Title: Gun Fun [ Anime/Manga :: Gundam Wing ] By: Dragongirl85 Uploaded On: Jan 5 6:46:32 2005 Charcters: Duo Maxwell, Heero Description: Now, this is stuff I can do! *grin* Heero and Duo in all their glory. Well... At least with a gun each. I think I've captured their relationship quite nicely. But I'm still an undying 1x2x1 yaoi fan!!! Tell me what you think. Arigato. *bow bow* Image Properties: 600x714 99.44 kb View (1) Visitor Reviews
Reviewed By: Dragen Eyezz On: May 01, 2005 16:45 Comment/Review: lmao!!! was Duo trying to make Heero smile? I guess it didn't work out so well, huh? ^___^