 | Title: Final Fantasy Dolls [ Computer/Video Game :: Final Fantasy Series ] By: inuluvsu  Uploaded On: Sep 2 19:48:11 2005 Charcters: Auron Ffx, Lulu, Rikku, Tidus, Wakka, Yuna Description: OK I WAS JUST HAVING FUN AND I KNOW AUROUN IS REALLY BAD BUT I COULDN'T REMEBER WHAT HE WORE SO YEAH. OK I LOVE THE WAY LULU AND RIKKU CAME OUT YUNA WAS THE HARDEST AND TIDUS WAS THE FIRST LULU LAST. Image Properties: 301x204 11.91 kb
 | Title: Liberty Bell [ Miscellaneous :: Animal(s) ] By: inuluvsu  Uploaded On: Sep 1 16:08:17 2005 Charcters: Horses Description: This is a picture done on paint of my favorite pony at a barn I ride at. Her name is Liberty Bell but everyone calls her Libby. She is a 30 year old pony who think she's a foal. She is speedy and can sometimes be a pain. But she is so so sweet. Image Properties: 116x132 4.27 kb
 | Title: you are not my mother [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: inuluvsu  Uploaded On: Apr 20 11:55:53 2005 Charcters: Terra Description: This is from a fan fic to which I am still working on to which is not on the internet. Terra is with BB and they kind of well you know and produce the standing Blonde. Anyway please reveiw this took me 8 days and lots of erasing. Hope ye likey, Love yah! : read more Image Properties: 757x414 63.08 kb View (1) Visitor Reviews |
 | Title: Protector of me [ Miscellaneous :: Animal(s) ] By: inuluvsu  Uploaded On: Apr 6 12:35:10 2005 Charcters: Horses Description: another dream to own this horse breed arabian. He was supossed to be black but I suck at coloring. Please tell me what you think. Image Properties: 2169x1700 189.44 kb
 | Title: sunlight of the moon [ Miscellaneous :: n/a ] By: inuluvsu  Uploaded On: Apr 6 12:13:17 2005 Description: This is my dream pony and I really wish I could own him but I don't, but will some day. I plan to put more horse images up and would like to be reveiwed :) Image Properties: 2101x1612 181.9 kb