 | Title: Wes and Rui [ Anime/Manga :: Pokemon ] By: Hikari no Purinsesu  Uploaded On: Nov 14 15:19:42 2004 Description: Wes and Rui from Pokémon Colosseum (my all time favorite Pokémon game). Rui's feet look a little weird, but then, I'm not usually that good at drawing boots Image Properties: 289x384 64.96 kb
 | Title: Omi and Bulbasaur [ Anime/Manga :: Pokemon ] By: Hikari no Purinsesu  Uploaded On: Nov 14 15:15:32 2004 Charcters: Bulbasaur Description: This is a picture of Omi, from Pokémon LeafGreen, with the starting Pokémon, Bulbasaur. Image Properties: 373x450 66.67 kb
 | Title: Link [ Computer/Video Game :: Zelda ] By: Hikari no Purinsesu  Uploaded On: Nov 14 15:11:23 2004 Charcters: Link Description: This is the Link from A Link to the Past (yes, I play that game, no I haven't beaten it yet) Image Properties: 292x387 65.88 kb
 | Title: Link, Aryll and Tetra [ Computer/Video Game :: Zelda ] By: Hikari no Purinsesu  Uploaded On: Nov 14 15:06:43 2004 Charcters: Aryll, Link, Tetra Description: Just a picture I drew of Link, Aryll and Tetra from The Wind Waker together. No fancy backgrounds or anything Image Properties: 379x479 74.8 kb
 | Title: Adult Link [ Computer/Video Game :: Zelda ] By: Hikari no Purinsesu  Uploaded On: Nov 14 15:00:28 2004 Charcters: Link Description: Just a picture of Adult Link from Ocarina of Time. In the back is the Triforce, and the reason each piece is a different color is to correspond with the Goddesses' element. Image Properties: 398x400 76.75 kb