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Title: Sulky Shinya [ Miscellaneous :: Music/Musicians ] By: Yuuki_Bi
Uploaded On: Nov 15 22:25:33 2003
Charcters: Dir En Grey
Description: This is my latest image. Shinya. A little more cartoonish than my usual, but i'm still playing with styles. Please visit WakeCandy! -Yuuki Bi.
Image Properties: 300x300 43.87 kb
Title: Hitsugi of Nightmare [ Miscellaneous :: Music/Musicians ] By: Yuuki_Bi
Uploaded On: Sep 28 19:59:58 2003
Description: I drew this back in June, and it just cycled out of the ten most recent images on my site. I love this thou, love Nightmare, and absolutely LOVE Hitsugi! Just felt like sharing and prolonging it's life time. :p Thank you and Ciaos~
Image Properties: 211x270 39.55 kb
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