| Title: CG Shadow Fox Desktop [ Anime/Manga :: Zoids ] By: Zinou  Uploaded On: Nov 10 19:40:43 2002 Description: I made new wallpaper.
If you'd like, here's some 1024x740 resolution wallpaper for your desktop.
Yes, I know it's dark. It's supposed to be. It looks better that way. I loathe bright desktops. Plus, it's the Shadow Fox, AND I was listen read more Image Properties: 1024x740 188.26 kb View (7) Visitor Reviews |
"CG Shadow Fox Desktop" Reviews/Comments [ 7 ] | Reviewed By: Sirius Black [MediaMiner Member] On: November 12, 2002 17:20 Comment/Review: Thanx for the advice Zinou. I'll be sure to check it out | Reviewed By: Vega Obscura The King [MediaMiner Member] On: November 12, 2002 15:03 Comment/Review: I tried that proggy b4, but I couldnt do that...I cant draw or model lol. Thats why I ask others for fanarts or models er something. XP...ur good at CGin' tho so...props to ya. | Reviewed By: Zinou [MediaMiner Member] On: November 11, 2002 22:44 Comment/Review: As a matter of fact, I do [know of a free CG proggy]. It's not what I use, tho (I'm too stupid to figure it out.. ^_~;;; the interface is .. something that takes some getting-used-to.) .. The program's called Blender. I cannot find its webpage atm (?), but there's a book called "The Blender Book" that's at most libraries, and it has a CD in it w/the program. Free, legal, nice. *nod* Also, the program's up at Tucows.com .. just search for it. you'll find it. Mmmyes? Tho.......
You can get (the lower) versions of trueSpace, tho, for about 100$. Not bad, considering it's a good proggy. | Reviewed By: Sirius Black [MediaMiner Member] On: November 11, 2002 17:41 Rating(s):Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10 Drawing Skill: 10 of 10 Use of Medium: 10 of 10 Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Comment/Review: OMG!!!!!!!!!!!! *saves as wallpaper* Thats so incredibly cool!!!!!!!!!!! (hey, does anyone know if there are any free 3D CGI programs? or do they all cost lotsa money?) | Reviewed By: Vega Obscura The King [MediaMiner Member] On: November 11, 2002 09:19 Comment/Review: Holy shit zinou...u better do a berserk fury cgi for me...plz? If you do...**runs around happy** YAY! If you dont *sobs* its ok...LOL
Really good job. I just cant do that. I tried to do a map for Counter-Strike, but I cant even do that. Cant draw either, I can only write. | Reviewed By: Zinou [MediaMiner Member] On: November 10, 2002 22:27 Comment/Review: How? I just kinda.. poke at the mouse and click it a lot.. *eg*
..*grin* .. or do you mean technically?
sorry .. well, you mean, with what? For the CG model of the Shadow Fox, I used Caligari's trueSpace, a 3D modeling proggy. The SF model has taken me the past week to assemble, and I'm working on new one ('nother Zoid), now.
The image as a whole I did in the GIMP, Microsoft's Image-Composer, annd .. stuff. Used a filter or two..
I want to make an animation of two Zoids FIGHTING .. *dies of insane laughter* the SF animated by itself would just be .... dull. *goes back to madbuilding* ~_^ | Reviewed By: Shadow_wolfolf [MediaMiner Member] On: November 10, 2002 21:58 Rating(s):Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10 Drawing Skill: 10 of 10 Use of Medium: 10 of 10 Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Comment/Review: THIS IS SO COOL!!!! How can you do all of the computer graphic stuff?? Me baka. I don't have any technology like that! SO COOL!!!!
^.^ |