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 | Title: Aeris & Cloud: Plushie Time [ Computer/Video Game :: Final Fantasy Series ] By: Hineko  Uploaded On: Jan 5 20:05:40 2003 Charcters: Aeris, Cloud Strife Description: umm, just a little something for the ACML! i like how Aeris turned out, but i can't say that with plushie Cloud-ie. his eyes are too big and just look plain weird on him. and his hair... uugh. i never do his hair justice... *sigh* heh, and NO pink for Aeri read more Image Properties: 545x415 44.49 kb View (9) Visitor Reviews |
 | Title: Kitty Korner: kitty love [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: Hineko  Uploaded On: Dec 12 18:37:20 2002 Description: umm, i'm not sure why i drew it as is... but it's cute 'n' sexy... *giggle* i like the texture to the clothing. (PSP) =^-^= Image Properties: 475x700 62.47 kb View (1) Visitor Reviews |
 | Title: Kitty Kurosu: group therapy [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: Hineko  Uploaded On: Dec 10 17:09:28 2002 Description: not really 'group therapy', just a get together for the holidays at Kitty Korner. from left to right: Yuuki, Kurosu, Mira, Spencer and Touya. Aya and Maru the mouse are in the front there. (PaintShopPro)
oh yaah, here's my Kitty Korner site: http:// read more Image Properties: 876x550 139.67 kb
 | Title: Kitty Korner: on the moon [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: Hineko  Uploaded On: Nov 27 18:27:22 2002 Description: this came about after my previous drawing got deleted, and i'm happie with how it turned out. poor Touya the black kitty -- he has to hang on for dear life. and sillie Maru the mouse... =^-^= Image Properties: 500x500 60.58 kb View (1) Visitor Reviews |
 | Title: Kitty Korner: fishing [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: Hineko  Uploaded On: Nov 27 11:39:11 2002 Description: *LOL* funnie, ne? that mouse is Maru. hmm, the title should've been 'mousing'... nyao. =^-^= Image Properties: 450x450 47.57 kb
 | Title: Kitty Korner: reading [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: Hineko  Uploaded On: Nov 25 18:30:37 2002 Description: this is my favorite one so far: only 'cause i love the pigtails! *smile* all in PSP. when i was drawing her legs, i thought it looked weird, but now it turned out really nice! =^-^= Image Properties: 620x630 51.05 kb
 | Title: Kitty Korner: greeting [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: Hineko  Uploaded On: Nov 23 18:26:33 2002 Description: just a random drawing in PaintShopPro, but it turned out cute, ne? *grin* kitties are my fave! *dance* Image Properties: 400x700 49.96 kb
 | Title: Winter Kurosu [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: Hineko  Uploaded On: Nov 23 18:23:04 2002 Description: a winter-ish theme one, and i like how it turned out. it was drawn in pencil but colored and retouched in Photoshop. Image Properties: 550x550 53.85 kb View (1) Visitor Reviews |
 | Title: Mimi: Idol Star [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: Hineko  Uploaded On: Nov 8 17:09:08 2002 Charcters: Mimi Description: heh heh, another oekaki... i got carried away with the stars in her hair -- looks overdone, ne? Image Properties: 150x200 34.71 kb View (2) Visitor Reviews |
 | Title: Mimi & Yamato: Heaven's Bliss [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: Hineko  Uploaded On: Nov 8 17:06:44 2002 Charcters: Mimi, Yamato/Matt Description: aaaii! my most beloved MimAto oekaki! can you believe this was done with a mouse?! it took me a while, i think, but it's been a long time too so i can't remember much about it. it was for a Digimon oekaki board. Image Properties: 150x200 46.65 kb View (9) Visitor Reviews |
 | Title: Aeris & Rufus: Sweet Photo [ Computer/Video Game :: Final Fantasy Series ] By: Hineko  Uploaded On: Nov 8 17:03:03 2002 Charcters: Aeris, Rufus Shinra Description: Gaawd, I found this on my harddrive and can't believe I didn't upload this like months ago! This was drawn at an oekaki board I can't remember, but this was back during the days with the mouse. One of my favorites that I've done! =^-^= Image Properties: 200x200 25.96 kb View (5) Visitor Reviews |
 | Title: Mimi & Yamato: Secret Lovers [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: Hineko  Uploaded On: Nov 1 20:15:13 2002 Charcters: Mimi, Yamato/Matt Description: aaah, i was in one of those 'MimAto lovers' mood, so there you have it. also inspired from a Rurouni Kenshin doujinshi about Kaoru & Enishi! heh. all in Photoshop - i had a hard time doing Yama's hair, but it turned out fine. he looks sexy, ne? *dro read more Image Properties: 345x425 34.52 kb View (10) Visitor Reviews |
 | Title: Somber Kurosu [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: Hineko  Uploaded On: Oct 31 19:08:29 2002 Description: me again, and i'm bored... and i do look like that now... just sittin' in Photoshop and staring at YOU! bwaahahahaa!! [stops cackling and walks off] Image Properties: 400x450 27.09 kb View (2) Visitor Reviews |
 | Title: Autumn Kurosu [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: Hineko  Uploaded On: Oct 26 19:18:45 2002 Description: Heh, it's a cute, mature-looking of me. My hair is longer now, and I just love my beret! Just doodling in Photoshop. Image Properties: 300x425 51.02 kb View (3) Visitor Reviews |
 | Title: Daisuke & Mimi: Good Night Kiss [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: Hineko  Uploaded On: Oct 23 16:17:04 2002 Charcters: Mimi, Daisuke/Davis Description: Umm... I got inspired from a photo, so I drew them. Originally, I was thinking of a Taichi & Mimi, but then I thought of Daisuke and since I haven't drawn a DaiMi before... Well, there you have it! All in Photoshop. Funnie thing is... out of this whole ima read more Image Properties: 400x410 34.06 kb View (7) Visitor Reviews |
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