|  | Title: Goten Can Fly [ Anime/Manga :: Dragon Ball/Z/GT ] By: Oozaru Angel  Uploaded On: Jul 4 7:05:57 2005 Charcters: Goten Description: Here's another one of my early peices! Except this was done a few months after the Dragonball pic. Once again, no water colours. And I'm not overly proud of the colouring job. But on the whole, it's not bad. Eh? Image Properties: 657x600 72.07 kb
|  | Title: Dragonballs [ Anime/Manga :: Dragon Ball/Z/GT ] By: Oozaru Angel  Uploaded On: Jul 4 7:03:48 2005 Description: Here's actually one of my first pieces of fanart I did a few years ago. It's pretty simple, but I'm actually kinda proud of it! ^_^ Though nowadays I use watercolours.... Image Properties: 543x596 70.33 kb
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