| Title: It's a Boy [ Anime/Manga :: Noir ] By: Ko Inu Uploaded On: Nov 7 9:01:42 2004 Description: I was watching Noir and this is what I've gotten. It ried to draw a boy, but it looks like a girl. This is staying a boy! ^_^ Image Properties: 637x824 42.3 kb View (1) Visitor Reviews |
"It's a Boy" Reviews/Comments [ 1 ] | Title: AM GOING TO FRIKIN' KILL YOU!!! Reviewed By: Queen of Sharpies [MediaMiner Member] On: May 31, 2005 16:23 Rating(s):Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10 Drawing Skill: 10 of 10 Use of Medium: 10 of 10 Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Comment/Review: I just got your review for 'Beyblade' - You are DEAD. -__-;; One, it wasn't subconscious, it was intentional. Two, maybe I didn't want people to KNOW that? -__-