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"Yami's high" Reviews/Comments [ 36 ]
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 Reviewed By: JoeysGal [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 20, 2004 23:50 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
 Reviewed By: joeyrules [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 22, 2003 21:24 CST
ohhh....BTW 'how Yamis addiction all started'will be in the next chappie. ( in flashback) so that will anwser your q.! Emily
 Reviewed By: joeyrules [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 22, 2003 15:25 CST
lol ok...How about Sam? ^___^ lol Emily
 Reviewed By: Madyamisam (not logged in)  On: November 22, 2003 15:19 CST
Ooh ooh ooh... BTW I don't care what name you give me Madyamisam, Sam, Sammy, Samuel, Sammykins... just for the LOVE OF GOD!!!! don't. call. me. BOB!!!! Everyone else: o___0? Anyone who calls me a Bob has a death wish and afterlife death wish to boot... GRRRRRR!!!!!!!!
 Reviewed By: Madyamisam (not logged in)  On: November 22, 2003 15:15 CST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Must know... when did he start getting addicted to livewire in the first place? Oh and please for this therapy shove this ginormous choclate down his throat... that should keep busy for a while whilst I work on a action plan... BTW I send more prezzies to our beloved Jounouchi-kun... I give thee a mansion bigger than Seto's, a porsche, dates with the 100 sexiest/prettiest/handsomeist men and women in the world, unlimited supplies of candy bars, the world, the galaxy, the universe, a hug and kiss... Hope it's not too big for the post Bye bye... ^____~
 Reviewed By: Dragon Of Eternal [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 20, 2003 19:20 CST
YAY! I'M IN SOME ONE'S STORY BESIDES MY OWN IDIOTIC ONES! Emily, me-chan have noooo problem with you using me-chan's real name. I hope you don't mind that I refrenced your story do you? I hope not. But I'm rambling so I'm gonna go post that story up bye-bye!
 Title: Hi! I am Lady_Washu_of_Evil... too lazy to log on
Reviewed By: Washu-Washu  On: November 16, 2003 18:17 CST
HELLO!!! awesome story! OHH!! OHH!! can i be in it? and with yami? i loooooove yami!!! heheh.. you can kick yugi a way and i'll help yami with his time of need ^_^ hehe..HI PSYCHO!! lol.. sorry.. i'm a big fan of her stories and review them al lthe time.. so we are kind of close. .anyways.. if you would please add me, i'd be super grateful! *gives you LOTS of sugar and live wire!!* ^_^ see ya! ~*~Washu~*~
 Reviewed By: Firlosse [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 16, 2003 17:52 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
God that was funny!!!!!!!!! I wanna be in it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~Firlosse
 Reviewed By: damn  On: October 20, 2003 14:40 CDT
dddddaaammmmmnnnnn...that was odd.....daaammmmnnnn...i want to be in the story....a little prissy prick prick....sorry, i have a bag of sugar! ::holds up bag of sugar:: ^_^ Well I want to be in it! ^_^ k's byes ppls!
 Reviewed By: Madyamisam [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 15, 2003 11:24 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I'll personally give Yami some live wire therapy too if you want... I'm taking Psychology for a honours degree so the experience would be good. Besides I know the best way to cure live wire addiction./ Joey: And what's that?/ Choclate... ^____________^/ YGO cast: O_OUUUU/ I also give Joey... a lot of money... why? I don't know... I just feel that I should give him a lot of money so that he's richer than Kaiba... THAT'S RIGHT KAIBA-BOY JOEY IS RICHER, FUNNIER AND A WHOLE DAMN BETTER THAN YOU ARE AND NOW HE'S GOT THE STATUS FOR IT!!!!!! *grabs a mallet and bashes him to king dom come*/ Seto: X_________X /Anyway about the review you sent me for Children of Destiny... CONTEST!?!?!?!? WHAT CONTEST!?!!??!?! I DIDN'T HEAR ANYTHING ABOUT A CONTEST!!!!! /Bakura: *whistles innocently whilst removing any trace of information about it* /WHY AM I ALWAYS THE LAST ONE TO KNOW ABOUT THESE THINGS!?!?!?!?!?!? *running and ranting around in crazy circles for hours on end*/ Yugi: Oh dear stress has got to her again...
 Reviewed By: Joeyrules ( not logged on)  On: October 05, 2003 13:38 CDT
ATTENTION!!!!!Ok, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR REVEIWING!!! So fair, this is what I got. Joeysgal: Wants to either glomp Joey, Marik, Ryou, Or Bakura, *Elizabeth*Marie*Rose*: want to help Yugi get out of jail (?) Madyamisam: Wants to Glomp Joey!!! Thats what I got so far. Please e-mail me and tell me if thats right, because sometimes reveiws can be wrong. If I missed something, tell me that to so I can start writing the story as soon as possible! P.S. Anybody can reveiw still and I'll add you also, this chappie, or next! ^_^ Thanx Peace out, Emily
 Reviewed By: Madyamisam (not logged)  On: October 04, 2003 18:49 CDT
I WANT TO GLOMP JOEY!!!!! I also advise that your Yami muse go to therapy... Livewire Annoymous... contact 0-SOME-GOOD-S*** or perhaps the website livewireannoymous/crazy.com... ^________^ TTFN!!!
 Reviewed By: *Elizabeth*Marie*Rose* [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 20, 2003 14:46 CDT
*Bounces* Yay! This is still funny! *Glomps all of the bishies* And poor Yugi... *sends a Get-out-of Jail free card*
 Title: LOL
Reviewed By: JoeysGal [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 18, 2003 01:16 CDT
HEHEHEEEE!!!!! THIS IS SOOOOOOOO FUNNY!!!!!! OMG you have to write more! Make sure to read my random comedy story too!! it's sumthin like... VeryRandomness YugiOh Story!! or something!?!?!?! Could you add me in your next chapter? My faves are Joey, Malik and Ryou/Bakura!!!!!! Make me glomp/hook up with them Please?!!! your story rox!!
 Reviewed By: Dragon Of Eternal or D.O.E. if you prefer  On: September 15, 2003 18:52 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Thanks for putting me in it!!!! Keep up the good work!!!
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