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 | Title: Alucard [ Anime/Manga :: Hellsing ] By: Otakumom  Uploaded On: Mar 26 7:46:02 2011 Charcters: Alucard Image Properties: 431x585 161.36 kb
 | Title: Hellsing Manga cast [ Anime/Manga :: Hellsing ] By: fanfic fan  Uploaded On: Jul 10 18:12:11 2010 Charcters: Alucard, Celes Victoria, Integra Wingates Hellsing Image Properties: 509x393 69.85 kb
 | Title: Surprise Police Girl [ Anime/Manga :: Hellsing ] By: claymaker  Uploaded On: Sep 20 1:47:49 2009 Charcters: Alucard, Celes Victoria Description: First digital piece of Hellsing I've ever done. hope you like. It's also on deviantart. com Alucard lays one on Seras out of the blue. Image Properties: 730x1056 170.6 kb
 | Title: In Trouble [ Anime/Manga :: Hellsing ] By: claymaker  Uploaded On: Sep 20 1:18:16 2009 Charcters: Alucard, Integra Wingates Hellsing Description: Alucard and Integra He He. Image Properties: 1614x1232 197.61 kb
 | Title: Hellsing Phantom [ Anime/Manga :: Hellsing ] By: Black Angel Reaper  Uploaded On: Mar 9 20:43:50 2009 Charcters: Alucard, Celes Victoria Description: Related image to my Hellsing fanfic "Phantom". Also posted on my deviantART account Angel-Reaper. Image Properties: 450x571 127.02 kb
 | Title: Alucard [ Anime/Manga :: Hellsing ] By: Xomb13  Uploaded On: Apr 14 12:51:37 2008 Charcters: Alucard Description: Image reproduced with pencil crayon Image Properties: 604x456 77.75 kb
 | Title: Alucard - Introspection [ Anime/Manga :: Hellsing ] By: arshesnei13  Uploaded On: Mar 17 17:17:41 2007 Charcters: Alucard Description: This is pic for a fanfic of mine called "Introspection" (it's on this site if you're curious). It's a page out of Seras' sketchbook. Let me know what you think. Alucard is not mine *pout* Image Properties: 600x864 211.73 kb
 | Title: Ties that Bind, Page 10 [ Anime/Manga :: Hellsing ] By: The Prophet Talia  Uploaded On: Jan 8 17:34:59 2007 Charcters: Alucard Description: Ties that Bind, Page 10. The story can be found in my fanfiction section. Everything can be found on my deviant art account: Yay Alucard. Image Properties: 800x1100 36.66 kb View (2) Visitor Reviews |
 | Title: Father and Son Midnight Snack [ Anime/Manga :: Hellsing ] By: The Prophet Talia  Uploaded On: Dec 29 13:05:34 2006 Charcters: Alucard Description: I had this image pop into my head the other night when I was reading the fourth VHD novel. I don't have the book in front of me for a direct quote, but John...Pluto VIII said something like, "Let's go to the bar, but I gotta tell you, I don't think they se read more Image Properties: 1000x807 68.01 kb
 | Title: Alucard [ Anime/Manga :: Hellsing ] By: lordkoga89  Uploaded On: Oct 10 19:11:01 2006 Charcters: Alucard Description: I did this in all pen! how fun! Image Properties: 490x537 117.06 kb
 | Title: Days like these [ Anime/Manga :: Hellsing ] By: Felidae 5  Uploaded On: Jun 7 14:37:54 2006 Charcters: Alucard, Celes Victoria, Integra Wingates Hellsing, Walter Kum Donne Description: One of my fifteen-minutes "what-the-hell- was-I-thinking?"-sketches I gave a quick digital makeover; the proportions are wrong, the characters don't even look close to the original, and and and... What the heck, it's but a candid shot! Image Properties: 380x538 88.67 kb
 | Title: Who can resist a vampire with a gun? (Alucard) [ Anime/Manga :: Hellsing ] By: puppy-chan  Uploaded On: Mar 23 10:08:38 2006 Charcters: Alucard Description: Alucard! Isn't he smexy? This was a request I did for my friend, Tokyo. The outline took three hours and the shading took a week! lol ^^ Image Properties: 900x653 123.64 kb
 | Title: Alucard [ Anime/Manga :: Hellsing ] By: Gothic Rune  Uploaded On: Feb 18 13:58:56 2006 Charcters: Alucard Description: The picture I was going by at the time the glove ensignia was smudged and I couldn't make it out *shrug* I used mixed media ranging from pens to markers to pencils Image Properties: 327x503 148.86 kb
 | Title: Midnight reader [ Anime/Manga :: Hellsing ] By: Morality  Uploaded On: Jan 20 13:48:16 2006 Charcters: Alucard Description: another one, had fun gaming with the interior of his appartment, check out the pot plant,besides, he`s reading "Macbeth" , yeah, I`m a sucker for Shakespearean tragedy Image Properties: 1704x2272 230.47 kb
 | Title: Alucard grinning [ Anime/Manga :: Hellsing ] By: Morality  Uploaded On: Jan 20 11:06:33 2006 Charcters: Alucard Description: well it is a picture of good ol` Alucard Image Properties: 425x567 16.83 kb View (1) Visitor Reviews |
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