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"When Fairy Tales Attack!!" Reviews/Comments [ 43 ]
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 Reviewed By: Unknown Fool [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 26, 2005 20:45 CST
Wonderful chapter! Go Lord Kharl!! ^___^ He's my 2nd favorite character! One minute he's completely evil, and the next he's innocent and happy! ^__^ He rocks. Though I have only read up to volume 13. Phoowie. I have to go read the rest!! Unknown Fool Ps. Do you have any clue what Gil's, Rune's, Rath's, and Thatz real hair and eye color are? For the life of me I can't figure it out @_@
 Reviewed By: Tass_the_Phoenix  On: January 18, 2005 22:47 CST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
It was really funny! my sister and I liked it allot! what is the seven swans? It sounds kinda depresing at the end with the head and all but that's just me. what if there was a random saying saying "Random can be good"? I like that saying it's, well random! we liked the part about Yuske trashing the bed when he jumped on it and the part about when he paniked. I liked the dictatorship. sorry about my spelling
 Reviewed By: bitter-sweet dreams [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 30, 2004 19:59 CST
*falls over laughing* That was great! Hehehehehe, I love how you made each story follow the plot, and no one was out of character, Upadate soon!^^ I enjoyed it!But I am sad that their not using anymore Disney movies...-.-u But thats okay,hehehehe....update soon!
 Reviewed By: AMK [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 28, 2004 20:36 CST
Er... what are they doing? Waah! No more Disney movies! T_T *sigh* Oh well. Yay, you updated! Keiko is a evil neat freak dictator! Shizuru does karaeoke! Keweleshness! ^^ Hee hee. I'm weird. *falls over sporadically* Meep.
 Reviewed By: Donamarine  On: November 16, 2004 22:32 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Whoa... My sister and I love the ending chapter. My sister watchs Yu-g-Oh! and read the Magic Knight Rayearth Manga. My sister liked the crossovers. we have some ideas for your story in the next section how about Mulan? or Monsters inc.? however it's your coice but my sister likes the Monsters inc. idea. tehehe
 Reviewed By: AMK [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 03, 2004 19:50 CST
KYAA! I FORGOT TO REVIEW! *falls over from sheer stupidity-ness* Sorrrrry! U_U Well- it's over! (Beauty and the Baka, that is.) Yay and boo. I think it was my favorite out of all the plays- scratch that, I KNOW it was my favorite. Meep. ^^ Lol, when they were beating themselves up- squee! *cough* "You know, at the end of the movie, the candlabra ran away with the feather duster." I think I'm going to start saying that incessantly at school and absolutely NO ONE will know what I'm talking about. Tee hee! ^^ Hmmm- so there was actually a version where he stayed a beast? Intereshting. BUT the only sad part was- Yukina and Kuwa-chan didn't get together! Wahh! T_T Poor Kuwa-chan... I bet Hiei's happy though... *sniffle* Well, otherwise, le magnifique ending. Now- half a play left! This should be- amusing. ^^ What'll they do? Another Disney movie? How about... Aladdin? Or... Pocahontas? (I'm just tossing stuff out for the sake of tossing stuff out, ignore it if you would. Or don't. Whichever you prefer.) Well, whatever. You come up with that on your own- just make it funny! Oh, why am I bothering to say that, this entire fic has hilariousness written all over it. In big purple letters. HILARIOUSNESS ^^
 Reviewed By: rbee4 [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 02, 2004 14:59 CST
That ending was better than any I've ever heard/read/seen! BWAHAHAHAHAH!!! *snort snort* Now it's time for the half of a play...hmm...
 Reviewed By: Tsukiakari Anei [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 30, 2004 22:58 CDT
very funny, I was reading this story on fanfiction. But they deleted it. Stupid rules. Anyways, super funny. Please update soon. I don't wanna beg man.
 Reviewed By: kuramafan58 [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 30, 2004 18:27 CDT
Kami, this is hilarious!!! I was laughing so hard, I fell off my chair!!!
 Title: LOL
Reviewed By: Dark_Neko [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 27, 2004 20:35 CDT
Style of Writing: 8 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Your story is the best! Sock World! Thats the best. Please update soon. Oh and did you take it off fanfiction?
 Title: *can't breath*
Reviewed By: Hoshi Hikara  On: October 26, 2004 02:24 CDT
*laughing too hard to breath* *holds up sign that says: This is too funny to even try to explane. You have to continue with this one!"* *drops sign and continues to roll on the ground laughing*
 Title: I love thist story forever!!
Reviewed By: Youkoelfmaiden (not logged in)  On: October 21, 2004 15:59 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I'm not sure if I already let a review here or not...oh well! I'm so happy you moved this where I can read it! (evil ff.net guidelines..) I love this story to death, as you know. Can't wait for the next chapter! (Remember my LOTR one, please? I know I'm pathetic). I'll be waiting!!
 Reviewed By: andromedacblack (lazy lazy LAZY!!!)  On: October 20, 2004 15:36 CDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
*laughs hysterically* SOCK WORLD!!! HAHAHAHAH!!! That was farting hilarious...DUDE I SAW A COFFEE PERCOLATOR FOR SALE!!! Of course that was a couple days after me and my mom were talking about how people park on the wrong side of the road, and I shouted out, "Because they're all coffee percolators! COFFEE PERCOLATORS I TELL YOU!!!" heh...dude this fic seriously warps the brain! Oh well! Hee hee hee! And yes, Hiei is the..well not beautiful but I'd say hot one. Nyah XP So, is Hiei going to rally a mob?!? THAT WAS THE BEST PART OF THE MOVIE!!! The wolveses too, they rocked. And it was awesome when Kuwabara's umm room got sucked onto set and so did Shizuru and Eikechi! Hehehe we all got to see how Shizuru tortures Kuwabara *evil grin* Shizuru rocks. She's one of my favorites - second favorite to Hiei!!! Yeah it was firking awesome man AWESOME GENIUS I TELLETH THEE FROMST MY DERANGED REVIEW!!! THE MOST AWESOMEST GENIUS THAT RESIDETHS ON THY YOUNDER MEDIAMINER!!! Hee hee hee ^_^
 Reviewed By: Donamarine  On: October 18, 2004 23:10 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 8 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Wow. that is one cool chapter I loved the part when Yusuke tried to shoot the demon crows. Hee, hee , he... by the way what is the name of the CD that has all of the songs of the YYH characters? As for the sequl Go for it! if you enjoy writeing Keep writing! I like it alot. Oh and if you need a fanfic to read you can go to fan fiction. net and read Keiko's magic it is a fanfic I wrote and I would be honered if you could read it and rewiew it. thanks Donamarine
 Reviewed By: AMK [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 12, 2004 18:26 CDT
SOCK WORLD!!!! *rolling on the floor* XD AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! *deeeeeeep breath* Okay, I'm done. But- Sock Toguro and Sock Genkai- that was just too funny! Okay, really done with it now. *cough* Moving on- bwah! Hah, when Yukina was 'healing' Kuwabara- and she was still following the script- BWA HA! ^^ "Well you should learn to control your temper!" *laugh laugh laugh cough hack choke gasp wheeze* Ah hah. Extra long chapter! Yay! Kudos! *huggles you* Awww- Kuwabara and Yukina were dancing! ^^ Until Touya cut in, that is... >_< Evil, I say. That is the best song in the movie though... Botan really likes singing, doesn't she? Yukina doesn't seem to mind it either. Hmmmm- The Birds! Lol! Gwa ha ha! I just spent half an hour reading this one chapter- yahoo! *runs in retarded looking circles, apparently high off of Socks and Yukina-ness and Singing and Other Stuff* Yahoo! Which I said already! Yahooyahooyahooyahooyahooyahooyahooyahooyahooyahooyahooyahooyahooyahooyahoo yahooyahooyahooyahooyaHOO! *gasp* UPDATE! *falls over without warning and for no apparent reason whatsoever* Zzzzz...
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