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 | Title: Gaara [ Anime/Manga :: Naruto ] By: xcrstfallenstrx  Uploaded On: Sep 14 20:42:13 2009 Charcters: Gaara Description: Yes, Gaara is supposed to be upside-down here. It's a drawing of when he appears hanging in front of Sasuke before the chunin exam starts. Image Properties: 600x450 56.55 kb
 | Title: "Save Me" [ Anime/Manga :: Naruto ] By: mihijime  Uploaded On: Sep 27 8:36:26 2008 Charcters: Gaara Description: This has been one of my favorite poses of Gaara for a long time now and I just wanted to try my own take on it. All in all it turned out okay - I like the background, and certain parts of Gaara himself but am not happy with his shirt or what was suppose to read more Image Properties: 1183x1563 254.79 kb
 | Title: Gaara x Lee version of cover chapter 411 [ Anime/Manga :: Naruto ] By: Batsu13angel  Uploaded On: Sep 7 14:58:32 2008 Charcters: Gaara, Rock Lee Description: YAYS! XD Image Properties: 1446x854 91.96 kb
 | Title: Gaara Tenchi [ Anime/Manga :: Naruto ] By: Angel T-chan Nekoi  Uploaded On: Jul 26 18:19:08 2008 Charcters: Gaara Description: I'm writing a Naruto fanfic on the pc (not posted anywhere yet, sorry) where Gaara-nii WILL actually have a somewhat angelic-like appearence... for a specific reason. He won't be the only one, but I still need to finish the other picture so it will be post read more Image Properties: 999x1149 176.2 kb
 | Title: Panda Gaara [ Anime/Manga :: Naruto ] By: meep_6  Uploaded On: Mar 27 19:23:49 2008 Charcters: Gaara Description: This drawing took me all of 10 minutes and it was the first drawing i drew in my new drawing book and yes again its Gaara one of my favorite anime characters, so please have a lookie at the picture and feel free to comment me on what you think of my limite read more Image Properties: 162x227 15.41 kb
 | Title: Panda Gaara [ Anime/Manga :: Naruto ] By: meep_6  Uploaded On: Mar 27 19:19:45 2008 Charcters: Gaara Description: I draw this during July and it took about 1.5 days, i added the coloring though after i started school and well here's what it looks like with the shading/color. o and if you didn't know this is Gaara who i absolutly adore cause he's so cool so yeah please read more Image Properties: 179x231 17.91 kb
 | Title: Sailor Lee and Gaara [ Anime/Manga :: Naruto ] By: Batsu13angel  Uploaded On: Mar 13 15:09:31 2008 Charcters: Gaara, Rock Lee Description: Fighting evil by moonlight, winning love by day light, they're the ones that wins the real fight... they are the ones named Gaara and LEE! XD Image Properties: 856x887 70.25 kb View (1) Visitor Reviews |
 | Title: Gaara the bishie [ Anime/Manga :: Naruto ] By: Batsu13angel  Uploaded On: Mar 7 14:15:45 2008 Charcters: Gaara Description: because we all know how sexy Gaara is 8D *hides in her box* Image Properties: 832x552 74.99 kb
 | Title: LeeGaa Apples [ Anime/Manga :: Naruto ] By: Batsu13angel  Uploaded On: Mar 7 14:13:43 2008 Charcters: Gaara, Rock Lee Description: hmmm, now look at THESE apples! XD Image Properties: 570x361 30.22 kb
 | Title: LeeGaa Noodles [ Anime/Manga :: Naruto ] By: Batsu13angel  Uploaded On: Mar 7 14:11:09 2008 Charcters: Gaara, Rock Lee Description: Two boys eating noodles O_O RUNAWAAAAY! XD nag just kidding... but I am hungry now. Damn. Image Properties: 457x385 29.49 kb
 | Title: Gaara-kun! [ Anime/Manga :: Naruto ] By: darkjewel  Uploaded On: Nov 4 15:01:26 2007 Charcters: Gaara, Rock Lee Description: Pretty self explanatory. My tribute to Gaara and Lee. Please be kind to my little doodle. Image Properties: 1200x1083 405.89 kb
 | Title: Photograph [ Anime/Manga :: Naruto ] By: darkjewel  Uploaded On: Nov 4 14:57:14 2007 Charcters: Gaara, Rock Lee Description: The inspiration for my fanfic Photograph. All Tsunade wanted was a picture. Looks like senior level shinobi just can't hold still. You'll have to read the story to figure out just how they all got there. Please be kind, I don't actually draw much. Image Properties: 792x638 321.37 kb
 | Title: Sabaku no Gaara [ Anime/Manga :: Naruto ] By: Lil_Pix  Uploaded On: Oct 25 19:18:58 2007 Charcters: Gaara Description: I was attempting to do a proper realistic face and it ended up being Gaara. I know there are a lot of flaws with the sketch, please be gentle. Image Properties: 499x600 68.63 kb
 | Title: GaaraXHinata [ Anime/Manga :: Naruto ] By: GaaHinaAmerLinn  Uploaded On: Oct 7 8:54:37 2007 Charcters: Gaara, Hyuuga Hinata Description: I just LOVE the Gaara and Hinata pairing! It's so cute, because he's so lonely and no one loves him, and she's so shy and Naruto won't pay any attention to her, so she ran to him. Well, actually I think he found her, but... Anyways, so please comment if yo read more Image Properties: 1108x730 76.12 kb
 | Title: Gaara and Akira [ Anime/Manga :: Naruto ] By: Hazumi-chan  Uploaded On: Aug 24 16:44:24 2007 Charcters: Gaara Description: (This was done on paint!) GaaraxOC Please Review! Image Properties: 1089x810 82.3 kb View (2) Visitor Reviews |
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