Title: Gotenks [ Anime/Manga :: Dragon Ball/Z/GT ] By: Saiyuri Uploaded On: Mar 11 22:00:48 2009 Charcters: Gotenks Description: This is a drawing I did back in middle school. A friend of mine gave it a background ^_^ Image Properties: 481x662 298.23 kb
Title: Gotenks is a Smirkin'! [ Anime/Manga :: Dragon Ball/Z/GT ] By: Gohans_Onna Uploaded On: Feb 25 18:36:26 2005 Charcters: Gotenks Description: This is a picture of Gotenks that I started to draw and became unhappy with, so I gave it to my brother. After I saw him massacre it, I took it back and tried to fix it. Coloring is slightly messed up, and the background it actually color paper cut out. Image Properties: 402x556 41.13 kb