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"Bachelorette SAJ" Reviews/Comments [ 76 ]
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 Reviewed By: animaster_sonja [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 04, 2005 03:21 CDT
Thank you for eliminating Yami. HE'S MINE AND MINE ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 Reviewed By: insaneAUTHORESS (not logged in)  On: February 07, 2005 14:40 CST
To continue my FULL REVIWING... I SHALL review! w00t! AH I can't believe its over! But now ill have to check out Bakura fic ^^
 Reviewed By: DirtyD MC  On: February 05, 2005 18:41 CST
Hey half my review was cut off!!!! @!#hole!@$%tards!%#!ingbull#$!@MediaMinerpig@!#!$!# Okay now my funny review is ruined because they cut off the funny part! Jerks!!!
 Reviewed By: DirtyD MC  On: February 05, 2005 18:34 CST
O_O You never told me about Bakura getting his own show... O_O I wanna be in it! But you probably already figured I would. Seriously I didn't even know you were still writing. I would've tried asking questions... they all would have been censored but I would've asked them. >;) (
 Reviewed By: AMK [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 04, 2005 21:15 CST
Oh- me- GOODNESS! The last chapter! *sniffle* It's over! Wow. You know, I don't think I've ever seen you finish a fic before... hmm... well, anyhow! (Just think- CoS will END ONE DAY!) Hiei usd my smiley face! ^^ Hiei is soooo utterly kawaii when he's smiling- which, obviously, isn't often- erm- yah. Sooo- 47! Kewel! ^^ And there's gonna be a sequel on e-fiction! Keweler! I SHALL ENTER! MWA HA HA HA HA! *stalks Ryou* So- yesh! I shalt be waiting for 'Le Sequel'! Kisses! *blows you kisses* Oh yeah! We FINALLY did the play tonight! I'll tell you how it went later! Ja ne!
 Title: 8_8
Reviewed By: Animegirl222 isn't logged in....  On: February 04, 2005 14:41 CST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
8_8 I can't believe it's over...but anywayz *hugs* congrats on making one of the funniest fics I've ever read ^_^ of course I'll be at e-fiction supporting you, I already have a fic on there. I don't think Chuu has ever been sober.....*shrugs* lol well that's it.....good luck!!!!
 Reviewed By: AMK [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 26, 2004 20:06 CDT
Um- ask Kurama why he didn't stop Sajy from cutting his hair? T_T SEXY KURA-CHAN SHOULD NOT CUT HIS HAIR! WAAAAAAAAH! *cries buckets of tears* Let him know that I care... a lot.... *sniffle*
 Reviewed By: Animegirl222 [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 26, 2004 19:08 CDT
Ummmm....*thinks* uhhhh...can I ask Hiei how many bottles of hair gel does it take to get his hair up? And how many times a week does Chuu get drunk? Sorry that I don't have more questions, but seeing how popular this fic is, you'll probably have billions...ok,ok, not billions...but still you'll probably have a lot! ^___^ I still can't believe this is ending....8_8 *sighs* yeah...
 Reviewed By: MC DirtyD  On: September 06, 2004 18:42 CDT
Oh poo, we waited that long for her to end up with the guy we figure she would end up with all along? ...That was a really long confusing sentence... *sweatdrop* Yea! I got Yami Bakura in a loincloth! ^_^ I'm a very happy kitty. Great story Tabby, you make even reality t.v. shows funny! Hey *looks around* Where's my date? Why does Dukes Kitty get one but not me? ^_^; Yeah I know, because I didn't ask. Hey! Lets do our story! No... its no just a ruse to avoid writing AHW... not at all...*shifts eyes*
 Reviewed By: AMK [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 06, 2004 08:11 CDT
Awww- lucky Hiei! ^^ Lucky Sajy, more like.... anyway, it's almost over! Only one chapter left! I'm really happy that you did so well with this. ^^ We get to ask questions? Yippee! I want to ask Hiei how many people he ran over with the Viper. Wait, is Kurama going to jail? O_O NOOO! KURA-CHAAAAAN! Oh hang on- he's a thief! He can break out! ^^ Yay for Kura. Well, I hope you get more questions! Only one more chapter!
 Reviewed By: InsaneAuthoress [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 05, 2004 21:47 CDT
[Reem, after Hiei cought up with her is layin on a bed with a leg, a arm, in casts, and bandaids over her] Owww I have a booboo... *Remasi:* Suck it up hikori... YOu deserve it after locking me in a closet. All I did was chase around innocent mortals. *ME:* Exactly... Owww. ANyway must tell you about the wonderful story! It was er... WONDERFUL! w00t! I knew she wouldn't choose Bakura-kun but he was still so sweet! I'd say that Remasi and him should pair up but... [Meanwhile Remasi is outside stealing candy from babys] think of the children. Anyway poor Kurama-kun! THe police guy no. 3 was awsome! Hiei was bein a bad boy! SAJ should 'punish' him heh heh... Ack I think reading Diana's wish has rubbed off on me! Must be careful from now on! Keep it coming Tabby-chan!
 Reviewed By: Animegirl222 [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 05, 2004 18:23 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Nooooo....it can't end...8_8...Thank you sooooo much for Touya! ^_^ I won't annoy him....a lot....^_- I still don't believe this fic is ending...this fic is like...the best in the world! ^_^ I don't have anything to ask....8_8 *walks off sobbing at the fact that the fic is ending*
 Reviewed By: unimportant bystander#12  On: July 30, 2004 17:33 CDT
THIS IS SO FUNNY AND I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE WHO SHE CHOOSES!UPDATE SOON!Oh and for being a good author/authoress{which ever one you prefer}have a twinkie*gives you twinkie*later
 Reviewed By: AMK [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 24, 2004 07:53 CDT
Freaky Tiki? Okay, that was rather disturbing... but fun! ^^ Only three chapters left? Wow, it's almost over... Jeez, I can't decide. Bakura is really sweet and all, but Hiei is so funny- ARGH! My head hurts. Well, I can't wait to see what happens. Please update!
 Reviewed By: Animegirl22 *not logged in*  On: July 18, 2004 09:34 CDT
Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You updated!!!!!!! *hugs tab* sorry, I'm just happy. And my headache left!!!!!!! *dances* Please Update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, and I Monty Python and The Holy Grail is.....ummmmmmmmmmmm.....Hard to explain. You'll have to see it! It's really funny! ^__^ And I can't beat Zelda 8_8 ah well....
 Reviewed By: insaneAUTHORESS (not logged in... again...)  On: July 17, 2004 18:25 CDT
Very funny dates! Poor poor Hiei and the cars and i dont want talk about Bakura's poor head! Oh yea the 'slurp' sounds were funny! Oh yea about me ol' Yami... heh heh shes not gonna be here for a while *winks* *coughs* anyways... Well i think SAJ should pick Bakura cuz hes so sweeet! Hieis cool but i don't think hes as much boy material... AHHH *runs away as Hiei chases her*
 Reviewed By: Yay, it's Sajy!  On: July 17, 2004 15:16 CDT
Wow, what a sizzlin' date with Hiei! I just wish those "slurpy" noises could have been something else besides popsicles....*sighs* Next chapter is going to be the last right? So I'll finally get to find out who my boyfriend is! Yay! Bakura or Hiei? Hmm.... I know, the Freaki Tiki dude!!!!
 Reviewed By: AMK [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 04, 2004 16:40 CDT
Hiei or Bakura...... Hiei or Bakura...... hmmm... well, if it was me, I'd pick Hiei! ^^ Blood. Heh heh. Is he turning into a stalker or sumthing though? The whole tree thing, ya know..... *shrug* I will relay ideas as soon as I come up with something... promise!
 Reviewed By: insaneAUTHORESS (not logged in)  On: June 25, 2004 23:04 CDT
*Virtually slaps you* sorry ^_^ had to do it! What song was it? See we all get distracted like now i have to remember what i was going to say... Oh there it is ^_^ I like what Animegirl22 said about how you may need a break. Im lazy and am always on a break. Like after i write a chapter i go into a no writing stage for a week or something, then i try to write and i get out a chapter in about a month or two ^_^ Yea i no im lazy but after all that i get into another stage where i NEED to write or else well i dunno... Oh read a really well written book that helps!
 Reviewed By: Animegirl22  On: June 21, 2004 09:18 CDT
Hmmmmmmmmmmm...... I always get distracted...like once I was trying to type a chapter and I decided to watch my fave movie! (Monty Python And The Holy Grail) And then it took me about a month or two to actually post the chapter. maybe you should give yourself a break from fanfics. I always do that with video games when i'm stuck, then in about a week or month later, when i play it again, I ease past that part! I also alwayssssss do it with my fanfics. Trust me, this should work better than having writers block for ALL of your fics! ^__________^
 Reviewed By: litlleniegenie  On: May 24, 2004 15:24 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
its really good....and can you update it more pleaze????domo arigato!!^_^
 Reviewed By: Drof Tceferp [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 15, 2004 15:09 CDT
Um, just so you know...It's Styx...Oh, and thankies so much for reviewing!!! YOu should see my best fic, Nagging DOubt...It's forty-odd chappies long...People say it's good...THEY LIE!!! SOryr. But, it's down for maintanence...*twitch shiver cringe shudder.* I haev to rewrite chappies one through thirty-eight, repost them all, and now get them back from my dad....UPDATE SOON DUDE!!
Reviewed By: Duke's Kitty  On: May 11, 2004 20:42 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Hey can I go on a date with Duke*Glomps duke* Duke:*Glomps back* Me:Others refere to hima as dicy boy but I prefere cutey boy! Duke:I like her alot! Me:PLeaes?
 Reviewed By: Animegirl22  On: May 10, 2004 19:37 CDT
^_^0 lol, sorry, can't help it. I get hyper over lotsa things...TY for using the name I gave ya! It's gonna end soon? 8_8 it can't end! the fic is too good! i'm so happy Touya ain't a bachlor thingy, i wanna take him! update!!!!!!!!!!! ^_^
 Reviewed By: DirtyD  On: May 10, 2004 17:21 CDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Yuki my love... *drool* Random Person: Uh She's not going to know who he is if you keep using different names... Momma Cat: Mrs.Diana Uesugi, that has pleasent ring to it, don't it? Random Person:...no. Momma Cat: Eiri, Eiri, Eiri, just rolls off your tongue... Air-ri, Eiri! Random Person: >_< Stop it! Momma Cat: Eiri "Yuki" Uesugi... *drools more* Random Person: You know this is a review and all you've done is obesessed about a unobtainable gay guy... Momma Cat: He is not gay! Random Person: Then what do you call Shuichi? That pink haired fairy ain't a pixie you know... Momma Cat: Maybe I should stop this conversation I'm having with mys- uh Random Person and actually review eh? I liked Kurama's date but you seemed to have rushed a little on Bakura's. Hey! Since Bakura's Yami is free can I have him? Maybe in loincloth... *wink wink* Random Person:(To Tab) And you missed this girl? Momma Cat: My bishie harem! One day my dream WILL be realized! Before that time, write, write, write! Perhaps tonight I'll write IoYFG, with you as the star! Well... not the star, maybe a stage prop or something... Hey what guy would you like? So far only five or so girls have come back, you could have Yugi if you like. ^_^ Maybe Duke? I don't think you'd want Yami Bakura, he is preverted. But Malik is good. ^_^
 Reviewed By: insaneAUTHORESS [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 10, 2004 17:17 CDT
Mwhaha my Yami isn't here because i shipped her off to Austraila ^_^ oh that was funny with the 'blood'!Awww poor Kurama! But hey looks like Hieis getting a bit possesive! Keep it up this is great!
 Reviewed By: Sajy-poo!!!  On: May 10, 2004 16:52 CDT
Yay! Two kisses in one chapter! Man, I rock when it comes to dating!!!!! Nah, just kidding.....^^; I am kinda disturbed about the whole Hiei-stalking-me-thing and his willingness to drink blood (scary!!!) but hey, I still luv him and wanna end up with him! But great chapter! Super funny! But tons of spelling mistakes!!! Don't worry though *winks* they didn't take anything away from the story except quite a few letters that should have been there....*sighs* But please update soon! P.S. You finally gave that poor woman a name!!! P.S.S. Are you allowed to have a "P.S." in a review?? P.S.S.S. Guess I'll find out!!
 Title: >>...
Reviewed By: Kuroi Ryu  On: April 05, 2004 10:29 CDT
Style of Writing: 5 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 6 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 9 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 7 of 10
Overall Rating: 9 of 10
OKAY Ten.....Yugi is upset with heights (TRee HUGEr),HIEI IS SO DISTURbed BY you.ALrighty then.
 Title: Ug, you're evil!!!!!!
Reviewed By: Sajy-chan  On: March 06, 2004 15:30 CST
I can't believe you interrupted the kiss!!!! And before it even happened!!! You are SO evil!!! He tries to kiss me and you stop him?! YOU WON'T BE FORGIVEN!!!!!!! Well, unless you make pudding! That was super yummy! ^^ Funny chapter tho, and the date went really well. I forgot, did I date anybody else in this chapter? (My mind is focussed only on my one true love: Hiei). Ah, well, it doesn't matter if I did or not. I wanna end up with Hiei! Awesome writting sis, update soon!
 Reviewed By: Kirei  On: February 26, 2004 20:15 CST
I thought it was hilarious. thank you for writing something that actually keeps me awake and intersted at the same time. you should continue to write i would definitely read ur fics. bye bye for now
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