Title: Asuka and Shinji [ Anime/Manga :: Neon Genesis Evangelion ] By: Von Schlotterstein Uploaded On: Mar 21 15:40:31 2004 Charcters: Asuka Langley, Shinji Ikari Description: I like both of them, so I wanted to draw them together. I particulary like when they aren't bad to each other. That's why a drew them. I wanted one with Shinji blushing, so I used the one of the cover of episode #12. Please tell me what you think about it. Image Properties: 1497x1887 227.9 kb
Title: Cain smirking [ Anime/Manga :: Nightwalker ] By: Von Schlotterstein Uploaded On: Mar 21 15:37:13 2004 Description: I simply love Cain, and his cynicism. And I love when he smirks. That's why I decided to draw him in that pose. Image Properties: 1203x1271 131.49 kb