModerator@gmail.com. Congratulations again! -- IYFG Beta Group
 Reviewed By: kmoaton [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 27, 2009 18:44 CST
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I thought this was really good! You could feel her insecurity with the relationship since it's still new and the fact that he really doesn't like a scene whenever he has to leave. In his own way, he does reassure her but he is still Sesshomaru. You don't feel he's OOC, you just get the impression there is more to him than you are actually seeing.
 Reviewed By: Lunabell [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 23, 2009 14:51 CST
The other chapters where great. But the sessh/kag pairing...blech. It's not realistic and sesshoumaru would end up with a full demon not a human. he would never end up with kagome. He'd end up killing her..>_>
 Reviewed By: yusukekuramasgirl [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 20, 2008 14:54 CST
awww. that one is sweet. inuyasha would rather have kagome then lose her in childbirth. only thing is kagome really wants a baby. i hope they try again. next maybe easier on kagome. update soon.
 Title: Memoirs...
Reviewed By: SplendentGoddess [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 15, 2008 14:24 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Of course, some would probably argue that if history was being changed, Jii-chan wouldn't be aware of the changes...temporal paradoxes and all that. But I think chalking it up to the Shikon jewel's influence was a nice way to excuse any theoretical temporal inaccuracies. This was a lovely piece, and I loved how you left the actual contents of the memoirs a mystery. We don't need to know how Kagome lived out her entire life, when we're still privy to little one-shots of her and Inuyasha's "current" life in the past! *smiles* Well done...
 Reviewed By: ThisIsMeSmiling [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 07, 2008 13:34 CST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
awwwwwwwwwwwww! That was the jinenji episode! Rin/Jaken moments are so friggin' cute! Even if he does look like a booger........XD ~Amber
 Title: chapter 13
Reviewed By: wbk [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 11, 2008 08:39 CST
so much depth for a character that is often overlooked. you gave him a sense of nobility that i haven't seen from anyone else. i love that little green guy right now. you made me feel rin's hope and heartbreak, as well as jaken's sense of responsibility and parental love for her. and just as he felt her pain, i felt it through him.
 Reviewed By: kokoronagomu [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 23, 2008 22:45 CDT
how deliciously morose. the evil that is -- hojo. AH HA HA HA HA!
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